Parkgate house school second hand uniform?

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Parkgate house school second hand uniform?

Postby mumtoafew » Sat May 04, 2013 8:40 pm

Hello.. I have a son starting in reception at Parkgate in September... We are a family forced down the private route after having been given our 6th (and not very acceptable!) primary state choice. We are In the lucky position to be able to afford the fees, but wld prefer to buy second hand uniform. The school's next second hand sale is after term has started and I have been advised that the uniform is held in storage so they can't access it?! I'd prefer to avoid buying every single item in Harrods, so if anyone has some second hand uniform I can purchase for a reception age boy I would be HUGELY grateful!
Last edited by mumtoafew on Mon May 06, 2013 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Suzie S
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Re: Parkgate house school second hand uniform?

Postby Suzie S » Sun May 05, 2013 5:13 pm

Hi Hels2075,

I have just read your post and I really feel for you.

We have a daughter starting in reception at Parkgate in September also. She was at the nursery at Belleville and we have now been told she is number 88 on the waiting list for reception which is just crazy! We are gutted that we have to move her but we have been very impressed with Parkgate.

If you want to meet up before the start of term please feel free to PM me.

Also - we would love any second hand girls' uniform if there is any one out there with anything suitable for a girl in aged 5-6 clothing. Also, our 2 year old son is starting in the nursery from September so we are also looking for the nursery uniform.

Many thanks and good luck!

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Re: Parkgate house school second hand uniform?

Postby Mils » Sun May 05, 2013 7:29 pm

Have you thought about asking the school if you could put a sign up on their noticeboard?

My kids don't go to Parkgate so can't help with the uniform but wish your LO lots of luck when they start, it's supposed to be a great school.
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Suzie S
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Re: Parkgate house school second hand uniform?

Postby Suzie S » Sun May 05, 2013 7:35 pm

Thanks Mils - I will contact them next week!
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Re: Parkgate house school second hand uniform?

Postby Harveytabitha » Sun May 05, 2013 9:37 pm

I have Parkgate uniform for both boys and girls. Winter, summer, sports kit etc. Pretty much everything that you'll need. Message me back and we can arrange for you to come over and have a look if you're interested.
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