Mum almost mugged in Earlsfield warning!

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Annabel (admin)
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Mum almost mugged in Earlsfield warning!

Postby Annabel (admin) » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:05 pm

This was posted on Facebook by an Earlsfield mum.

It could have been a lot worse and I wanted to repost it (with her permission) as its a really useful reminder to be careful.


This afternoon I managed to avoid having my bag snatched as I walked to my car on Heathfield Road, just by the One O'Clock club...

I noticed a slightly shifty looking teenager cycling towards me, he was looking around and as he drew level with me he swung out into the middle of the road. There was no traffic around and it was very quiet (about 12.20pm) and I had an inkling something wasn't right, so I moved further away from the road and turned round to face him, meaning that my bag, on my shoulder, was on the side away from the road. The guy was still looking around and then completed his turn, reached his arm out and looked towards me - to see me facing him! I looked him right in the eye so that he knew I had seen his face, and he swore at me, did another turn and raced away towards Windmill Rd / Earlsfield Road - I didn't see which way he went as I wanted to get into the car as quickly as I could.

He was white with short brown hair and wearing a dark t-shirt and dark jeans, and on a rather battered bike. It was clear that his plan was to come up behind me and with speed I have little doubt that it would have been difficult for me to hold onto my bag if I had been taken by surprise

So, watch your backs girls ... from now on I will make sure my bag is on the side furthest from the road and that I walk as far from the road as possible ... he wasn't able to reach me and I think the fact that I turned to face him was the last thing he was expecting.

I will let the local police know as well.

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Re: Mum almost mugged in Earlsfield warning!

Postby ESA » Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:33 pm

Thanks for sharing
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Re: Mum almost mugged in Earlsfield warning!

Postby cols13 » Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:40 am

My friend was mugged by a boy on a bike riding on the pavement - so doesnt just happen on the road, and you don't hear them coming... Walking close to the wall with handbag furthest from pavement seems to be the way forward. Or wiring your handbag strap with an electric shock ... :lol:
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Re: Mum almost mugged in Earlsfield warning!

Postby lazy-bones » Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:15 am

In today's society we should all carry a personal security device like a mobile phone with a built in camera/video recorder that sends immediate recordings to our email addresses all at a touch of a single button? This will record the time date and identify possible offenders even if they manage steal your phone or bag they will have been identified & stored to your email address automatically and not on the phone? Obviously if nothing happens you can delete the email.
Unfortunately the police don't seem to take seriously allegations unless you have some substantial evidence or prove.
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Re: Mum almost mugged in Earlsfield warning!

Postby secondtimer » Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:59 am

its not just mums that should be careful. My husband was nearly mugged by two lads on bikes coming home from Clapham South last year. He went up the nearest garden path and rang the doorbell - fortunately someone was home!

They target anyone distracted with a phone in hand or easy to grab laptop bag/handbag. So be vigilant!
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