MMR and Autism Link

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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Wandsworthmummy » Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:55 pm

Can we please clear this up once and for all.


It is a fact.

Many many many man hours have been spent studying the data.

People far far cleverer than any of us have looked at mountains of data and found conclusively THAT THERE IS NO LINK.

If you are a rational human being who believes in modern science so you don't think planes are magic or TV's have little people in them or loo seats can get you pregnant then you must accept there is no link. To believe otherwise is to fly in the face of what we KNOW.
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Writerlady » Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:25 pm

Here here, Wandsworthmummy. Very succinctly put.
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby SusieL » Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:35 pm

I completely agree- on the basis of current data there is no evidence of a link. However it would seem that a court in Italy disagrees (on the advice of 'expert' witnesses). Hmmmmmmm. I suspect here we go again! ... ebate.html
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby AbbevilleMummy » Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:45 pm

Daily Mail article? Italian judicial system? Seriously?!

I certainly will not be guided by a highly emotive paper reporting on a widely regarded as corrupt judicial system!!
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Wandsworthmummy » Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:52 pm


Nothing else to say.

Move on.
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby juliantenniscoach » Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:11 pm

If I'm not mistaken wasn't the orginal author of this theory eventually sanctioned by the GMC as his basic premise was flawed?
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby schoolgatesmum » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:07 pm

And it was the Daily Mail who originally reported on this and caused hundreds of thousand of people not to have the vaccine. Can't believe they're trying again. How irresponsible. It makes me so cross. Does anyone really take the Daily Mail seriously?
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby SusieL » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:53 pm

Agreed- the daily mail is a HORRIBLE VILE publication that is not worth the trees it uses.

However the original data (prior to methods and conflicting personal interests of andrew wakefield led to it being discredited and him being struck off medical register by gmc) was published in the lancet- one of the most respected peer reviewed medical journals in the world. So inflammatory wording (which I'm sure the mail employed) aside any paper should have felt reasonably secure reporting it.

As things stand there is nothing to support a link.
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Elenita4ever » Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:52 pm

Hello - So I have a question on this topic, but I'd like to explain the rationale behind it.

As Mum's, many of the decisions we make are instinctive rather than factual. So whilst I can read (and indeed have read many of the triannums, medical reports and supporting data on this subject) - we have to be aware that these is no such thing as independent research, especially where it is impossible to isolate a relevant control sample.

We also have to consider how the human immune system works. Rather like a computer (that allows you to have different applications running at the same time) our immune system is "multi-threaded" i.e. it can make different anti-bodies for different diseases at the same time.

But like a computer, you can't just keep opening programs one after another without it eventually crashing at some point. Some people have stronger/faster/more efficient immune systems than others - right from the word go. So throw 3 live vaccines at it, no problem. But others don't. And little babies' immune systems are necessarily firing on all cylinders all the time - remember, apart from the vaccines, s/he might also be fighting off a cold or a tummy bug, totally coincidentally, at the same time.

So my instinct tells me not to overload my baby with 3 live vaccines in one go. Not because I think there's a link with Autism and not because I believe that little people live in the TV (although I did want to own a Smash Robot when I was young).

No, my instinct tells me, to give my baby a break for now until she's a few years older - and provide the vaccines (which ARE hugely important) no more than two at a time. Because I can. And because anything else just doesn't feel right to me. Instinctively.

So my question is this: Does anyone have any recommendations where I can get single Rubella and Measles vaccines?

Many thanks
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby peasepudding » Fri Jul 12, 2013 7:42 am

Found a really interesting article I wanted to share on here. ... ex/277695/
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby mummy_dani » Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:08 am

Hi Elenita4ever

My two have the single MMR vaccines and I take them to Baby Jabs on Wimpole Street.
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Bubs » Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:37 am

Parkside also do the 2 singlke jabs that are available.

I agree with the previous poster. For me it's not so much about the general links, but about knowing your child and their health. It's not a great idea to overload them if they have something else going on that's using up a lot of their immune activity .... allergies, viruses, even colds.

In the end though, we waited for a good time for our child (health-wise) and did do the MMR, as our consultant said one big thing to trigger the immune system wasnt really all that different to having to keep doing separate jabs and keep heightening it over and over.

I think it's fine to wait a little, for a time when your child is bigger / stronger & their little system is a little more settled. We'd have waited even longer had the Measles scare not occurred soon after her first birthday anyway.
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Jetsettingbaby » Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:29 am

I have since had a 2nd boy and went to my dr about his vaccines she agreed with me that i should absolutely wait to get the MMR vaccine and to get them separated. Because of our history with vaccines and my 1st son being so ill after them. Also just on a side note..I actually read the medical paper that DR Wakefield ( the dr that was struck off for making the link about MMR and autism) he actually does not say that MMR causes autism he merely points out that in his patients that he was doing the studies on all had the artificial measles virus in their guts.(artificial measles virus is the one used to mimic the measles used in the vaccine) When we got Dylans test back he also had the same artificial measles in his gut cause the leaky gut syndrome. Coincidence ? maybe but interesting no? The medical boards and pharmaceutical company got so freaked out by his findings they kind of went on a which hunt after him and his partner. But he actually never used the words MMR causes autism. he just made the link between the two and asked the question! anyway even if you truly beilive there is no link you do have to admit there is an awful lot of too much too soon . I know its for their good but I like to do a bit more research. Just to clarify I will be separating the MMR vaccine and spacing it out for my new baby boy .. ON DR"S ORDERS !
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Bubs » Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:36 am

I do feel that some kids are contraindicated, because of the whole leaky gut thing. My own child has issues possibly related to leaky gut & there is something in that theory that rings true - having the vaccines whilst the gut is still permeable. Obvs not the case for all, but for some .... how to spot those who could be affected though, million dollar question :(
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby runningmummy » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:33 pm

There is no link. To believe there is any such link is akin witch/black magic beliefs. The fact is that children have died due to not being vaccinated because parents have promoted the incorrect belief there is a link to autism. There s not. If you read the realms of research it is clear that there is NO LIINK.
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