BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced !

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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby supergirl » Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:00 pm

No. A child or an adult needing the loo is not entitled.

A coffee shop saying no is their right.

The person who asked to go to the loo making a fuss with the response because they didnt get their iwn way (when she could have purchased drinks and food and pay by card) and then post on a public forum to name and shame IS entitled.
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby lemonzest » Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:15 pm

I think we can probably put this one to bed now...

1) Of course any business has the right to do whatever they want with their facilities.

2) Manners and goodwill cost very little and may even (shock horror) be good for business.

In my personal opinion it wouldn't have been a great hardship to let the little girl use the toilet that once - if the Mum came again, then by all means turn them away...

For the record the op has already mentioned that the cafe doesn't accept cards (useful info for anyone who wishes to visit).

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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby jessknits » Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:28 pm

What a storm in a …coffee cup. (Sorry, really corny analogy I know).

It’s a shame that the original poster appears to have had such an experience. At the same time it’s a shame that a local and independent small business has been represented in an apparently unbalanced way. Especially when the majority of NappyValley members recognise the special quality of where we live in still having unique and independent businesses serving us.

As for people worrying about Birdhouse losing business - to be honest, steering clear of a business due to a subjective review of a one-off incident rather than trying it for themselves, seems a bit sheltered really. Customer service by nature is varied, and of course open to interpretation. (By that I don’t mean to downplay that this appears to have been stressful for all involved - with balance, in the 'first world problem' sense of the word).

In my experience (which is of course just my individual experience and opinion) they are a unique little café, making brilliant coffee and food, with a great atmosphere and hard working staff.

To the claims they’re not child-friendly (also entirely subjective I realise, but I’d like to offer my alternative perspective) – I go in all the time with my little ones and I’ve never experienced anything other than friendly, attentive service, with my little ones being made a fuss-of. The amenities may not be child-friendly, but is to be expected given the small space – the same could be said for many small cafes on Northcote Rd. Not wanting to stir up the ‘entitled’ debate, but I have witnessed some parents, without really thinking, trying to park huge prams in the entry-way/ walkway there, or let their children run up and down inside – it isn’t just inconvenient, it’s unsafe (staff need to walk past constantly with hot drinks etc and the door opens out to the busy road all the time).

And they do accept cards - with a minimum charge as common with most small businesses.

Agree that this should probably be put to bed now.
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby BFW » Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:52 pm

That is YOUR opinion Supergirl. And I don't agree with it.

I think the subject would have been put to bed earlier had it not been for the "entitled" post which in MY opinion was a bit OTT.
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby Shamummy » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:30 am

OK, so usually I am a reader, not a contributor, but in this case my blood is boiling just enough to warrant a reply. I can probably go one better for a bad experience relating to the toilet facilities at Birdhouse. I was about 2 weeks from giving birth and having brunch there with my OH and, as you do, I needed the loo after food and drinks. I asked the guy behind the counter where the toilets were, and he told me that they only had a staff toilet, and I should walk up the road to the Plough and use theirs. I pointed at my massive stomach and asked nicely if I could possible use theirs as walking was a bit of a struggle for me at that stage. I got nothing. He just pointed me out the door to the Plough. So I had to do what felt like the walk of shame, up the road, and use the toilets. I was a little bit teary to say the least. We paid up, and have never been back. I had almost gotten over it until I read this thread. Disappointing to know it was not a stand alone event.
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby nwt » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:49 am

Had a very similar experience in there last year.

Took my little boy for a half term hot chocolate treat, a pot of tea for me and we shared a slice of cake. Not a massive amount spent.

However, true to form with children, small child asked for the loo as soon as we had sat down.

Asked to use the facilities only to be told it was staff only. And they refused to budge after I said we'd only just sat down.

As a result we had to leave everything and go home to use the toilet. Without touching tea or hot chocolate (although we made sure to take the slice of cake).

Not stepped foot in there since.
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby mumofsoontobetwo » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:43 am

I also am usually a reader/not a poster - I'm afraid mostly because of the heated responses so many posters seem to get now. But I too had a very child-unfriendly experience myself at this same cafe. I went in on a very quiet weekday afternoon with a buggy and the baby asleep inside. As soon as I walked in, I was told that I'd have to leave the buggy by the door, although there were very few customers and enough space. When I pointed out that the baby was asleep, I got a shrug and a point to the door. I said I was meeting a friend, but was told the only way I could stay was to leave the buggy at the door, even though the tables by the door were occupied and there seemed to be plenty of space at the other tables. As I had children later in life myself, I wouldn't have minded any of this, if it had been done politely or in a friendly type of way. But instead, I was made to feel very unwelcome.

Needless to say, I phoned my friend and we met instead at the roomy, gracious, friendly, yummy Plough up the road with none of these issues. When I vented to my friend, she said some places just don't want to be child-friendly and they'll get their own customers that way. I could see her point, so I dropped the issue, but will never go back, at least not with children!
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby cheesesandwich » Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:22 am

Supergirl, do you HAVE children?! Your view of entitlement is very odd in my view. A little one needing the loo happens to us all and it's sad that some idiot in a cafe couldn't just say, yeah sure and buy a croissant on the way out would you? I'd be pd off too frankly. Especially when there are plenty of kid friendly businesses.

And yes this post would have been put to bed were it not for the entitlement that some people feel to post-bash on here!
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby supergirl » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:10 am

I suggest you read before you post and you would get all your snswers cheesesandwich!

I stick to my views. Asking for the loo was fair, the answer tge coffee shop gave was also fair, the OP behaving the way she behaved afterwards was entitled (and rude).
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby NYE31 » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:36 am

Never been to birdhouse & never will now after reading these posts. OMG!
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby cheesesandwich » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:46 pm

me either! I can't imagine they have troops of people in and out so seems like a shortsighted thing to say. never had a problem in gails or anywhere else - so go there next time!
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby windmill26 » Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:53 pm

Good customer service involve a bit more than just selling good coffee!
Twice as many people tell others about bad service than good!
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby Medway » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:15 pm

The problem with the mumsnetification of this site is that more often an not posts are rather judgemental (as typified by some of these posts), and can sometimes be unbearably smug. Super girl your mumsnet link post is weird, you should get out more! (I have been judgemental there but it's ok because I know I am right ;)
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby Katskii1 » Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:51 pm

My thoughts are that you should not name and shame small business on thus forum and surely there are so many more important things to get your knickers in a twist about - get some perspective on life please!!!
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Re: BIRDHOUSE - WORST customer care I have EVER experienced

Postby Mumstwo » Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:08 pm

If Birdhouse think they are to cool for the mummy massive then they have their location very wrong.

If Birdhouse underestimate this close knit community and how word of mouth spreads around here they have their consumer research very wrong.

Equals bye bye Birdie!
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