Help! Cannabis smell in toddlers room from neighbour!

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Re: Help! Cannabis smell in toddlers room from neighbour!

Postby Hypnobirthinglottie » Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:09 pm

OH I feel for you so much. I had this problem in June. I have had the smell of it waft into my house or worse, on my clean washing outside a few times (we part own part rent through family mosaics) and the first time it really bothered me I just knocked on the door and said 'I'm really sorry but your cannabis smell is coming into my living room and I have a baby' and he seemed really mortified and it stopped for ages. Then in June I think they began to do it more and more and also another neighbour above started too! My elderly grandmother was here from Scotland and I was 6 weeks pregnant with Hyperemesis which the cannabis smell coupled with the intense heat of london this summer, made it a million times worse. I first went to knock on their door, but had to call the buzzer and I admit I flipped out and said if they didnt stop it I would call the police. It didn't stop, so I called the police. I had to badger 101 a lot. Cannabis posession is Illegal, it's Illegal to smoke, it's a class B drug I think. It was made class C and now it's back to B i THINK but I may be wrong. I had to give them a hard time, also my housing association and what worked for me was sending a tweet to the housing association, my local MP (I was sooooo sick and desperate and like you, the majority of the smoke was coming right into my now toddlers bedroom window!!!) Also, I tweeted Family Mosiaic and I complained and complained and it has stopped. They denied it was them but funnily enough since the Housing officer went over to speak to them, I haven't smelled it was them! I even told one of them off for it when he was lighting up on the adjacent balcony! Anyway I also told them I was having midwifes making home visits as I was planning a homebirth and I really laid it on thick about how much it was affecting my health.

You DON'T have to put up with it. It IS illegal. Good luck .x
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Re: Help! Cannabis smell in toddlers room from neighbour!

Postby Familycompleted » Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:28 pm

OK - just had a word with the mom next door who was very nice about it and said "she will take a look"..... let's see! I didn't specify "cannabis" but I did say a smell - I think its smoke via chimney stack and floor boards... Was really nice that she was not being defensive at all... Fingers crossed!

And I have the contact details now for the Housing estate guy if need be! Thank you all SO SO much for all the advice and kind words of support!

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Re: Help! Cannabis smell in toddlers room from neighbour!

Postby NYE31 » Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:34 am

Do contact your safer neighbourhood police team & the housing officer, it's not only illegal but also highly anti social. You shouldn't & don't have to put up with it.

Good luck :)
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Re: Help! Cannabis smell in toddlers room from neighbour!

Postby imnotyou » Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:46 pm

It might be worth checking the seal on your son's bedroom window and seeing if there's anything you can do to prevent/reduce the smoke getting in. cant think of what else to say really.
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Re: Help! Cannabis smell in toddlers room from neighbour!

Postby Redwhale » Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:01 pm

I really feel for you, cannabis is illegal and I hope it stays that way.

It is antisocial, smelly and very unhealthy. You don't have to put up with this situation  - I suggest that you call 101 and make your concerns and complaints known to them. 
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Re: Help! Cannabis smell in toddlers room from neighbour!

Postby butternutsquash » Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:24 pm

I have just been directed to this site via google and have a similar problem. Did you resolve this and if so how?
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