Fertility clinics

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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby Txmom » Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:08 pm

Hi Just for my 2 cents - i started my ICSI with Chelsea and switched to Guy's ACU. I would recommend Guys ACU highly but ackowledge I have also heard good things about AGRC and Lister. After struggling at C&W, I saw Robert Winston (founder of IVF in UK) on TV saying there were only a few clinics he would recommend - so I emailed him and he put me in touch with a guy connected with Guy's ACU and ended up there and it worked. Twins now and very happy. But my time with ICSI/IVF started about 8 years ago and things move swiftly in this space so good to get input from current patients!
Good luck to you.
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby LMC1 » Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:10 pm

We used the Bridge Centre, and were very pleased with the service - friendly, open and helpful. I am sorry that others have not had the same experience. The nurses in particular were always on call and unstintingly kind (great when I called from Geneva airport in floods of tears having just started bleeding......) and the consultant seemed to know his stuff. They kept trying different ideas when the first couple of cycles did not work and in the end we were blessed with our second daughter. In terms of your depression, they used to offer a counselling service as well (I am not sure if they still do - our daughter is now 4) which might be worth looking at.

Our first daughter was conceived through IVF at the clinic at St Georges which has since closed, and we had an unsuccessful cycle at Hammersmith, but decided to move as it was just too far away - I agree with the earlier post that if at all possible you need something close to work/home as you will be making regular visits, albeit thankfully not twice a day for us! Good luck with the process
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby scrappybluecat » Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:51 pm

Hi there
I would recommend
CRM London
Park Lorne
111 Park Road
Tel: 0207 616 6767

They are so friendly and caring - not the cheapest but just brilliant.
Good luck
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby swayam2003 » Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:43 pm

A note to Magdalen -
Thank you so much for your kind words which are greatly reassuring. Most of what you said has been validated by my friends and family whom I discussed this with, after reading Marmite's comments (which I think were extremely insensitive but I'll give her the benefit of doubt in that perhaps, she didn't read my post entirely).

I have decided to park such fearful thoughts for the moment and just enjoy my beautiful twins who are currently healthy and happy. Should, God forbid, they have any health scares later in life, I'll deal with it appropriately at the time.

Thank you once again for your thoughtfulness and for your time.

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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby MrsAmanda » Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:38 pm

When we couldn't conceive and the NHS washed their hands of us, I went to Zita West's clinic. She put me in touch with the Lister and we had successful ICSI.

I agree about choosing location carefully. If you have IVF. I was living in Balham and working in the City. I didn't especially want my employers to know what I was doing. For a couple of weeks, I had 8am appointments at the hospital every other day before heading into work. They thought I was having some extensive dental treatment!!
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby JThomas » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:36 pm

Another vote for Guys and St Thomases. No doubt biased by the fact that we were successful on our first cycle, but I found they ran to time, so no long waits for blood tests or scans and have a very simple and clear pricing structure.

Also, I'm not sure if it is still running, but I can't recommend the Bridge's MindBody course highly enough. You didn't have to be a patient at the Bridge to do it. It brought together, on a weekly basis, a group of women doing IVF and worked through various techniques (breathing exercises, yoga, mindfulness, a little bit of cognitive behavioural therapy etc) for dealing with the stress of infertility. I'm still in touch with all the girls I met through it and their support was really important to me.


Good Luck!
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