Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby papinian » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:25 pm

Amme_2005 wrote:Wow, I am sitting here in shock yet again at how vile some people are in slamming other peoples views and beliefs.

Whether you agree with a poster about a topic or not, I firmly believe that there are nicer ways to get across your view that just being mean and insulting.

Fine, if you don’t agree with circumcision, then so be it - state that and your reasons why if you feel the need - but can’t you be respectful at the same time.

One day you might be in need to advice or have a belief that others dont share and find yourself on the receiving end of some insulting and mean commentary.

Shame on you - you know who you are (or maybe you don’t, and that’s the problem!)
Amme_2005: Every society has norms. Some are more settled, some are more contested. Male circumcision for non-religious reasons is not a norm in this country. In fact, even its legality is questioned.

In terms of what I have said in my posts on this thread: Circumcision is mutilation. Circumcision is a barbaric practice - it started with primitive tribes as a way of differentiating the tribe from others (see posting up the thread by another poster). The only statement I made about the original poster is that she is an American who is bringing her cultural baggage about circumcision with her - she doesn't want to conform to norms in this country (and fair enough if she doesn't).

On the other hand the words "vile", "insulting" and "mean" that you used are pretty strong. It's unfortunate that you that can't distinguish between strong statements and personal abuse.

What I find ironic about this whole thread is that someone who in statements on other threads has said that she is involved in the Natural Childbirth Trust which makes such a big thing of natural childbirth being best is looking at doing something rather unnatural to her son (without his consent).
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby runningmummy » Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:32 am

If it is being done for a proper medical reason then fine, if for Religious reasons the it is barbaric and is cruel for anyone to inflict this on anyone let alone their own child.
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby NYE31 » Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:56 pm

I read an article in the Telegraph a few weeks ago about how until not that long ago, both the Bristsh Royal Family & many Aristocractic Families circumcised their baby boys.
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby daisydaisy » Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:08 pm

Wow what a lot of narrow-minded, ignorant and, in my opinion, borderline racist comments.
Rachelko, my son was circumcised by Doctor Howard Cohen (google him- he's based in Wimbledon.) he came to our house, spend a lot of time talking us through the process and offered aftercare, which we never needed as our son didn't notice a thing. He healed beautifully, unlike my friend's 2 yr old who had to have an emergency circumcision at gt ormond st as his foreskin was too tight.
For those ignoramuses out there, shame on you- especially Pali an: male and female circumcision are VERY different.
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby papinian » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:17 am

daisydaisy wrote:Wow what a lot of narrow-minded, ignorant and, in my opinion, borderline racist comments.
Rachelko, my son was circumcised by Doctor Howard Cohen (google him- he's based in Wimbledon.) he came to our house, spend a lot of time talking us through the process and offered aftercare, which we never needed as our son didn't notice a thing. He healed beautifully, unlike my friend's 2 yr old who had to have an emergency circumcision at gt ormond st as his foreskin was too tight.
For those ignoramuses out there, shame on you- especially Pali an: male and female circumcision are VERY different.
daisydaisy: Perhaps you could explain what exactly is borderline racist about disagreeing with male circumcision. As far as I am aware all boys, whatever their race, are born with a foreskin. In my view, all of them, whatever their race, should get to decide whether or not they keep it. It's really sad when people like you throw around unfounded accusations of racism against anyone who disagrees with you.

Perhaps you could also explain how exactly male and female circumcision are difference. In male circumcision the foreskin is removed. In female circumcision the clitoral hood is removed. These are functional equivalents that develop from the same tissue with the variation being a male/female difference. I refer you to the following webpage: ... ation-fgm/

I am reluctant to do so but I am afraid that I going to have to ask Annabel to contact you to ask you not to make baseless allegations of racism and personal abuse simply because posters have a view different to yours.
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby papinian » Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:56 am

Here is the abstract of a study published in May of this year in BJU Int. (formerly the British Journal of Urology):

BJU Int. is a peer-reviewed medical journal that was established in 1929 and is one of the leading international urology journals (

The conclusions of the study, as reported in the abstract are as follows: "This study confirms the importance of the foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile functioning. Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as compared with the uncircumcised population. Before circumcision without medical indication, adult men, and parents considering circumcision of their sons, should be informed of the importance of the foreskin in male sexuality."

It really troubles me that several posters on this thread advocating male circumcision, including daisydaisy and anootka, who clearly come from cultural traditions that practice male circumcision, have tried to imply that there are sound health reasons for male circumcision. There are not.

Male circumcision is exactly parallel to female circumcision. Both are done as a cultural tradition. Both are done by parents that love their children. Perhaps the only difference is that those practising male circumcision are in the western world and those practising female circumcision are not.
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby daisydaisy » Sat Oct 26, 2013 7:46 am

I have not implied any health reasons for circumcision, although there are.
Yes there is research to prove anything, for / against if you look hard enough. I stick by my view that comments about this post are ignorant and, yes, in a court of law would be found racist.
I have to say again, male and female circumcision are VERY different.
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby daisydaisy » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:28 am

Ooh touchy! Truth hurt?
Against Americans. I am not one myself but comments like that are offensive. Being an expert at google dies not make one knowledgeable. There have been too many insulting comments on this site. I feel perhaps the people whom have made them may not be very bright.
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby KatherineHepburn » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:43 am

Daisy, perhaps you need to explain further?
How is this thread racist?
Plenty of people were just asking for a reason why, a clear explanation of why it seems so important to remove a section of skin from a boys penis. There is no medical reason for this, the NHS is quite clear about it.
How is this then racist?
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby dansk1234dance » Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:47 am


Please read this article from the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit medical practice and medical research group based in Minnesota, USA. It is the first and largest integrated not-for-profit medical group practice in the world, employing more than 3,800 physicians and scientists and 50,900 allied health staff ... y-its-done
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks.
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby Annabel (admin) » Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:11 pm

Hello Everyone
This topic has obviously stirred some strong feelings and I feel I need to step in to do a little moderation.

The original request was for information, not to open a debate.

I understand some people feel very strongly that circumcision is wrong but we are a local community forum and if someone has requested information then unless that request is illegal then it should be allowed to stand.

That request should also not be hijacked by those with a different agenda.

Likewise I have no intention of stopping those people who feel strongly about circumcision actually having a debate, although please remember that we should be a local friendly neighbourly forum and we all attend/visit the same schools/parks etc.

So I have split the debate into two.

The original request for information is here: ... 15&t=41093

I have also "spliced" in some replies which answered the original question.

Please only contribute to THAT thread if you have useful information that might help the original poster. Any comments that seek to enter a debate on whether or not we should go down the circumcision route will be removed as soon as I am aware of them. Answer the question or don't post at all.

Please feel free to continue the debate about whether or not circumcision is a positive course of action here in this thread, but I must remind everyone to be respectful of other peoples views and to remind you all that legally you are all responsible for anything you write on NappyValleyNet.

Thank you everyone for using NVN!

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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby Casper » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:28 pm

I am amazed that this practice is still legal in this country. It is just staggering that some believe that it is necessary for hygiene reasons - why not just teach good hygiene? As for the religious reasons..... Poor little boys. It shocks me what goes on in this world sometimes.
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Re: Clinic for Newborn Son Circumcision Needed

Postby pearlywhite » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:54 pm

Oh gosh, that video was very upsetting.

As a parent I don't think I could stand by and listen to my baby cry like that because of something I'd chosen to do to him. Really quite shocked.
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