MMR and Autism Link

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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby AbbevilleMummy » Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:46 pm

The problem is that people read posts like these, worry terribly (and unnecessarily) about the safety of the MMR vaccine and then subsequently don't get their child vaccinated at all. Either because they can't afford it privately or they just simply forget to sort it out. It is wrong to say that MMR vaccines decrease but use of single vaccines increase.

And also, the single vaccines are not licensed here in the UK. Of course you can still get them if you pay for them privately, but they are not licensed. Doesn't that mean that you are then giving your child vaccines that have been less rigorously tested, approved etc than the MMR? That's insane?!

I wish more people would understand that private healthcare does not equate to better healthcare in the UK, especially when it comes to paediatric healthcare.
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby GES77 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:45 pm

I agree entirely with PeasePudding, so won't repeat what she has said.

I looked at the single vaccines and what put me off was that each vaccine needs to be given twice which is 6 injections (which is 6 trips to Harley Street where I think Babyjabs is located). I know that I would probably forget to give them all. But what was the real clincher is that the Mumps vaccine is no longer made (and hasn't been made for a few years). So by not giving the MMR, you leave your child unvaccinated for Mumps (I think there is a worldwide shortage of the single vaccine). So yes, personally I felt it was irresponsible not to give my children the MMR (which reminds me that one of my boys needs his booster!)
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby susanl3000 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:09 pm

Suggest all autism’s mum check your child’s neck and back

Because of the absence of a clear understanding about what causes autism, it is very difficult to find effective therapies. In fact, autism sufferers hardly get any helpful treatment.

My husband is a neck and back specialist. His brother was an autism suffer. His original aim to study traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and western conventional medicine is try to help his brother. He did not get success, his brother died at 30 years old about twenty years ago. Recently he told me if my brother still alive, I might be able to give him more help now. This is because he is treating a autism boy, whose situation is very similar to his brother’s, he found the boy’s neck have some problem, he thinks that might be the partial cause. He never had this idea with his brother’s problem before, medically there is no report showing the link between neck and autism. Focus on helping his neck by acupuncture, therapeutic massage and herbs, the boy’s improvement is obvious and the parents are satisfied.

Nowadays many people suffer from neck and back problem. Babies or children are easy to damage their neck or back as well when they were born or fell some times. This kind of damage may not be obvious, but it may cause long term impact for their health and development in various ways.

So we suggest every mum check your child’s neck and back. Normally the neck should be supple, flexible and turning freely. The head should turn both sides equally. The muscles and ligaments in the shoulders, neck and back should be soft and smooth.

If you are not sure, please do not hesitated and come to us, we offer free consultation and check up.

We cannot say sorting out neck/back problem can cure autism, but we are sure it will definitely improve the quality of their life.

If you like to have a treatment, we just charge £20 for 30 mins treatment, £20 for a week herbs if it is necessary (autism children only). For single mum and unemployed parents, further discount is available on the request.

Our clinic is in Sutton, if you think it is too far, my husband will have a summer park course to teach Tai Chi Yi Gong in Wandsworth common every Wednesday 7-8pm, start from 18th /04/12. You can bring your child to meet him in the park. You need to book it in advance.

Please get in touch. Email:, 0203 4892139 07868427332
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby emsken » Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:26 pm

The HS website says the MMR jab doesnt contain mercury? ... thiomersal
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby NPMum » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:46 am

I've been reading this conversation with some interest. I am glad that someone pointed out that the science behind these fears have been discredited. I did separate my kids vaccinations, but about the time my kids were being vaccinated they started phasing thermisol (mercury) out of the vaccines. It's not the vaccines that people were worried about, but the binding agent and this binding agent is no longer used, at least that was the case in the US about 7 years ago.

As for Autism itself, it is something you are born with. You don't catch it and it doesn't go away. Early intervention can teach people who are on the spectrum coping skills and some slot into neuro-typical society without most people noticing a difference. However, without autism we may not be typing on these forums -many people who work in technology are on the spectrum including Bill Gates. Having a child diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum is difficult, but it doesn't mean life is over, it's just different and different is ok.

The link between the MMR and autism scares parents because coincidentally the jabs happen along the same time that signs of autism may be noticed.

To learn more about it:
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby ally30_1998 » Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:01 pm

Amazed to see that all the same old debates about Autism and MMR are still going strong after 14 years.
Also that people are still popping up with quack 'cures'...
Autism is basically an umbrella description for a set of behaviours - thats why no two autistic people are ever the same and why no one can really predict the outcome for an individual autistic child.
There are lots of commonalities but one size doesn't fit all. (it rarely does with most disabilities if you think about it..).
I remember when all this kicked off in 1998 - before it made the news etc. There were some very convincing arguments and some very distressed parents. There were also some very convinced professionals around at the time as well. I was convinced enough not to have my son's booster given to him (but only after getting a titer <sp?> test done to check existing immunity) - i figured he was struggling enough as it was (being autistic with MLD) so didn't want to tempt fate as it were.
If i had a baby now I would definitely give them the MMR vaccine and all the other vaccines (my son has had all his others - with the BCG being, without doubt, the nastiest of the lot!).But i would make very sure said child was healthy and well over any infections - so i probably wouldn't do it in the winter when all under fives seem to be 85% snot.

In retrospect, my son was autistic from birth. My only doubt is that he may have not had the learning problems had he not been in such a state on arrival (apgar of 2, long time to rescuss), so his autism may have manifested in a different way. He actually did have a bit of a reaction to one vaccination - the one they give at 8 weeks - is it diphtheria? I can't remember and of course it may all be different now.

He also 'withdrew' after his MMR (although i can't say with certainly that he was developing normally because he was definitely delayed with lots of things) - but i don't think it was what made him withdraw. I suspect it was more to do with his age (15 months) and increasing 'social' development - autistic development tends to happen on skewed lines. Things happen at different times and can take longer or can develop incredibly quickly - each child is completely different (thank goodness).

It's been a long road but he's now nearly 19, considered well mannered and polite and doing very well at college (yes he still has learning difficulties but accepts he has to work twice as hard to get to the same spot - it's made him incredibly self disciplined and focused - rather than just focused on the obsessions all the time).

He's been very lucky - i appreciate that. I have many friends with autistic children of varying degrees of autism, concomitant with learning difficulties, adhd, cp, or whatever. Some of my friends were very distressed to watch their child's language disappear in a few months. The worst thing was professionals who just didn't believe them. Professionals seem far more aware nowadays. I used to spend 30 mins of every appointment with a health professional educating said professional about autism (their initiative). I had already read all 8 books that were available on the subject at the time :-)

Im so glad it has changed a lot in the last 20 years but it makes me sad to see the same debates and assumption that a child with autism must be 'suffering' or need to be cured.

I concur with the last poster who mentioned mercury poisoning can come from many sources. I agree - this is an under researched area, although i think it speaks volumes when dentists will avoid removing a mercury filling at all costs because of the risk to themselves!
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby ally30_1998 » Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:19 pm

JSB, you said :
Both my self and my partner got tested for autism to see if it was genetic. Neither one of us carry it<<

Is there really a test for autism now? Time flies! What do they look for?
Who does the tests?
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Jetsettingbaby » Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:08 pm

They are still in trial period for this at the moment but more than 10,000 parents have been tested. I am really bad with all the lingo, but basically down syndrome children, and other children with disabilities they have certain chromosomes that are different to "normal" children. They say that if its gentic its passed down through a parent. So they asked us when we got the diagnosis would we be up for taking part and of course we said yes. if it can help research and also to know if any of our other future children would have it. We both came back negative for what ever gene they were looking for. What ever your views are on MMR its not just the MMR its what we are putting in to our babies bodies and which babies can take it or not. All vaccines have a preservative in it. Metals, mercury toxins ect and some babies with weaker immune systems can not take this. So all i am saying is be aware dont just follow the crowed know your baby and know there are other options. I know one mum who waited till her baby was little older to get it! Anyway Iam not going to read any more of these posts cause i think i am being mis interpreted, and I just wanted to raise awareness. if anyone wants to PM questions I am more than happy to answer them. But please dont PM telling me I am doing more harm than good in talking about this, and telling me I am being irresponsible. Once again I am not against vaccines! thanks
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby izzye789 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:48 pm

there is a link between mmr and autism.i know this for a fact.those that have had there children done and there ok well then there very lucky i wouldnt. sorry
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Minnie » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:21 pm

Jese that's a bold statement. You know that for a fact, do you? Well let's here your facts then!?
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby izzye789 » Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:24 pm

sorry i cant say.
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Minnie » Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:28 pm

Well then why post if your not going to give an explanation!
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Jetsettingbaby » Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:16 am

this was just in the paper today
a family in italy have been awarded £140,000 from the italian government, the story reads just like my sons ... ebate.html
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby lamj1974 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:28 am

Luvunyick - i think that is a really bold and ridiculous statement if you can't back it up. In fact the way you have written it sounds like a hoax and you should be careful.

We are SO SO lucky in this country that we have vaccines at all. i'm sure the women in africa, india etc wouldn't be having this kind of debate - it's ridiculous. It's like women who go privately to have their children, when we are so damn lucky to have such an amazing NHS and maternity units.

Back to the subject. My son is on the autistic spectrum and some signs were noticeable WAY BEFORE he even had the MMR. I didn't hesitate one single bit to get the vaccine as, previously mentioned i felt we are so lucky. AS somebody else said, we are probably all on the spectrum in some way or the other and it's just how it manifests itself.

Please don't go around making such bold statements without backing it up - it's scaremongering in an emotional charged subject.
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Re: MMR and Autism Link

Postby Minnie » Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:47 pm

Just read the article. Crazy stuff.
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