Serious danger on Northcote Rd

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Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby Soon-to-be-a-SMOG » Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:53 am


Firstly, apologies in advance for a rather sombre post !

I'm a local mother, whose child suffered a horrible accident last week along Northcote Road and whilst I have raised my concerns with a local councillor (and got a prompt reply to assure me they were investigating the issue) I'd really like to bring this to people's attention and advise everyone to take extra caution along this stretch of Northcote Rd. My email to the council is below and summarises where / what happened. We were incredibly lucky and my child appears to be - quite miraculously - relatively unscathed, my fear is that others may not be so fortunate so please read and take good care :

"I'm contacting you with regard to a major concern over an area of Northcote Road where my 5 year old child had an horrific accident last Friday, upon walking past the area today there appears to have been nothing done to remedy the situation. I will summarise what happened, and hopefully we can find some way to take this forward.

My child is in reception at a local school, and as her year exited a coach after a school trip last week they were lined up near some railings toward the end of Northcote Road, behind where the 319 / G1 bus would stop if it were headed toward Streatham from Clapham Junction. There is a row of houses / flats here, with the railings in front of basement flats.

My child leant back, and instead of a railing (but looking very much like a railing) there was an unlocked gate down to nowhere - no steps, just a sheer drop of practically an entire storey down onto a concrete floor. As I watched, unable to reach, my child fell backwards / headfirst downwards into the basement and was laying on the concrete with only stinging nettles breaking her fall. How on earth she's escaped with her life, and/or no broken bones is beyond me, beyond any of the horrified bystanders who witnessed this, and most of the medical professionals I've spoken with subsequently.

Upon walking past the scene of the accident today I noted with disgust that the gate was swinging open, with the ridiculously perilous drop still looming. This is not only incredibly unsafe, and frankly a potential death trap for any small children walking past (it's Northcote Rd, very close to schools and nurseries - there are many children jostling for room on the pavement), but also the elderly and any passing pedestrians are at risk.

I would urge you to take very swift action before someone else seriously injures themselves, or worse. As well as the devastating effect this would have on any family, it's a potential court case for your council should, god forbid, someone not be so lucky as my child was in this instance".

I'm tempted to go along with a padlock and lock it myself if I see it open again ! To reiterate, there are no steps down from this gate - just a drop. It's utter madness that it should remain open.
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby hayfeversufferer » Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:41 pm

Gosh how awful, I hope that your daughter isnt too traumatised?
Did the council suggest that the gate was going to be locked soon?
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby supergirl » Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:50 pm

Hope your child is getting better and over the trauma, please let us know.

I wonder whether it would be faster to write or talk to the owner. If the railing belongs to a house, it is the responsibility of the owner of the place I would imagine.

A friend of mine had a daughter going to A&E after she bumped onto a car whilst on her scooter on Spencer Rd. The people park their car on their drive but as their car are so big, they stick out and are a major potential hazard for a child who is not always looking where they are going.
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby susiep23 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:59 pm

sorry to hear about you're duaghter i hope she is ok now.. how horendous!!

i would definately be tempted to go and lock the gate myself also. Have u tried to know to see who lives there? if there would be any objection from reidents on keeping the gate secured?/ im sure this wouldnt be a problem given the consequence of gate not being kept locked. I simple metal lock like you get at the park would be fine and easy for all residents elderly etc to use and prevent the same incident from happening again.

let us know if you hear anything from the council
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby MGMidget » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:43 pm

Yes, it is the responsibility of the owner. However, if the house is where I think it is, it may be owned by the council. I too have seen a terrible drop down from a gate near a 319 bus stop, I assume the same one you are talking about, and had to watch out for my son for the past three years. I always thought it was an accident waiting to happen.
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Blakeys mum
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby Blakeys mum » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:56 pm

Thank you for posting this to make people aware. How disgusting and infuriating that nothing has been done. What is wrong with people?!
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby Soon-to-be-a-SMOG » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:50 pm


The council have said they believe it's a housing association property and as such have contacted them to instruct them to secure the gate. So they've started proceedings, and responded quickly, but who knows how long it will take to filter down to it actually being done - hence my post meanwhile.

My daughter is well, I've had her checked over today and whilst we're keeping an eye on a small head injury, and some complaints of tummy pain (which don't appear to be serious - more general aches and pains from the fall) she should recover fully.

Thanks all for your concern, I'm glad so many people are aware already.
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby Soon-to-be-a-SMOG » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:04 pm

A reply, from Wandsworth Council (via Councillor Peter Dawson) today for everyone's information :

"Wandsworth’s Housing Department has confirmed that all the properties in this terrace are owned by Wandle Housing Association and they have been in contact and arranged inspection visits. The latest message I have received is that Wandle HA will replace all gate latches with new drop latches and a strong spring on the hinge side of the gate to ensure it closes quickly and properly if left open. Wandle will also place signs on the gates warning of the danger. Apparently the gas and electricity meters are located in the semi-basement areas so meter readers need access to them using the mounted wall ladders".

I have asked whether something a little more difficult for small fingers to navigate than drop latches might be more appropriate, especially if these gates are only used for access, but have said I welcome the changes and hope they're brought into effect quickly. Many thanks to Councillor Dawson for such swift action on this so far.

(Daughter - in good health, happy little soul during the day, though troubled by night terrors following the accident).
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby supergirl » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:17 pm

Hopefully this will be done quickly!

Glad to see your daughter is getting better.
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby Suslik » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:49 pm

This is an ansolutely scary and awful story! i live right around the corner from there any never saw the danger. but will be going to honeywell next year and will be passing that place ecery day! lots of kids there.

could you tell us the house number there? i am not in the UK at the moment, but maybe someone can just out a rope around the gate so it can be undone if someone needs to get in but does not swing open?! not sure if can be done as have not seen the gate, but normally with any railing you can tie with a rope?
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby legalmum » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:49 am

oh dear, this sounds awful! i do hope it gets sorted.
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby Storm138 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:49 pm

Hello - I don't normally post and don't often have much time but I was shocked by your story.

My husband has advised me that under the Occupiers Liability Act 1974 (but may be have been updated) the housing association is clearly responsible and you could take legal action against them very easily. I would suggest you have been far too lenient.

The HA should have remedied the situation within hours after being contacted by the Councillor.

FYI. This is the Act that a burglar would use if he hurt himself on your property whilst breaking and entering and you would be liable; and could potentially be sued.

I hope this is useful.
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby rebel » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:41 pm

I agree with Storm - the Housing Association should have been round within hours fixing the gates before someone is killed. You would definitely be in a position to sue.

I also feel guilty as I warn my kids going past - but never called the council or knocked. Sorry.

Hope she continues to improve.
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby legalmum » Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:44 pm

Have you considered talking with a personal injury solicitor?
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Re: Serious danger on Northcote Rd

Postby rebel » Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:08 pm

I see some signs warning of a straight drop are fixed to all the gates now, not sure that solves the problem unless the gates are now firmly bolted as well? Small children don't tend to read signs.................
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