Flu Jab - views?

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Flu Jab - views?

Postby KatherineHepburn » Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:20 pm

I have just had a letter through from our docs concerning getting the flu jab for my daughter.
Has anyone got any feedback on the vaccination?

I am feeling pretty unsure about having this for my 8 month old but would be interested in any opinions - especially from those working in the health industry.

Thanks much.
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Re: Flu Jab - views?

Postby moops » Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:09 pm

Hi Kate! :lol:

Are you talking about the normal flu jab or Swine flu? If it is the latter, here is a thread discussing the Swine Flu jab for under 5's

http://www.nappyvalleynet.com/viewtopic ... +flu#p3565" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Flu Jab - views?

Postby KatherineHepburn » Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:25 pm

Cheers Moops,

Will have a read.
Not sure that I'm going to do it....will ponder..
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Re: Flu Jab - views?

Postby Laurie » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:47 am

I gave the swine flu jab to my 10 month old son and we had 2 days of him being a bit out of sorts. One afternoon of a fever that went down as soon as I gave him calpol.
If you do it maybe aim for a Friday so you have the weekend to get him back to normal. The reaction was pretty minimal and less of a pain than actual swine flu.
By the way he didn't even cry when he had the jab.
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Quilty Pleasures
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Re: Flu Jab - views?

Postby Quilty Pleasures » Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:25 pm

Hi Katherine,

My three (4, 2 and 8 months) just had their jabs about 2 weeks ago and were absolutely fine.

My husband is works in healthcare and has also had it due to the nature of his work. He and I did a lot of research about it beforehand, and came to the conclusion that the possible side effects involved in having the jabs, are far less than the side effects they would suffer as a result of swine flu so we decided to take them along for the jabs.

The younger they are the better actually because they will have only just had their other jabs so it's not a major trauma for them, my 4 year old was more traumatised by the sight of the doctors coming at her with a needle than any actual pain. None of our children suffered any localised swelling, redness or grizzliness afterwards, but my husband did suffer from some localised swelling for a day or two.

Good luck with your decision making!

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Re: Flu Jab - views?

Postby KatherineHepburn » Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:31 pm

Still completely undecided...flap flap..
...although looking at the toys at the 1 o'clock club and Ella's desire to put them all in her mouth...hmmmm :)
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Re: Flu Jab - views?

Postby juliantenniscoach » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:29 pm

we've passed on the swine flu jab for our 2yr old. she has egg allergy and there wasn't sufficient information on the testing of that version. it's a flip of the coin isn't it?
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