Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

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Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby supergirl » Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:03 pm

I was very upset when i heard that they got away with not paying any taxes for so many years...

I tend not to go to Starbuck when around here unless i have to nip in waitrose and havent had a coffee yet.
But if i am central London, they are everywhere so hard to miss. So i do go overall often enough.

Lets bring all of our custom to independant businesses that pay their taxes snd boycott Starbuck. We are lucky to have a lot of them around.

I think Starbuck managements are a disgrace to have allowed it to happen, particularly at the moment when the economy is bad snd lots of people are suffering from all the cuts.

Are you in? Sx
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby schoolgatesmum » Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:47 pm

I'm with you Supergirl. I very rarely go into Starbucks anyway - I don't like the company and I think the coffee's awful. My favourite place to go is Al Gusto - lovely coffee, friendly staff and I bet they pay their taxes! Stick with the independents.
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby livegreen » Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:52 pm

Well done. I agree with both of you, but we should avoid all the chains.
Watched Newsnight last night and cannot believe that their tax avoidance is all "legal" when morally wrong.
I sometimes wonder if I am in the minority in paying my correct tax.
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby ebonymummy » Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:56 am

I think it is a good idea, however if you are going to boycott organisations that set up their international businesses to avoid paying corporation tax, it doesn't leave a lot of places for you to go!
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby NYE31 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:05 am

I'm in, I never go to Starbucks & I try to go to independents wherever I can although I agree it's hard in central London.

Al Gusto gets my vote on Northcote Road & we are v.lucky to have Barmouth Kitchen just arond the corner from us.

The Pantry on Old York Road is nice too but I wish they would stock skimmed milk for skinny lattes as they only have full fat - not even semi skimmed :(
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby rtaylor72 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:14 am

Unfortunately for decades we have all been suckers for brand power and the relentless march of the multinational and forgotten largely the allure of personal service from independents who keep our high streets fresh attractive and differentiated.

perhaps the disgrace that is tax avoidance will lead to a revitalisation of independents as places deserving of our business as at least we know thatthose who make profit are paying to keep roads schools parks and society functional.

Lets not forget the biggest tax avoiders are probably the technology companies we all use weekly ie Google, amazon, ebay and many household names such as investment house Henderson relocated tax domicile to Ireland
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Location: Tooting

Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby TraceyR » Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:37 am

I'm pleased that I've not yet been into the (fairly) new Starbucks in Tooting - and after this news broke, I certainly won't frequent them again - my vote goes to Costa or Caffe Nero (for chains) but most definitely for small independents!

"Down south" here in Tooting we have the Graveney & Meadow coffee shop/bakery opening tomorrow quite close to Tooting Broadway station (soft launch I believe; main launch on Thursday) - can't wait to try them out - they're stocking Wibble teas made by a friend of mine, so seems they're very much about supporting local businesses too... so I invite you all to have a coffee in Tooting one day ;-)
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby Harri78 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:14 am

The debate regarding the payment of tax by multinational companies is an interesting one, particularly in light of the media coverage and heightened public interest in times where taxes are high and income is frozen. Yes - it does seem unfair that mutlinationals such as Starbucks etc are able to structure their corporate structures in such a way to mitigate large tax bilss and even, in some cases and for a period of time, pay no tax. Corporation tax liability, much like personal tax liability is determined based on net profits (i.e. profits after deducting all allowable expenses related to the business, current year trading losses and even losses from previous years or losses within the UK group). Therefore, in some tax years, a tax bill comes in at a low amount. It is entirely legal for multinationals operating in the UK to do this. Whether or not it is "moral" to do so is a different question. Of course, UK tax legislation DOES include many tax avoidance rules which seek to prevent reduction of tax liabilities where there is for example no economic substance to the transactions and structures in place which allow for this to happen. In fact, these rules become more and more complicated every year and broader and broader in scope. However, if the UK tax regime did not allow for companies to mitigate their UK tax liability, then they would simply take their business elsewhere and that would have a knock-on impact on the UK economy and not to mention the job market and who would then ultimately lose in such a scenario. Indeed, some multintionals have already moved their HQ away from the UK for this reason. It should be noted that in at least Starbucks case, they are headquartered in the US which has one of highest corporate tax rates in the world. I'm not trying to defend multinationals that mitigate their tax liabilities, I'm simply saying that they, like everyone else, are entitled to do so, and trying the explain a bit more about how the UK tax regime operates. Personally, I don't like chains and would much rather visit an independent coffee shop, those that have a greater need for custom in these tough times and will be doing so. I would also like to finish by saying that regardless of how multinationals conduct themselves tax-wise, there are people who are involved in genuine tax avoidance, for example, those who pay their nannies in cash or by cheque and therefore avoid paying their share of National Insurance contributions. That is not tax mitigation. I would rather focus my energy on petitioning the government to change the tax rules to allow for working parents to deduct the cost of their childcare from their own personal tax bill, like in other European countries and try to level the playing field of tax mitigation for individuals with that of companies.
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby Wuzzaleena » Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:30 pm

I totally agree and won't set foot in a starbucks (and try to avoid the other chain coffee shops as well). We are lucky there are so many local independent coffee shops in our area of London so absolutely no need to spend our £££ with the multinationals . My picks for excellent coffee (a strong hot flat white is my tipple of choice) are Lavish Habit on Bedford Hill (gorgeous fit out) and Dee Light Bakery on Ritherdon road (best cakes in town). So come on lets all support local and independent!!!

Here's an interesting blog about the coffee shops in Balham http://spillingthebeansonbalham.blogspot.co.uk/
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby juliantenniscoach » Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:40 pm

I haven't used Starbucks when I realised they used beatle juice extract for colouring!!!!!! Like really? Coffee needs colouring????

We are lucky that there are plenty of other options.
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby Pilar » Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:28 pm

Why is so hard to find an independent in central London? Easy! Most of people pop in coffee chains; is in our hands to avoid these in the other areas of London.
Personally I avoid these coffee chains, and burger chains or pub chains.
All my support and ££ for the independents and their efforts (everyday more)
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby Camille » Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:53 pm

Great to see the replies on here and I haven't been to Starbucks for ages... apart from anything their prices are a rip off and their product no better than average. Support the independents everyone...
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby ekf » Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:23 am

I think Starbucks coffee is awful. I really don't understand why it's so popular.
A funny suggestion on 8 out 10 Cats the other night was when you order a coffee and they ask your name, which they now write on your cup apparently, is to say "Taxpayer". :D
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Re: Who's with me for boycotting Starbuck?

Postby CitySlicker » Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:50 am

I actually don't agree with a boycott. Corporations are not thinking about ethics/morals, they're about profits.
If we want them to pay full taxes in the UK, then the tax avoidance loopholes should be closed, simple as that. Lobby the government!

If someone asked you if you'd - legally- like to pay less tax and have more money in your pocket, would you honestly say no?
If so, you're all better people than I am!
For me, if there was a way I could pay less tax legally, I would do it in a heartbeat. A corporation is no different.
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