RUSSIAN Playgroup

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RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby Suslik » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:52 pm

Dear all nappy valley netters,

I am a Russian speaking mother and looking to connect to Russian speakers with pre-school children in the area. I am interested in starting a Russian-speaking playgroup in the area to give children the opportunity to socialise in Russian.

If you would be interested in this, please reply to this post and i will suggest a place and time for us to meet up to discuss the options.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby anootka » Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:51 pm

What is the youngest age allowed for this playgroup.
My little one is 10 months, is that too young?
Also where will the playgroup be based?
We'd love to join though fear we may be too young (even though he says 1 Russian word already).
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby Suslik » Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:10 pm

I think a mix of ages would be absolutely fine, as long as we get a few people to join in.
I was going to suggest that we meet up for a coffee and discuss what would work for most - location, timing, format.
I can host for the first couple times and we can take turns thereafter, but it would be quite good if we could find a public space for this. I was going to investigate some options locally once we get a few people interested (such as linking up with Raduga, or just using some space at one of the local churches or 1 oclock clubs or similar).

Anyone else out there?
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby natalie » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:26 am

What a good idea to organise a Russian playgroup. I have been just searching for Russian club Raduga and found this post. I am interested in joining. I have a 20 months old daugter and live in the area. Happy to meet for a coffe and could host our group too.
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby anootka » Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:26 am

We live in Earlsfield, but can easily reach Wandsworth/Northcote Road/SOuthfields so happy to meet in those areas.
We are very keen to join any day after Mar 17 will work for us.
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby MamaH » Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:28 pm

Very interested in this too. My son is 21 months. We live in Battersea, but can get around all of Nappy Valley without trouble and happy to host when we're all up and running.

As it happens it's my husband who is Russian, but I can generally keep up!
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby lightbrownmama » Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:18 pm

I would be interested in bringing my kids. I am not Russian myself, but I lived in St. Petersburg for a couple Russian is almost gone now, but I spoke as much Russian as possible to my daughter until she was 15 months or so, and I would love for my kids to learn Russian. I would also love to keep learning and not forget the Russian I know.

My daughter is 4 and my son is that going to be OK? I noticed the other children coming seem to be much younger.
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby Suslik » Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:46 pm

thanks to all who have replied. I am excited to see so much interest in the group. Sorry for radio silence - we've had an invasion of grandparents for my daughter's second birthday and then left on holiday to recover. I am back and happy to get together.

I can suggest any of April 7, 8, 12, 16th. Could you reply to this post with your availability? Also please indicate morning or afternoon. Alternatively I can just host a group at my place and we can talk there and then, rather than having a pre-meeting at a cafe. Any thoughts?

In terms of children's ages, I think ideally we would start from 'talking' - so say 1 year old and above, so they can actually benefit from being in a Russian speaking environment. Till 3-4 years of age more or less. Interested to know what people think. I would not want to exclude mummies with younger children though, it's just that it can be a bit tricky to combine 3yo and 10m olds in the same space.

I will try to send this message as a personal message to all who replied.
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby MamaH » Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:19 am

12th in the morning or 16th in the afternoon are doable for me if you haven't already met up.

I think the spread of ages in this thread is ok really. It's not the ten month olds who are hard to accommodate, it's the mobile toddlers.

There's always the park if this weather keeps up.
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby anootka » Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:34 pm

We are also around both the 12th and the 16th.
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby Suslik » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:31 pm

my apologies, my nanny has halved her hours this week so it's been a bit manic. Consequently i could not host this week. Since friday seems to be the most popular day, i would like to suggest meeting at my place next friday 23rd, however i am just waiting to hear if i will get a place in a baby swimming group on friday mornings. I will post here and send personal messages to all on this thread once i got the answer from the swimming company.

Would people be ok with an afternoon meeting - say 3.30-5.30pm?
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby anootka » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:54 pm

We are around at that time and happy to meet.
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby kisa » Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:44 pm

Hi girls, we would be also interested to meet up with you all. My son is only 8 months old, but I believe the earlier we start being around russian speaking babies and mothers the more benefit we get. Anyhow, we live in wandsworth town and would be able to host some of the meetings, though considering the weather we could easily meet up in the park.
We could also make it on Friday 23rd, so I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby Suslik » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:22 pm

Dear all,
seems that we can get things going this friday (april 23) afternoon, 3.30-5.30pm. I will PM everyone on this thread with my address and phone number.

I am very much looking forward to meeting you.

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Re: RUSSIAN Playgroup

Postby babyboymom » Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:35 pm

Hi girls,
It is a great idea to start the Russian playgroup. I am very much interested. It looks like you are meeting today and in an hour or so. If you see this message before please let me know where you are meeting. If not please keep me in mind for the next time. And yes, I am too would be happy to host at our house near Clapham South tube.

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