Any GCSE tutor recommendations?

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Any GCSE tutor recommendations?

Postby LostInTranslation » Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:44 pm

My son is sitting his GCSE's this year at Graveney. He is very clever and in several extension classes there. Despite being assessed as being able to achieve A to A*'s in nearly all of his subjects, his mock exams have returned very mediocre results: A's to C's. He has even been asked to re-sit his mock History which is a subject he has chosen to take at A-level and has been predicted as being able to get an A* in!

I work full time and haven't been able to stand over him and force him to revise. He has a *very* relaxed attitude towards the whole thing and I am becoming increasingly concerned about what will happen if I leave him to his own devices. I need someone who will be firm but not in a way that will turn him off completely. He has a strong rebellious streak and needs someone that has patience and a sense of humour to keep him engaged.

It seems a lot to ask now that I have it written down... :D

Anybody know of anyone who might fit the bill?
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