Rant: cut trees

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Rant: cut trees

Postby monaco » Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:11 pm

So we're back after two weeks of holidays and we found out that three trees in our road have been cut off. Two completely to the bottom (so they're as good as dead) and one had all its branches cut so there is no more greenery on it. Our street doesn't have much trees to start with (Roseneath Road) and walking around, I didn't notice this being done in other streets.

It's like someone at the Council had something special against this street :cry:

I am thinking of calling them and asking questions about their strategy and choices and to what extent, local citizens can be informed in advance of the plans and challenge them.

Anyone has some good knowledge of this and could shed light or let me know if I'm just crazy and should just let this pass ?

In any case, thanks for anyone who will have read my vent !
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Re: Rant: cut trees

Postby schoolgatesmum » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:53 am

I'd contact the local councellor. Yours would be Peter Dawson I would think. He's pretty good at responding so he'd be a good starting point.
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Re: Rant: cut trees

Postby breakfastattiffanys » Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:11 am

Try phoning the Council's tree department or dropping them an email to ask for more details.
Pruning of trees does take place every couple of years especially if the trees are quite large and/or overhanging the houses. I've found that although winter would be the best time (for deciduous trees) this can take place at anytime and those yellow notice signs only have a tendency of going up a few days before.
As regards to felling them to ground level I can only envisage this happening if the trees were completely diseased or if for some reason they were causing some kind of structural damage to houses.
Either way the Council should be able to tell you and they should have some document/guideline which they follow especially where TPO's are issued.
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Re: Rant: cut trees

Postby SFMC » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:27 pm

The trees have been trimmed quite considerably and a number cut down in the Magdalen Rd area of SW18. I phoned the Council to enquire about the cut trees.
I found out the trees were cut because of some kind of fungus or disease found in them by a specialist. The stumps have been left quite tall so people do not trip but they assured me the stumps would be removed and new trees planted. They said they are undertaking an extensive tree trimming / removal programme at the moment but it will be done.

Each time I pass a big stump it breaks my heart!
Shame as it will take so long for a new tree to grow as big as the removed ones. But I guess maybe the disease might have spread if they didn't remove them.

Give the Council a call... they were very nice and happy to explain what was going on.
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Re: Rant: cut trees

Postby snowpea » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:56 pm

Have sent you details of helpful tree people. They like people who want trees, too many people want them chopped down!

good luck
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Re: Rant: cut trees

Postby dancingqueen » Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:58 pm

I had a letter from Wandsworth Council about a month ago informing me that the tree opposite my house would soon be felled as it was infected by a disease (it did say what but I cant remember now). It also said that it would be put on the list for replanting but the wording gave the impression that it might be a while. I was pleased that they warned me in advance.
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Re: Rant: cut trees

Postby monaco » Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:42 am

And as this morning, they are now cutting the last tree in the street ! This is really outrageous. I went to talk to the guys and they said to call the council, whcih I had done but there is only a voice mail.

I can't believe that they do that in the middle of the summer when the trees are all nice and leafy. If they were at least doing this in the fall or winter, we wouldn't feel so outraged.

I also can't believe that there is no consultation whatsoever with the residents of the street, especially when these are the last trees. There is also no formal complaint procedure.

I will email them as per the contacts kindly sent by snowpea but I have not high hopes.

Very distressing
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Re: Rant: cut trees

Postby iamjules » Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:44 pm

As a previous post said, I also had a letter about a month ago listing all trees that had to go, detailing what disease they had. Others are pollarded which is necessary every so often and encourages growth. I was impressed actually, about the level of notice and detail given, and that it didn't just go ahead without warning. I imagine the timing is to do with when is right for the trees, and unfortunately, they can't always time it with when we think it would be better, such as winter. I, like most people feel the more trees the better, and it's one of the things that make our area such a lovely one to live in, but they also need to be looked after properly- if they weren't and were left to decay, the likelihood is that a branch would fall onto a car, or worse, the whole tree would collapse on someone and do real damage. I'd prefer sensible management when needed.
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Re: Rant: cut trees

Postby Pud1 » Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:17 pm

Well said lamjules - I'm sure the council are undertaking sensible management of the trees and its really good to know that they are monitored by specialists. I don't think they would remove them without reason and it is more than likely that they are diseased or are causing damage to property. I don't think the council have to consult everyone on the street before they proceed! If they waited for, and listened to, everyone's opinions, they would never get anywhere. OP - let us know what the council give as the reason.
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Re: Rant: cut trees

Postby breakfastattiffanys » Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:32 am

Did you manage to contact the council and obtain a suitable reply?
Like I and many on this post have already mentioned there is usually a reason behind the pruning or unfortunately cutting down of trees.

You mentioned in your most recent post that they were cutting down the last tree in the street and earlier on that you lived in Roseneath. I walk down Roseneath frequently (from Wroughton to Amner) and there are still a couple of trees 'standing' so am a little confused by your last statement. I can't comment on the rest of the road from Amner towards Clapham Common Westside though.
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