Heathbrook Primary School. thoughts?

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Rainbow mum
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Heathbrook Primary School. thoughts?

Postby Rainbow mum » Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:57 pm

I'm thinking about sending my Ds to Heathbrook primary school next year and wondered if anyone could shed some light on Heathbrook. I of course have read the ofstead report, spoken to numerous mums and dads that currently send their kids there but I'm still interested to hear what others know of it?
Help appreciated.
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Happy Valley
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Re: Heathbrook Primary School. thoughts?

Postby Happy Valley » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:35 am

We have only just started Reception there this year so it's a bit early to say but I'll give you my initial impressions.

I have to admit that it was my second choice after Clapham Manor (most oversubscribed school in Lambeth!) and we were disappointed not to get the school of our choice but actually everything I've seen and heard about Heathbrook so far is positive, and in my opinion it has a nicer feel that the other schools I looked at.

The Ofsted report hasn't been good since the head of 40 years left but this is often the case during a period of big change, I understand. The new head teacher is very impressive and has great ideas for the school. He has a great relationship with the kids and the parents, as far as I can see. He is often at the school gate in the morning and / or afternoon.

Rumour has it that Ofsted will be coming to inspect the school in the next few weeks so if you believe in these measures you can watch out for the update.

I have no idea yet how the teachers feel about the school. Our son's teacher is new and is very nice. Currently there are 3 teachers for 60 reception children, which is great, but no idea if this will be the case in future years.

The parents seem very friendly, the PTA is very active, the outdoor space is amazing. They do a lot of outdoor learning, it's a very creative environment.

I can't comment on the academic side of things yet - parents with children in older classes will be better placed to tell you about that. I'd quite like to know about that side of things too, this is obviously critical to how we will feel about the school in the coming months and years.

Maybe see you in a year's time?!
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Rainbow mum
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Re: Heathbrook Primary School. thoughts?

Postby Rainbow mum » Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:26 am

Thank you happy valley. Must say your comments are very much like what i have been told by the other parents so that is reassuring. Here's to a good ofsted report (although this isnt the be all and end all). I shall keep my eyes peeled. Hope your child settles in well.
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Re: Heathbrook Primary School. thoughts?

Postby kishi » Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:01 pm

Hi there, I should say first off I do have an interest as I have been a community governor at Heathbrook for the last ten years (ie long before I had kids myself), but I think it is a fabulous school. My 3yo will start reception this time next year and unfortunately we live too far away for her to attend Heathbrook, but in looking round primaries I am aware of myself thinking "How can I find a school just like Heathbrook?".

I won't bang on here since, as I say, I do have an interest as a Governor, but I'm more like a 'critical friend' so wouldn't sugar coat if there was anything bad to say! Do drop me a PM if you have any more specific questions. I'll just say it's great to read Happy Valley's comments and they definitely resonate with my view of the school.
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