Eat Play Love closing down?

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Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby elna » Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:57 pm

Just heard Eat Play Love is closing down... Is it really true?

Such a shame a fantastic family space we will really miss it. Thank you to Jeanette and all the staff for all the effort they put into it and good luck for the future. Does anyone know what happened?
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby izzye789 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:08 pm

maybe if people hadnt used it has a work place on computers and just bying 1 coffee sitting there for hours and those just going in with there children having 1 coffee lasting all morning just thinking it was a play area to sit and let kids play maybe it would still be open she wasnt earning any money mums and nannies were using it has a place to let kids play and people to sit on there computers she should have put a sign up telling them but shes to much of a nice person. such a shame.
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby TillyandMoo » Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:09 pm

We had my sons birthday there in November and it was amazing. I suppose the only draw back is it's a bit out of the way, at least for us, and I've met so many people who have never heard of it. Maybe the footfall isn't good enough. Such a shame as it is really lovely there. Good luck Jeanette.
Tilly and Moo
The Original Cutout Artists
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby Annabel (admin) » Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:18 pm

From their Twitter feed...


Eat Play Love ‏@EatPlayLoveCafe 5 Jan

Dear friends, Im afraid we are closing thank you for all your support, we are having a sale of toys/furniture ect thurs-sat come play #sale


So yes, very sadly, I guess it's true.

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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby snowpea » Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:21 pm

Really sorry to hear that. We loved it there. Such a lovely owner too.
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby nellie65 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:28 pm

without being funny - if you have a cafe aimed at children what do you really expect, people are going to go in there and spend ages while their kids play.
Myself I would buy food etc. but its difficult to have a cafe like this where people aren't just going to buy coffe and use the facilities same as what happens in internet cafes.
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby Lanme » Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:53 pm

Great news - they just posted a message on Facebook that they will be opening from Monday 13th Jan during the week from 9-1 as well as private bookings at the weekend.
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Water Babies
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby Water Babies » Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:01 am

It is really sad to know they are closing down. We used to have our photo viewings there and our swimmers love the venue and the food.
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby mami pedi » Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:27 am

Such a shame, we went to a birthday party last year which was lovely, it always seemed so busy....
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby stevesmith » Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:13 pm

This is an example of how a business can suffer from people taking advantage of the business. I would agree that Eat Play Love became a playground instead of a business. The name does say eat, play, and love, but at the same time people need to consider the eat part if they expect the location to earn enough revenue in order to provide a location that people can come and eat, play, and love. Maybe someone will be able to build something in the location that rivals Eat Play Love. I wish these people the best of luck on their next journey. Eat Play Love was a beautiful place, and I hope they don't allow this to set them back.
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby izzye789 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:27 pm

i agree with stvesmith we know the owner very well and you are so right in what you said.people used it for somewere to sit and nag with a cuppa and let there kids run riot.
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Eat Play Love is reopening

Postby Goldhawk » Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:31 pm

As a previous poster said they are reopening on 13 Jan
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby clapset » Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:00 pm

simple solution - section out your charges

eat - via your menu

play - charge an entrance fee for play! £5 an hour (which is 2 cups of coffee). if you can afford a nanny you can afford a fiver! Or have an honesty jar for "play" access ... see how generous and honest the people of Battersea are ...

love - err not going to make any suggestions on the price of love probably not appropriate

Good luck to eat play love
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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby Annabel (admin) » Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:32 pm

Our good friends at Eddie Catz posted a fascinating note in a similar (ish) thread a while ago. I hope Maria doesn't mind but I've reproduced it here.

Originally it was a reply to a thread wondering why there wasn't a play cafe on Northcote Road so some of it may seem a little out of context but it's still relevant.

So you don't have to read through the whole post I've pasted the main points about the challenges in running a soft play business here...

Thanks again Maria and I've linked to the previous discussion at the bottom for those who want to read the whole thing.

I thought I should maybe add my two cents here. My husband and I own Eddie Catz. We sit on the Board of our industry bodies, we mentor other businesses, we have helped many a failing play operator and and we regularly speak at conferences for start ups. I just thought you may be interested in our perspective.

We have 3 Eddie Catz centres and according to our business plan we should be pretty well off by now. Well this is far from the truth. We are still a small family owned company and we work our guts out, seven days a week. It is rewarding, but this industy is not a goldmine and do consider why others have failed before opening in the same place. Restaurants especially have a high failure rate. An you can also not count on all customers buying more than a coffee. Just a couple of grains of advice of what you will be in store for.....

Dealing with customers - it's no easy feat dealing with customers who, understandably in the current economy, look for high quality facilities and food at a low cost. it is near on impossible to make everyone happy although you do try. You sometimes get emails from customers telling you they are "disgusted" with your prices, which is heart wrenching when you put in hard work. Just to give you a random example of the crazy stuff that happens....we had a customer today about to tuck into a freshly made pizza and another lady's child ran over and gave it a good lick. The mother of the "licker" did not offer to pay for a new pizza and so the customer expected us to provide a fresh one. As you can imagine we ended up with 2 angry customers (they ended up fighting) and had to fork out a free pizza too!

Mucking in - everyone in the family gets pulled in to a business like this - mainly because it is 7 days a week. I would lie if I said we would not have been able to get so far without our parents on both sides pitching in or our kids (now 15 and 13) also helping on weekends. I have facepainted on weekends, pride myself on being one of the best dishwashers on a crazy day and I have been in that Eddie costume so many times that I could scream. I know the owners of Eat, Play, Love and other small local cafe-play spaces and I no doubt echo their thoughts.

Financial committment - all I can advise is do your math. Do your revenue plan and then cut it in half. See if your cashflow can still survive. We took no salries for the first 2 years.

Hidden costs - you need to factor in 20% of revenue going to the VAT man, rent, business rates, salaries, cost of consumables, not to mention uniform, staff training, first aid training, a PRS license, a waste disposal contract and so on. A profitable business is not easily achieveable. Do this before committing to your lease and business loans as you will no doubt have to guarantee both.

Good luck
Maria J.

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Re: Eat Play Love closing down?

Postby Sherlika » Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:11 am

I am friend with the owners. They are trying to sell the business. In the meantime, they will open from 9 to 13 hrs weekdays. They will not serve hot food, just coffee, tea, cakes and pastries.
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