Chez Bruce

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Chez Bruce

Postby exhausted23 » Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:06 pm

Hadn't been to Chez Bruce for an evening meal for some time and got to say, having had to book 2 months in advance for a Saturday night (still got the 2130 sitting anyway), it really wasn't worth the wait.

It was packed of course, which is OK, but things started to look worrying as the waiter at the neighbouring table narrowly avoided serving us the entire cheese trolley as a starter - luckily he caught it seconds before it landed on our table.

We were wedged so tightly into the corner we had to move our seats throughout the meal to allow the waiters past and I was handed my plates across the table because not even a mouse could have fitted behind my seat (more about him later).

The food was good (not great) and good value at £45 for a three course meal, but even a non-foodie like me can tell the difference between hand cut chips and roasties - a small deal of course, but it's not what we ordered. The portions were a little lopsided, a vat of fois gras which really should have been half the size; presentation of the main looked 'rushed' and the deserts, appeared similarly thrown onto the plate.

Towards the end of the evening a little visitor joined us. Cute as a button mousey took the time to scuttle around the wine fridges and caused much amusement at our table. We pointed him out to a nearby waiter, who took a swipe at him with a cloth which saw him off for the remainder of the evening. OK, I know mice are everywhere, but I certainly wouldn't expect to see one in a restaurant, especially one that covers itself in glory as 'Michelin starred'. The waiter made no word of apology although a different waiter did say to me as we left, 'We will get him' with somewhat sinister over tones.

Overall, a good enough night, and as I said, good value. I would though prefer fewer tables and a proper a la carte menu. I don't go to Chez Bruce for value, I go there for a celebration meal and don't mind paying for it and certainly don't expect uninvited guests.
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby Tigger » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:15 pm

I've been to Chez Bruce three times over the last few years, twice for dinner and once for lunch. I'd have to say that the lunch was excellent but the two dinners were sufficient to put me off going back. As exhausted23 says, the tables are jammed together with no chance whatsoever of a halfway private conversation and all too often the service itself was pretty poor.

The first time we were at the back and we ended up being right below the air conditioning outlet. In the summer that might not have been too bad but in February we were so cold that I spent most of the meal in my coat. We did of course asked for it to be turned off but despite assurances that it had been, the cold air continued to blast out.

The second time my wife's starter was woefully overdone so we sent it back, fully expecting for them to remove both starters. As it happened they only took my wife's, expecting me to eat mine then wait for her replacement to arrive. This might be OK in a local brasserie but hardly befitting a Michelin star restaurant. In the end they did take mine away but then just clearly left it on the pass so when they both came back mine was frankly thermonuclear hot and utterly inedible.

In summary, I suspect it's trading more on former glory than exceptional current culinary or service. Whilst I'd probably do lunch again I'll never go back for dinner.
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby Jen66 » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:15 pm

A mouse?! blimey - no you don't expect that.

Have to say I have been to CB about half a dozen times and never had a bad experience
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby supergirl » Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:52 pm

We went Chez Bruce 4yrs ago for my birthday and were very disappointed. The sommelier didnt know how to advice us on our particular question (my husband and i are foodies), the morning after we got up feeling we were still in the middle of disgesting, the tables were too close together and the service could have been waaay better: they took away our decanted bottle when clearly my husband could have had one last little glass (£85 the bottle!) before leaving tge rest with the residus... When challenged by my husband our waiter said "oops sorry i didnt know" which is quite surprising given you are supposed to be in a 1 star michelin restaurant. We swore to never go back!

I agree they survive on their reputation and are resting on their laurels. Also i think they survive on locals believing they have a great place on their doorstep and dont want to loose it. Personally when it comes to gourmet food and michelin stars, i d rather go in town than chez bruce...

But a mouse.... I would have been very upset. I hope they gave you a discount :shock:
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby juliantenniscoach » Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:04 pm

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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby Northcote_Dad » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:09 pm

We ditched Chez Bruce for Trinity a few years ago now. Prices have gone up , but definitely still worth the night out.
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby boonkoh » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:37 am

I went to Chez Bruce about 6 months ago for lunch - the meal was really good, and I'm somewhat of a foodie so have dined in more than a couple Michelin starred restaurants.

A shame about the mouse - but as others have said, its really difficult to keep mice out of a restaurant, even a Michelin starred one. However, would be interested to see what the Scores on the Doors give as rating for hygiene standards at Chez Bruce.

I've also dined at Trinity - and I think my meal at Chez Bruce just beat Trinity by a shade. They're both similar in terms of price, so between the two it is hard for me to choose a favourite. Trinity did seem more casual style, and Chez Bruce definitely formal traditional.
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby multi-multitasker » Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:02 am

I have been three times over the past couple of years, each time worse than te previous. As mentioned earlier they now pack you in like sardines which is very uncomfortable. We were also next to a particularly rowdy table of 8 who were continually taking photos, which I don't have an issue with but they had a massive flash that was particularly off-putting. The matre-d did nothing when we politely asked them to have a word. There are much better restaurants in the area; Trinity, The Dairy in clapham common and Lamberts in Balham which I would all go to above CB. Overall a shame as our first meal there, pre-extension was excellent.
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby Binky » Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:21 am

Interested to read Mungomuffit's post. I had a similar reaction about 18 months ago. After eating at CB, I felt odd and went upstairs to the loo where I was unexpectedly and spectacularly sick. I told the waiting staff and also emailed the restaurant the following day, but received no sympathy or even any response to the email. I had previously told them I was allergic to crab and lobster, so to be sure none reached my plate, but suspect shared kitchen utensils or chopping boards may have caused the problem. If they had made any response to my email, I would have felt less annoyed, but allergies can be violent and dangerous and their attitude appeared arrogant. I will never eat there again!
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby zaza107 » Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:53 am

We've eaten there about 3 - 4 times a year for the past seven years, and both my husband and I are generally fans. The staff have always been very friendly and not overbearing. I've had a couple of pretty poor dishes (one salade nicoise that honestly was no better than Pret and something else that was rubbish but I don't recall what it was), and a couple of mediocre ones, but overall it's lovely food. When the food isn't up to par, I have no problem telling them and they've always seemed receptive to comments and offer another dish, etc. You do have to choose your time and location. We tend to try for upstairs at supper, and certainly the front rather than the back if we're downstairs, as the back is ridiculously hot, stuffy and noisy on a busy evening. I had to avoid dairy until I got pregnant (oddly, lactose intolerance went aways after that!) and they were really good about it. My daughter has severe food allergies, and I expect their kitchen is simply too small to cater for those, so I'm not sure we'd take her. While not perfect, and no where is, I really love it. Not to mention it's a 15min walk from the house...
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby NYE31 » Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:30 am

We've eaten at CB numerous times, never had a bad meal or poor service, we bravely took out 6 month old with us for lunch & they couldn't have been nicer or more accommodating. The Sommelier is execellent & my husband who is a) in the business b) very fussy & c) knows a lot about wine really rates CB as do I and we both consider ourselves to be foodies.

SW London is full of mice, not saying that makes it OK to see one out in CB but I have seen them in other places as well not to mention countless homes.

Don't let it put you off :)
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby dudette » Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:34 am

We go to chez Bruce three or four times a year and have never had a bad experience. We went to Trinity a few years ago and the meal was so bad we've never been back. But I do like Bistro Union which is its sister restaurant. I guess anyone can have a bad experience but the fact that Chez Bruce is so hard to get a table for suggests they must be doing something right.
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby BFW » Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:38 am

LOVE Chez Bruce ! Really surprised at some of the comments above (not saying they are not true by the way - am just surprised!) We have always had excellent dinner / lunches and I often take my clients there for dinner from the City and we have never had a bad experience (apart from a few grumbles from my colleagues about being "dragged" to Wandsworth for dinner!!!)

To be honest I am not sure what the OP was trying to achieve with the initial post ? Not being rude - just didn't really understand the point of it !
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby juliantenniscoach » Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:45 am

Good to get feedback on local businesses from real customers. I think the previous post from Dudette says it all really. Sometimes you win sometimes you don't. I wouldn't consider myself a particular 'foodie' as such but the few times I have eaten at CB I've enjoyed the food.

I think the service, actually attention to detail as opposed to politeness, could be improved. Also the tables should be comfortable at that price point. THe promity of the tables is a particular negative.

I've always enjoyed Trinity but found The Dairy somewhat contrived or gimmicky. Having said that I really liked Tom Ilic on Queenstown Road but that closed sometime ago so what do I know?
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Re: Chez Bruce

Postby broodje » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:03 pm

I am glad it's not just me then! I went to Chez Bruce once for dinner because we were too lazy to track into town and for the duration of the meal I kept thinking what the big deal was about? What was I missing? Was this supposed to be amazing?

The meal was not bad at all, just OK and way overpriced for what it is. The ambiance/service/cramped tables made this a mediocre rather than a good experience. Give me Galvin Bistrot anytime - for half the price!
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