stomach bug

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stomach bug

Postby ingridw » Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:30 am

Oops, I think I may have posted that in the wrong place (under got a question). This is probably more appropriate here:

Hi all,

my son has been suffering from a nasty stomach bug since sunday.
I went to the doctors on wednesday and thought he would anyway be starting to get better around that time, but he has started vomiting again during the night. The diarrhea has sticked with him all the way through. But there is no fever and he is relatively well during the day.

When should I start worrying (I am actually), do you have any tips and very importantly, any ideas of what to give him to eat as he is starting to be really frustrated with bland rice, pasta, toast, banana.

Any suggestions welcome!
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Re: stomach bug

Postby SJ1979 » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:24 pm

My daughter had the same thing this time last year, right over Christmas for about a week, I've never seen her so ill. The doctor thought it might be mild swine flu, but they don't swab for it, so no way of telling for sure. She didn't want any food for ages, and the doctors just said to make sure she was getting plenty of fluids. She then got conjunctivitis to top it all off!! Mashed potato is nice and good for an upset tummy and so long as he's interested in food I wouldn't worry too much about what to give him, it's a good sign he has an appetite.

If he's not improved by the weekend, take him back, there is always the walk-in NHS clinics if the GP won't see him for a while, as is often the case with my GP!!

Hope he's better soon!
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Quilty Pleasures
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Re: stomach bug

Postby Quilty Pleasures » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:23 am

Hi Ingrid,

Poor you it's horrible isn't it! This is definately the time of year for bugs and we have all had a stomach bug in the last two weeks! It's normally highly contagious so doesn't take long to spread through the family, and should last no more than 3 days or so. My three didn't feel like eating anything, and whatever they did eat didn't stay down long. Keep trying to encourage fluids (anything - water, milk, juice) and if it's still going on after 3 days take yourselves to either the GP or a walk in centre if you have on nearby.

Hope it gets better soon,

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Re: stomach bug

Postby woowah » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:01 pm


My 8 month old son has exactly the same bug! started last saturday, and like you I thought it would have cleared up by now, but unfortunately its still going on. He has both sickness and diarrhea. He has limited appetite, and the doctor recommended just giving normal food but more importantly to ensure he gets enough liquids... milk, water, juice etc.

It seems there is not much you can do except ride it out... I'm hoping we're through the worst of it now and hope you are too xx
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Annabel (admin)
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Re: stomach bug

Postby Annabel (admin) » Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:33 am

Hi Ingird
Sorry to hear about your poor little one.

There must be a bug "doing the rounds."

A very good friend of my son's (ten yrs old) has suddenly come down with this and looks like he'll be missing his sport this weekend, which I always think is the sure sign they are really ill!

As with all of these bugs, as long as the children are big/old enough and kept warm and full of liquid it tends to go away. The only time I would worry is when they are really small and you feel they might get overwhelmed. I couldn't see any mention of how old your son is?

As always, if in doubt, go to the doctor, that what we pay taxes for! :-)

Good luck and do tell us how you're getting on.

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Re: stomach bug

Postby muminamuddle » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:02 pm

Advice and correct information on health can always be found on the website.
For the tummy bug have a look at ... ildren.htm

Hope all better now
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