Milk and fat toddlers

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Milk and fat toddlers

Postby kewty » Fri May 06, 2011 8:29 am

recently my husband has been saying that our daughter is too fat and then yesterday my mother mentioned an article in the telegraph that said something along the lines of milk before bed can make a child obese.

Our daughter is about to turn 2, and still has creases on her arms (wrist and mid forearm). She is a reasonable eater, Has very little sugar, only drinks water, a bottle of whole milk before bed and 95% of her meals are all home made. Snack wise, she has an apple in the morning and a couple of biscuits in the afternoon. She is very active, ants in pants is an understatement, and she is very tall for her age.

I feel as though I am not feeding her correctly, and advice/guidance would be very much appreciated. Should I stop her comforting warm bedtime milk? At what age do they go onto semi skimmed milk? when should children loose their "puppy fat".

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Re: Milk and fat toddlers

Postby kiwimummy » Fri May 06, 2011 9:12 am

My toddler is also on the chubby side at the age of 2, and always has milk before bed. She's still got the folds of fat at the wrist.

We give her full fat milk, cheese etc as as far as I understand it they need the fats for brain development. If you are worried, perhaps talk to the HV or GP? I would be worried about cutting out essential fats in this period without getting a medical opinion.
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Re: Milk and fat toddlers

Postby MrsAmanda » Fri May 06, 2011 10:02 am

Depends what you read. Some say children should be moved onto semi-skimmed from the age of 2, others say keep on full-fat until 5.

My son is 2-and-3-months. He's still on full-fat milk, yogurt and cheese. He has a cup of milk morning and evening. I do have passing worries about the saturated fat content, but although he has wrist creases, and a tummy, I don't consider him chubby. He has, however, got fewer creases and baby fat than he used to. Obviously, as they get older and more active, they burn off more calories so the baby fat is utilised. But every child is different.

It sounds to me that you're doing exactly right by your daughter and I wouldn't worry.
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Re: Milk and fat toddlers

Postby dandelion53 » Fri May 06, 2011 10:07 am

I think the diet you've described sounds near on perfect to be honest! Did you see 'Fast Food Baby' on BBC3 the other night?!!! It would have made you feel like a saint!

I think 2ish is normal for the chubby baby stage still and they shoot up and thin out age 3/4 but obviously if you're worried talk to your HV.
I have heard that some HVs advise to switch to semi-skimmed milk from 2 onwards but I've also read alot about some toddlers not getting enough energy-rich food and especially fat in their diet because people worry too much about a 'healthy' diet and forget that a 'healthy' diet for a toddler should have a lot more energy and good fats in it than a sedentary adult needs.

Personally I've stuck to full fat milk because their diet is reasonably good so I'm not worried about obesity (which is why I think the advice is given) and it's so good for them. We definitely still have pre-teeth brushing bedtime milk in this house and will do until they don't want it anymore.
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Re: Milk and fat toddlers

Postby Jetsettingbaby » Fri May 06, 2011 8:56 pm

Oh I really wouldnt worry. She is a baby still, and its good to have some puppy fat on her. They need those stores because they are growing. I am sick of people telling me that my little man is "Huge" and Big for his age. Yes he is he is tall and he is chubby and it breaks my back to carry him ( ok perhaps I am making him sound like a buddha baby here he isnt) but I feed him a very healthy diet and he has full fat milk at his nap time and his bed time (he is 14 months old) I read you shouldnt give your baby skim milk until they are 7 or 8 . You sound like you are doing an amazing job, stick to your instincts.
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Re: Milk and fat toddlers

Postby kewty » Sat May 07, 2011 10:23 am

Thank you all so much for your feedback, you have eased my mind no end, and hopefully shut my husband up for a bit!

Have a good weekend.
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Re: Milk and fat toddlers

Postby Balhammom » Mon May 09, 2011 11:40 am

I'm no expert but think that I would wait a while before switching to low fat milk. They just need all that goodness whilst they are little. Enjoy the chubby cudles :D
Babies seem to simply shoot up around the two and a half to three age and the world is a different place.
The size thing is such a worry all round.
I was horrified to overhear 3 girls who couldnt be more than 8 yr olds discussing if they looked 'fat' on the common the other day :( :( :(
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Re: Milk and fat toddlers

Postby bile » Mon May 09, 2011 12:40 pm

milk is very important in a child life and development,i grew up and my sibblings on milk,so as my children....
I would never stop their milk intake,esspec.before bed time.....its really soothing,nice and warm.They love it!!! :idea:
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