Development Applications for Wandsworth

Last Updated on : 6th October 2019

A request has been put in by Fairview New Homes Ltd for details (following full perm.). Fairview New Homes Ltd is the agent involved in the project. Fairview New Homes Ltd submitted an application for new residential devpts. Tooting Bec Hospital Site Tooting Bec Road SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Details of lighting in part pursuance to condition 02 of planning permission dated 25/09/00 (ref. 2000/1852 and 2000/1854), for the construction of a further 96 apartments, 6 houses, access road and car parking. The current status of the application no 2003/3322 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 527302 Northing 172568 with the case officer Mark Brodie 8414 under the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has filed an application for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the project is Fairview New Homes Ltd. The development type of this project was for non-res new developments. The changes requested by the property situated at Tooting Bec Hospital Site Tooting Bec Road SW17 was: Revised details of lighting in pursuance to condition 04 of planning permission dated 2nd May 1997, for the redevelopment of part of the hospital site to provide 142 houses and 456 flats in two, three and four-storey buildings, a two-storey 120 bed nursing home, a 600 sq.M community building and a 600 sq.M primary health care facility. New vehicular accesses from Church Lane and Franciscan Road, and associate highway works. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/3318. The current case is handled by Mark Brodie 8414 at the DC South division.Development Applications for Wandsworth

J Newman has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. J Newman submitted a request for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The development plan from the property located at 1 Ritherdon Road London SW17 8QE was: Lime trees: Remove all new regrowth back to previous pruning points. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/3775. The case officer involved in this case was Evelyn O’Neill 6637 under the Conservation & Design division.

An appeal has been applied by Ms Hilarie Newell for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Ellis Associates Architects. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 123 St James’ Drive SW17 was: Alterations including side ‘infill’ extension to upper ground, first and second floors, replacement of existing rear roof extension with new mansard style extension, second floor extension on part of back addition roof and alterations to rear part of back addition to forming a flat roof with parapet around. The current status of the application no 2003/2686 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 527602 Northing 173434 with the case officer Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

Scottish and Newcastle Retail have filed an application for full permission. David Hicken Associates Ltd is the agent involved in the project. Scottish and Newcastle Retail submitted an application for non-res other minor devpt. Cedar Tree 231 Putney Bridge Road SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Placing of 6 tables and 12 chairs on the public footpath outside public house fronting onto Putney Bridge Road. The current status of the application no 2003/3516 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Neil Shaw 6644 at the DC West division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has requested for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the process is Fairview New Homes Ltd. The development type of this application was for design and ancillary features. The development plan from the property located at 278-280 Balham High Road SW17 7AL was: Details of refuse storage pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission dated 7/4/03 for the erection of a four-storey building to provide 32 flats, 750 sq.M. Commercial floorspace and basement car park. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/3286. The case officer involved in this case was Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

A file has been put in by A L Hayes-Newington for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by K W Hunter. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at 1 Capern Road SW18 was: Single-storey rear extension and extension to rear roof slope. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/2534. The current case is handled by Melanie Watson 6644 at the DC Central division.

Ms B Newman has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is conducted by Ms B Newman. Ms B Newman submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 92 Augustus Road SW19 proposed to make the following changes: Thin crown of false Acacia by up to 30%, and prune to provide 2.4m clearance to the footpath and 3-metre clearance to the building. T49 of TPO 14/1972. All final cuts are to be to a suitable point of growth. The current status of the application no 2003/3097 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 524040 Northing 173117 with the case officer Scott Schimanski 8410 under the DC Central division.

Mr & Mrs N Newton has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Mr R Sinclair. The development type of this request was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 9 Hazlewell Road SW15 was: Demolition of existing side addition. Erection of single-storey side extension. The current status of the application no 2003/3051 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Vincint Verster 8410 under the DC Central division.

George W Newkey-Burden has filed an application for full permission. George W Newkey-Burden is the agent involved in the project. George W Newkey-Burden submitted a request for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 24 Lower Common South SW15 was: Erection of wrought iron railings and gate on front boundary. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/2970. The location coordinates are Easting 522831 Northing 175616 with the case officer Scott Schimanski 8410 under the DC West division.

An appeal has been applied by The Newbridge Road Assurance Society for application for full permission. The current project is managed by Alan Camp Architects Ltd. The Newbridge Road Assurance Society submitted an application for new residential devpts. Worfield Works R/O 7 Worfield Street proposed to make the following changes: Demolition of existing lock-up garages and sheds, and erection of a single 2-storey dwelling, five-bedroom with garden and associated parking. The current status of the application no 2003/2847 is withdrawn. The case officer involved in this case was Martin Seaton 8413 under the DC East division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has requested for advertisements. Fairview New Homes Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property located at Macmillan Way off Church Lane SW17 was: Advertisement hoarding. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2003/1503. The current case is handled by Mark Brodie 8414 at the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has requested for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the request is Fairview New Homes Ltd. The development type of this project was for design and ancillary features. 278 Balham High Road SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Details of boundary treatment in part pursuance to condition 2 of planning permission dated 7/4/03 for the erection of a 4 storey building to provide 32 flats, 750sqm commercial floorspace and a basement car park. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/2412. The location coordinates are Easting 528156 Northing 172647 with the case officer Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd. Has filed an application for details (following full perm.). Fairview New Homes Ltd. Is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for design and ancillary features. The proposal from the property situated at 278-280 Balham High Road, SW17 was: Details of site treatment to parking areas, access ways and surface treatment in part pursuance to condition 2 of Planning Permission dated 07/04/03 for the erection of a 4 storey building to provide 32 flats, 750sqm commercial floor space and basement car park. The current status of the application no 2003/2349 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

A request has been put in by Mr John Newman for application for full permission. The current project is managed by IVO Curwen Architects. Mr John Newman submitted an application for residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 1 Ritherdon Road SW17 was: Two-storey extension to rear of the house (fronting Huron Road) to provide a garden room and an en-suite bedroom. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/2312. The current case is handled by Mark Edwards 8413 at the DC South division.

P F Newman has filed an application for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the project is Buxton Homes South East Limited. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property located at 2A Rochelle Close SW11 2RX was: Details of landscaping submitted pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission ref 2001/3886 for the erection of a block of flats. The current status of the application no 2003/2282 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Johanna DeVilliers 6644 at the DC Central division.

A file has been registered by Mrs J Newhouse for work to trees in a conservation area. Mrs J Newhouse submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 18 Colinette RoaLondon SW15 6QQ proposed to make the following changes: Ginkgo Tree: Crown reduce and thin by up to 30%. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/2378. The location coordinates are Easting 523052 Northing 175084 with the case officer Evelyn O’Neill 6637 under the Conservation & Design division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has requested for details (following full perm.). Fairview New Homes Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this proposal was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 278/280 Balham High Road SW17 7AL was: Details of landscaping pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission dated 7/4/03 for the erection of a four-storey building to provide 32 flats, 750sq.M. Commercial floorspace and basement car park. The current status of the application no 2003/2187 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

Development Applications for WandsworthFairview New Homes Ltd has requested for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the project is Fairview New Homes Ltd. Fairview New Homes Ltd submitted an application for design and ancillary features. The changes requested by the property situated at 278 – 280 Balham High Road SW17 was: Details of materials pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission dated 7/04/03 for the erection of a 4 storey building to provide 32 flats, 750 sq.M. Commercial floorspace and basement car park. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/1527. The current case is handled by Beverley Kuchar 8413 at the DC South division.

Tony Newman has filed an application for details (following full perm.). The current project is conducted by LTS Architects & Designer. Tony Newman submitted an application for mixed design & anc ftrs. 30 Gwynne Road SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Details of external materials to comply with condition 2 of planning permission dated 19/11/2001 for the erection of building to provide a self-storage facility. The current status of the application no 2003/1472 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Julia Kelly 8413 under the DC East division.

An appeal has been applied by Mr Richard S Ballinger & Ms Natalie R Newey for application for full permission. The current project is directed by Mr Richard S Ballinger & Ms Natalie R. Newey. The development type of this request was for a residential extension. The development plan from the property located at 16 Stratford Grove SW15 was: Partial demolition of two-storey back addition. Erection of part single/part two-storey rear extension (with basement) and two-storey side extension, including an increase in the parapet height of 15 Stratford Grove. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2003/0362. The location coordinates are Easting 523890 Northing 175356 with the case officer Nick Calder 8417 under the DC West division.

Mr John Newman has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is IVO Curwen. Mr John Newman submitted an application for residential extension. The proposal from the property located at 1 Ritherdon Road SW17 was: Single-storey extension to provide conservatory and studio. The current status of the application no 2003/0441 is withdrawn. The location coordinates are Easting 528335 Northing 172593 with the case officer Tim Midwood 8413 under the DC South division.

A file has been applied by Scottish & Newcastle Retail for alter or extend a listed building. Tibbatts Associates is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this request was for non-res other minor devpt. The changes requested by the property situated at The Kings Head Public House 84 Upper Tooting Road SW17 was: Installation of four air conditioning units in the flat roof section at the rear of the building, ventilation ducting adj. To a/c units and extract duct for kitchen extending out to the rear along the flat roof. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/3854. The current case is handled by Ros Machin 8414 at the DC South division.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has requested for variation of the condition. The agent involved in the application is Pembrook Design. The development type of this request was for non-res other minor devpt. Dog & Duck 110 Battersea Rise SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Variation of condition 1 of the planning permission granted on 26th July 2002 (registered 2002/1927) for the retention of an external staircase and alterations including the raising part of the boundary wall and sections of the rear addition walls to provide screening. The variation is to allow an alternative form of screening along part of the back boundary and an associated adjustment of the time period for its installation. The current status of the application no 2002/5257 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Chris Grace 6835 under the DC East division.

New Look Group Plc has filed an application for advertisements. The current project is directed by Chadwick & Bracewell Chartered Architects. New Look Group Plc submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The development plan from the property located at 5 – 9 Mitcham Road SW17 was: Installation of new internally illuminated fascia sign and projecting sign. The current status of the application no 2002/5196 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 527505 Northing 171480 with the case officer Ros Machin 8414 under the DC South division.

New Look Group has requested for advertisements. Chadwick & Bracewell is the agent involved in the project. New Look Group submitted a request for non-res design & anc ftrs. 54 – 56 St Johns Road SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Installation of two internally-illuminated fascia signs (each 5m x 0.8m) on the shopfront. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/5206. The current case is handled by Grant Leggett 8412 at the DC East division.

An appeal has been put in by P Akhtar T/A Foods and News for advertisements. The development type of this proposal was for non-res design & anc ftrs. The changes requested by the property situated at 202 Trinity Road SW17 was: Schedule 1 – Approval Retain illuminated fascia signs. Schedule 2 – Refusal Retain projecting sign at first floor level on Trinity Road frontage. The current status of the application no 2002/4736 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Dan Kellow 8416 under the DC South division.

New Covent Garden Market has filed an application for full permission. New Covent Garden Market is the agent involved in the project. New Covent Garden Market submitted an application for non-res other minor devpt. The changes requested by the property situated at New Covent Garden Market Fruit & Vegetable Market Nine Elms Lane SW8 was: Alterations involving the addition of exterior cladding to external blockwork face of walls of amenity bridges. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/4528. The current case is handled by Chris Grace 6835 at the DC East division.

An appeal has been put in by Newton Prep Limited for application for full permission. The current project is directed by Barrie Taylor Associates. The development type of this request was for non-res extension. The proposal from the property situated at Newton Prep School 149 Battersea Park Road SW8 was: Erection of additional storey to the existing school building. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/4478. The location coordinates are Easting 528869 Northing 176968 with the case officer Chris Grace 6835 under the DC East division.

Mr Newman has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the process is The F. A Bartlett Tree Expert Co. Mr Newman submitted a request for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 19 Elmshaw Road London SW15 5EL proposed to make the following changes: Eucalyptus (rear garden): Reduce and reshape by 30%. Cypress trees x2: Reduce height to house gutters and reshape. The current status of the application no 2002/4143 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Evelyn O’Neill 6637 under the Conservation & Design division.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has requested for application for full permission. Tibbatts Associates is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for non-res other minor devpt. The Kings Head Public House 84 Upper Tooting Road SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Installation of four air conditioning units on the flat roof section at the rear of the building, ventilation ducting adj. To a/c units and extract ducting for kitchen extending out to rear along the flat roof. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/3853. The current case is handled by Ros Machin 8414 at the DC South division.

Mrs Newman has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the project is Hardy Tree Surgeons. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at Morny House Longwood Drive London SW15 5DL was: Pyracanthus: Reduce and prune. Cypress x2: Reduce by 50% and shape. Holly x2: Reduce side facing the Acer and reduce overall by 30%. Holly (by the shed): Reduce large branch growing towards neighbour’s property. Trees along the fence: Reduce height. The current status of the application no 2002/3761 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Evelyn O’Neill 6637 under the Conservation & Design division.

A request has been put in by Scottish & Newcastle Retail for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Kent Associates. Scottish & Newcastle Retail submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property located at 2 Northcote Road SW11 was: Erection of a new blind box above existing fascia level to contain retractable awning along the Northcote Road elevation only. The current status of the application no 2002/3453 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Chris Grace 6835 under the DC East division.

A request has been put in by Mr Moreley & Ms Newland for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The agent involved in the process is Elite Econoloft. Mr Moreley & Ms Newland submitted an application for residential extension. 108 Rectory Lane SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Loft conversion and a rear roof extension. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/3076. The current case is handled by Dan Kellow 8416 at the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has requested for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Fairview New Homes Ltd. The development type of this application was for mixed new developments. The proposal from the property located at Peacocks Garage 278 – 280 Balham High Road SW17 7AL was: Erection of a part 4/part 5 storey building to provide 2 commercial units and 39 flats, basement car park. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2002/3003. The location coordinates are Easting 529544 Northing 176663 with the case officer Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has filed an application for full permission. Fairview New Homes Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for mixed new developments. The changes requested by the property situated at 278 – 280 Balham High Road SW17 was: Erection of four-storey building to provide 32 flats, 750 sq.M. Commercial floorspace and basement car park. The current status of the application no 2002/3002 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

Mr D Jones & Ms G Newlove has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Mr J Wright. Mr D Jones & Ms G Newlove submitted a request for a residential extension. The development plan from the property located at 21A Auckland Road SW11 was: Erection of part-single, part two-storey (lower ground and ground floor level) rear extension. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/3145. The case officer involved in this case was Julia Kelly 8413 under the DC East division.

New England Seafoods has requested for application for full permission. WP Design Chartered Architects is the agent involved in the project. New England Seafoods submitted a request for non-res extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 17 Lydden Road SW18 was: Erection of additional floor to provide offices and ancillary accommodation in connection with the use of the existing premises for business purposes (use within Class B1) together with alterations to elevations. The current status of the application no 2002/2949 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 525796 Northing 173687 with the case officer Andrew Bandosz 8411 under the DC Central division.

An appeal has been applied by Scottish & Newcastle Retail for application for full permission. The current project is managed by Cliff Walsingham & Company. The development type of this application was for non-res extension. The Kings Head P.H. 84 Upper Tooting Road SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Construction of a single-storey extension to the side and a new door in side elevation. The current status of the application no 2002/2764 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Loren Brown 8414 at the DC South division.

A file has been registered by Natalie Newey for application for full permission. Natalie Newey is the agent involved in the project. Natalie Newey submitted a request for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 16 Stratford Grove SW15 was: Erection of single-storey shed in the rear garden. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/2359. The case officer involved in this case was Kirsty MacLaurin 6632 under the DC West division.

N.T. A. New Testament Assembly has requested for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Mr R A Muhammad. The development type of this proposal was for non-res extension. 7 Beechcroft Road SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Part single/part two-storey extension to provide additional toilet, kitchen and dining facilities for the church. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/2079. The location coordinates are Easting 527746 Northing 172223 with the case officer Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

Newark & Sons have filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is P Noble. The development type of this application was for res conversion with extn. The proposal from the property situated at 84 Eardley Road SW16 was: Change of use of the ground floor shop and basement to a single residential unit including the formation of lightwells to the front and rear. The current status of the application no 2002/0757 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Mark Edwards 8413 at the DC South division.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has filed an application for full permission. Cliff Walsingham & Company is the agent involved in the project. Scottish & Newcastle Retail submitted an application for mixed other minor devpt. The proposal from the property situated at 110 Battersea Rise SW11 was: Alterations including raising of part of rear boundary wall to the north and part of the flank wall of the rear addition to the east to provide screening as part of the retention of the existing rear fire escape staircase and associated works. The current status of the application no 2002/1927 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 527293 Northing 175121 with the case officer Chris Grace 6835 under the DC East division.

Durkan New Home Limited has requested for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Wandsworth Borough Council. The development type of this request was for non-res change of use. 74-80 Upper Tooting Road SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Change of use of ground floor units to use for education and training purposes with ancillary café. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/1711. The current case is handled by Beverley Kuchar 8413 at the DC South division.Development types in Wandsworth application

An appeal has been applied by Fairview New Homes for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the process is Fairview New Homes. The changes requested by the property situated at Tooting Bec Hospital SW17 was: Details of tree protection scheme relating to condition 2 of planning permission 2001/3372. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2002/1668. The case officer involved in this case was Mark Brodie 8414 under the DC South division.

Newton Prep has filed an application for full permission. David Self is the agent involved in the project. Newton Prep submitted a request for non-res new developments. The proposal from the property located at 149 Battersea Park Road SW8 was: Enclosure of open area below the south end of the existing school building (to the north-east of the nursery building) to provide a gymnasium. The current status of the application no 2002/1410 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 528869 Northing 176968 with the case officer Chris Grace 6835 under the DC East division.

An appeal has been applied by Scottish and Newcastle for alter or extend a listed building. The agent involved in the process is Cliff Walsingham and Company. The development type of this request was for non-res new developments. The changes requested by the property situated at Kings Head, 84 Upper Tooting Road SW17 was: Alterations to the front elevation including installation of new lights, lanterns and window boxes, repainting of doors, existing stonework, and ironwork, repair and repainting of gates; construction of a single-storey side extension, new side door; internal alterations including the relocation of the existing screen and installation of a new screen, new toilets. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/0703. The case officer involved in this case was Kylie Johnston 8414 under the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has requested for details (following full perm.). Site of the Former Tooting Bec Hospital, Tooting Bec Road SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Details pertaining to condition 2 of planning permission 2000/0203 and 2000/0206 for street lighting. The current status of the application no 2002/0923 is withdrawn.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has requested for application for full permission. The current project is directed by Cliff Walsingham & Company. Scottish & Newcastle Retail submitted an application for non-res design & anc ftrs. The proposal from the property located at The Kings Head PH 84 Upper Tooting Road SW17 was: Erection of boundary wall/railings to frontage. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/0983. The current case is handled by Loren Brown 8414 at the DC East division.

Mr & Mrs P Newman has filed an application for full permission. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. 46 Eland Road SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of a single-storey rear extension at lower ground floor level with roof terrace above and formation of french windows to new terrace. The current status of the application no 2002/0993 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Rachael Pipkin 8412 at the DC East division.

A file has been applied by Scottish & Newcastle Retail for advertisements. The agent involved in the project is Cliff Walsingham & Company. Scottish & Newcastle Retail submitted an application for non-res other minor devpt. The changes requested by the property situated at The Kings Head PH 84 Upper Tooting Road SW177PB was: Replacement of existing signs and installation of new signs consisting of: (a) one pole sign; (b) two hanging signs; (c) fascia sign and (d) menu box. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2002/0638. The location coordinates are Easting 527777 Northing 172147 with the case officer Loren Brown 8414 under the DC South division.

Mrs B Newman has filed an application for full permission. The current project is handled by Mr P Bayfold. The development type of this request was for a residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at 51 Broomwood Road SW11 was: Extension to side and rear of the existing roof and single-storey extension at ground floor level to side of the rear addition. The current status of the application no 2002/0500 is withdrawn. The case officer involved in this case was Melanie Watson 6644 under the DC East division.

A request has been applied by Mr Azim Jivraj – Newslease Ltd for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Mr Azim Jivraj – Newslease Ltd submitted a request for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 165 – 167 Trinity Road SW17 was: Felling of Sweet Chestnut Tree T2 of TPO 21/1974. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2001/4570. The case officer involved in this case was Cameron Sked 8416 under the DC South division.

Mrs Newman has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. Arbormedics is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 3 Longwood Drive London SW15 5DL proposed to make the following changes: Yew (front garden), Yew (rear garden) & Pine (rear garden): Light crown reduction of approximately 15%. Cherry Plum(rear garden): Trim back from the gutter by 1mtr plus thinning of the crown by 20%. The current status of the application no 2001/3744 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Evelyn O’Neill 6637 at the Conservation & Design division.

Tony Newman has filed an application for full permission. LTS Architects is the agent involved in the project. Tony Newman submitted an application for non-res new developments. The changes requested by the property situated at 30 Gwynne Road SW11 was: Erection of new three-storey building to provide self-storage facility (linked to building approved at 19 Lombard Road). The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2001/3400. The location coordinates are Easting 526777 Northing 176334 with the case officer Julia Kelly 8413 under the DC East division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is Fairview Planning Group. The development type of this project was for mixed other devpt inc cou. The development plan from the property situated at Former Tooting Bec Hospital Tooting Bec Road SW17 was: Erection of a four-storey building (in the position of approved medical centre/sheltered housing), comprising medical centre and 30 sheltered apartments. The current status of the application no 2001/3372 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mark Brodie 8414 under the DC South division.

A file has been applied by Newton Prep School for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Dayton Studio Design. Newton Prep School submitted a request for non-res cou + other works. Land on the south-east side of Gladstone Terrace, SW8 proposed to make the following changes: Laying out and use of land as a garden and outdoor sports area in association with the school at 149 Battersea Park Road and its enclosure with a 3m high chain link fence. The current status of the application no 2001/2724 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Chris Grace 6835 at the DC East division.

J & F Newman has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 1 Ritherdon Road London SW17 8QE proposed to make the following changes: Limes x4 (Ritherdon Road frontage): Fell one & remove regrowth back to pollard points on remaining three trees. Limes x4 (Huron Road frontage): Fell one & remove regrowth back to pollard points on remaining three trees. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 2001/3167. The case officer involved in this case was Evelyn O’Neill 6637 under the Conservation & Design division.

An appeal has been applied by Mr and Mrs N Newton for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Michael Evans. Mr and Mrs N Newton submitted a request for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 1 Frewin Road SW18 was: Erection of a two-storey side extension and dormer window to the rear roof slope including demolition of the existing single-storey garage. Formation of a hardstanding to park vehicles in front of side extension. The current status of the application no 2001/3030 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Nick Calder 8417 under the DC West division.


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