Renovation of properties in London
Mr Jaweed Karim has requested for a certificate of lawfulness - proposed. CUBE DESIGNS is the agent involved in the project. The status of the ... Read Feature
Ms Ellie Loughnan has filed an application for altering or extend a listed building. Brandlehow Primary School Brandlehow Road SW15 2ED proposed to make the following changes: Removal of an existing arrangement of playground equipment adjacent to the school building and the erection of a new set of playground equipment. The current status of the application no 2019/4143 is a new.
Gail’s Ltd has requested for advertisements. Planning Potential Ltd. Is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 250 Wimbledon Park Road SW19 6NL was: External alterations and the installation of 3 no. Externally illuminated fascia signs and 2 no. Non-illuminated projecting signs The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4138.
An appeal has been applied by Joanna Goldsbrough for prior approval residential extension. The agent involved in the application is Sophie Doe. Joanna Goldsbrough submitted an application for residential extension. The proposal from the property located at 57 Valnay Street SW17 8PS was: Erection of single-storey rear extension to extend beyond the rear wall of the existing dwellinghouse by 4m, the total height of the proposed extension is 3.7m and the height of the eaves is 3.7m. The current status of the application no 2019/4135 is new.
C/o Agent – VSM (NCGM) Limited has filed an application for details (following full perm.). The current project is managed by VSM (NCGM) Limited. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4125.
D Lim and M Chilvers have requested for the householder. Judy Giddings is the agent involved in the project. 52 Norroy Road SW15 1PG proposed to make the following changes: Single-storey rear/side extension. The current status of the application no 2019/4120 is new.
A request has been applied by Ms Narmin Somani for prior approval residential extension. The current project is managed by Mr Y Rashid. The changes requested by the property situated at 68 Blackshaw Road SW17 0DE was: Single-storey rear extension with a flat roof, material to match existing. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4118.
An appeal has been registered by Victoria Parsons for telecoms application pd. The development type of this request was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The development plan from the property situated at Roof Top Communication Station 6895 At Riverside Business Centre Street Furniture Haldane Place London was: Notification to replace the existing cabinet and outdoor OFSO1 L rack, and associated works. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4115.
Narmin Soma has filed an application for prior approval residential extension. The agent involved in the request is Y Rashid. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 68 Blackshaw Road SW17 0DE was: Erection of single-storey rear extension to extend beyond the rear wall of the existing dwellinghouse by 5.54m, the total height of the proposed extension is 3m and the height of the eaves is 2.8m. The current status of the application no 2019/4114 is new.
Abdul Malik has requested for prior approval shop to residential. The agent involved in the process is Umar Valimahomed. Abdul Malik submitted a request for non-res change of use. The changes requested by the property situated at 111 Mitcham Lane SW16 6LY was: Determination as to whether prior approval is required for change of use from Shops (Class A1) to residential dwelling (Class C3). The status of the current project is invalid with the application no: 2019/4110. The case officer involved in this case was Tracy Mann 7622 under the DC Validation division.
C/o agent has requested for matters relating to a s106 agreement. The current project is conducted by Clifford Rance. The development type of this application was for mixed new developments. Former Balham Bowls Green, Land to the rear of 7-9 Ramsden Road SW12 8QX proposed to make the following changes: Matters relating to a S106 agreement pursuant to the potential connection of the development to any future District Heating Scheme, Schedule 7 of the planning permission dated 15/03/2019 ref. 2018/1741 (The demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the former bowls green (Use Class D2) and erection of a two-storey building plus basement and roof level accommodation providing 18 residential units (Use Class C3) comprising market housing; erection of a two-storey building plus roof level accommodation providing 10 residential units (Use Class C3) comprising affordable housing; 17 car parking spaces and 52 cycle parking spaces; and associated infrastructure works.). The current status of the application no 2019/4104 is new.
Mr David Ferguson has filed an application for full permission. DRAW Architecture is the agent involved in the project. 13 Herndon Road SW18 2DQ proposed to make the following changes: The installation of a ground floor rear and side extension to 13B Herndon Road together with the conversion of 13A & 13B into a single dwelling. The current status of the application no 2019/4101 is new.
An appeal has been registered by Mr Ten for application for full permission. The current project is managed by KDA DESGINS LTD. The changes requested by the property situated at 78 Eswyn Road SW17 8TP was: Proposed rear dormers for loft conversion The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4100.
An appeal has been registered by Mr Emeka Uzodibia for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is jmarchitects ltd. The development plan from the property situated at Flats A & B 45 Lydden Grove SW18 4LJ was: Replacement of a number of single glazed timber windows and door, with double glazed uPVC The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4099.
Mr Hitchem Frija has requested for application for full permission. Trima Architecture is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 14 Henning Street SW11 3DR was: EXCAVATION TO CREATE BASEMENT INCLUDING FORMATION OF FRONT AND REAR LIGHTWELLS WITH GRILLE OVER The current status of the application no 2019/4098 is new.
See Company Name has filed an application for reserved matters (following outline). The development plan from the property situated at Development Site of Embassy Gardens; Land to the south of Nine Elms DHL Depot and 1-12 Ponton Road and 51 Nine Elms Lane SW8 5DA was: Demolition of all existing buildings and construction of a mixed-use redevelopment to provide residential units, including affordable housing, retail, financial and professional services, cafe/restaurant, bar and hot food takeaway uses, car showrooms, office floorspace and flexible workspace, a hotel, community uses and assembly and leisure uses, associated basement and ground-level parking and servicing; energy centres; new vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation; and new public amenity space and landscaping including part of the ‘Linear Park’. The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4097.
Mr Mark Hutton has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Resi. 29 Northcote Road SW11 1NJ proposed to make the following changes: Proposed loft conversion with a mansard roof and all associated works at 29c Northcote road The current status of the application no 2019/4096 is new.
Mrs Jolyon Clulow has filed an application for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The current project is directed by Orchestrate. The current status of the application no 2019/4095 is new.
An appeal has been applied by Caroline Curtis for details (following full perm.). Caroline Curtis submitted an application for mixed new developments. The changes requested by the property situated at Unit 3 180 – 214 Upper Tooting Road SW17 7ER was: Discharge of Condition 35 pursuant to planning permission dated 10/08/2018 Ref.2017/4726 (Demolition of the existing buildings, with the retention and restoration of the RACS building facade and redevelopment of the remainder of the site to provide a part single/part four/part five-storey building to provide up to 2,105sqm of flexible floor space at ground level for retail, financial and professional services, restaurant, pub and bar (Classes A1-A4) and 173sqm floor space for community use (Class D1/D2); a 96-bedroom hotel (Class C1); 41 residential units (comprising 9 x 1-bedroom, 29 x 2-bedroom and 3 x 3-bedroom units); associated car parking for 45 cars (including 29 spaces for public use), 124 cycle parking spaces, servicing areas and landscaping.). The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4094.
Mr Emeka Uzodibia has requested for application for full permission. Jmarchitects ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development plan from the property located at 70 A Dorothy Road SW11 2JP was: Replacement of a number of single glazed timber windows and door, with double glazed uPVC. The current status of the application no 2019/4093 is new.
A request has been applied by Mr & Mrs Quarrey for application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Aquila Property Group Ltd. 8 Spencer Road SW18 2SW proposed to make the following changes: The proposed is a ground and first-floor extension to the rear of the property. The alterations will include building over the rear basement lightwell, alterations to the existing garden facing windows at first and second-floor level, the installation of solar panels on the new flat roof and some internal alterations as part of a general modernization of the property. The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4092.
Rebecca Durban has filed an application for altering or extend a listed building. Blakeney Leigh Limited is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Gilbert Scott Building Scott Avenue SW15 3SG was: Replacement of the pea shingle (over tarmac) driveway between the main building and the chapel with permeable resin-bound gravel The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4091.
Julia Griffin has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. 9 St Johns Hill Grove London SW11 2RF proposed to make the following changes: Mimosa x1 As per previous annual submission, crown work is proposed as part of annual maintenance. 1 – Thinning (approx 20%) to allow light and reduce density. 2 – Reduction (approximate 4 ft) in height and width to maintain shape and ensure light to our garden and adjacent gardens/houses. The current status of the application no 2019/4090 is new. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Jessica Stocks 020 3959 0074 under the Arboricultural division.
Jackie Parker has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is managed by Edward Payne and Co Ltd. The development plan from the property situated at 13 Herondale Avenue SW18 3JN was: T1 Oak – Reduce crown back to previous points of reduction (2-3m off height and width). Reason: General maintenance. To maintain the tree at a smaller size. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4089. The current case is handled by Jessica Stocks 020 3959 0074 at the Arboricultural division.
A request has been applied by David Harrod for application for full permission. The changes requested by the property situated at 15 Eltringham Street SW18 1TD was: Construction of first-floor extension over existing ground floor extension Construction of bay extending existing ground floor extension Raising roof by 50cm and construction of loft extension The current status of the application no 2019/4088 is new.
Mrs Selina Kerr has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Andrew Catto Architects Ltd.. 52 Oakhill Road SW15 2QP proposed to make the following changes: SINGLE STOREY SIDE EXTENSION AT GROUND FLOOR The current status of the application no 2019/4087 is new.
Miss Sophia Coates has requested for application for full permission. Quatrefoils Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development plan from the property situated at 29 Streathbourne Road SW17 8QZ was: Proposed works is to form a gradient ramp for disabled wheelchair access into the property. Once the slight gradient is formed the pathway will be put back into its original state with tiles and edging to match. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4086.
An appeal has been registered by Gail’s Ltd for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Planning Potential Ltd. The development plan from the property located at 250 Wimbledon Park Road SW19 6NL was: External alterations and the installation of 3 no. Externally illuminated fascia signs and 2 no. Non-illuminated projecting signs The current status of the application no 2019/4085 is new.
An appeal has been registered by Mrs Sue Michie for work to trees in a conservation area. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 57 Chartfield Avenue SW15 6HW proposed to make the following changes: Side Garden: T1 Bay – Crown thinning reduction 30% maintaining shape. Rear Garden: T2 Horse Chestnut – Crown thinning reduction 30% maintaining shape. T3 Variegated – Reduction 30% maintaining shape. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4084. The location coordinates are Easting 523042 Northing 174644 with the case officer Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 under the Arboricultural division.
Mr Thomas Tidbury has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the application is Premier Tree Care. Mr Thomas Tidbury submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 39 Herondale Avenue SW18 3JN was: Rear Garden: T1 Oak – Fell. The current status of the application no 2019/4083 is new. The case officer involved in this case was Jessica Stocks 020 3959 0074 under the Arboricultural division.
Mr The church of Jesus Christ of Latte has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Lilley tree and ground care Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The church of Latter day saints 149 Nightingale lane SW128NG proposed to make the following changes: Please note that I have used the map from the TPO: 138/1990, as a reference Two horse chestnut trees, side of building along Leacroft avenue, the request is to reduce both by 30%, both have been reduced before, it would be cutting back to the previous reduction. Both trees are identified on the TPO: 138/1990 as T61 and T62, but on the map the location of these trees is incorrect, I have marked the correct location in a green marker. Tree, A and B these are both conifer trees, the client is concerned with location to the wall. The request is to remove both and grind out stumps. Tree C is a cherry tree, this tree is dead. The request is to remove and grind out the stump. Tree D is a cherry tree, this tree is large and interfering with the building. The request is to reduce crown by 2 metres all around. Tree E is a lime tree, with its location with the entrance. The request is to pollard, the same as the street trees around it. Tree F is a beech tree, the neighbour has voiced concerned about the location of the tree, to his property. The request is to pollard. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4082. The current case is handled by Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 at the Arboricultural division.
Mr Colin Pike has filed an application for full permission. The current project is handled by Phi Architectural Services Ltd. The development plan from the property located at Flat First Floor 89 Charlmont Road SW17 9AF was: Proposed loft conversion with rear dormer and rear terrace The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4081.
Mr Pawan Sharma has requested for reserved matters (following outline). The current project is managed by Carlos Gaitas. The changes requested by the property situated at 22 St Catherines Close SW17 7UA was: Erection of single-storey front extension The current status of the application no 2019/4080 is new.
A request has been registered by Mr James Greer for application for full permission. The proposal from the property situated at Flat Ground Floor 18 Lebanon Gardens SW18 1RG was: Alterations including erection of a single-storey rear/side extension and first-floor terrace The current status of the application no 2019/4079 is new.
Mr & Mrs Hartley has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is Building Plans. 15 Sutherland Grove SW18 5PS proposed to make the following changes: Single story rear & side infill extension with flat roof & 2no. Flat roof lights, removal of first-floor side window & repositioning of existing rear first-floor window by approx.. 250mm. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4078.
Circle 8 Fitness has filed an application for full permission. Change the Use is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Rear Of 326 To 342 Queenstown Road, Arch 79 Queens Circus SW11 8NE was: Change of use from A1/B2 to flexible A1/B2/D2 Fitness Studio including the introduction of new glass frontage The current status of the application no 2019/4077 is a new.
An appeal has been put in by Della Vedova for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Edward Payne and Co Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 61 Sutherland Grove SW18 5QP was: T1 Silver Birch (x1) – Reduce crown back to previous points of reduction (2.5m off the height and 1-1.5m off-width all around). Reason: General maintenance. To maintain the tree at a smaller size. T2 Eucalyptus (x1) – Reduce height by 3.5-4m and width by 1.5-2m all around. Reason: General maintenance. To maintain the tree at a smaller size. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4075. The current case is handled by Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 at the Arboricultural division.
Mr Puntis has requested for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The current project is managed by more space. The current status of the application no 2019/4074 is new.
Tricia Jannaway has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The agent involved in the process is Edward Payne and Co Ltd. The development plan from the property situated at 80 Manville Road London SW17 8JL was: T1 London Plane (x1) – Repollard. (2-3m off height and width). Reason: General maintenance. To maintain the tree at a smaller size. G2 Pear & Sycamore (x2) – (In No.83 Huron Road). Reduce lateral branches on the side facing No.80 Manville Road. Contact details for the property owner of No.83 Huron Road is Joe Purcell from Revive Renovations. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4073. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 under the Arboricultural division.
A file has been put in by Mr nick Garratt for application for full permission. 10 Rusham Road SW12 8TH proposed to make the following changes: BUILDING OF FRONT GARDEN WALL OR 630MM HIGH AND 1200 MM HIGH PAINTED WOOD FENCE ON TOP OF WALL The current status of the application no 2019/4072 is new.
An appeal has been applied by Mr Asif Ansari for reserved matters (following outline). The current project is handled by Inspire Planning Solutions Ltd. The changes requested by the property situated at 42 and 43 Halston Close SW11 6RH was: Alterations including the reconfiguration of three existing lower ground floor flats (2 lawful and 1 unlawful ) within no. 42 Halston Close to create two studio flats accessed by the creation of a new external entrance to the side of No.42 Halston Close. The removal of internal staircases at No.42 Halston Close to enlarge existing lawful ground floor studio flat 2C. The enlargement of the existing lawful first floor flat 3A across both Nos.42 and 43 to form a studio flat, accessed by way of a newly created staircase and street-facing private entrance. Conversion of the unlawful flats at lower ground floor (3 units) and ground floor (3 units) at No.43 to create 1 x three-bedroom five-person flat at lower ground floor and 1 x one-bedroom two-person flat at ground floor. The erection of a single-storey rear extension at lower ground floor level. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4071.
Charlotte Martin has requested a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. Andooi Design Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4070.
Charlotte Martin has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is Andooi Design Ltd. 123 Aslett Street SW18 2BG proposed to make the following changes: The erection of a full-width Mansard extension to the main rear roof. The current status of the application no 2019/4069 is new.
Mr & Mrs Jonathan Chidley has requested for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The current project is handled by Absolute Lofts. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4068.
Mr Anup Khosla has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is Buildplans. The development plan from the property situated at Amherst Lodge 16 Highdown Road SW15 5BU was: New Vehicular Crossover and installation of Gates within Existing Front Wall. The current status of the application no 2019/4067 is new.
An appeal has been applied by Ms Ellie Loughnan for application for full permission. Brandlehow Primary School Brandlehow Road SW15 2ED proposed to make the following changes: Removal of an existing arrangement of playground equipment adjacent to the school building and the erection of a new set of playground equipment. The current status of the application no 2019/4066 is a new.
NW3 Capital Ltd has filed an application for reserved matters (following outline). Shivesh Seedhar is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property located at 35 Comyn Road SW11 1QB was: Alterations including erection of extension above part of three storeys back addition, erection of part single/part two-storey side/rear extension and excavation to enlarge basement with rear lightwell in connection with conversion into 1×1-bedroom, 1×2-bedroom and 1×3-bedroom flats with associated bin storage The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4065.
Sophie Auld has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The agent involved in the process is GraftinGardeners Ltd. The changes requested by the property situated at 126 Drakefield Road London SW17 8RR was: T1/T2 Conifer: Fell to ground level and grind out stumps – unsuitable location, overcrowded T3 Pear: Prune by up to 2m to tidy and contain – routine maintenance overgrown T4 Ash: Prune by up to 2m to tidy and contain – routine maintenance overgrown T5 Buddleia: Fell to ground level – unsuitable location G1 Conifers: Reduce in height by up to 3.5m – routine maintenance overgrown T6 Sycamore: Reduce back to previous points of reduction approx 2-3m – routine maintenance overgrown T7 Eucalyptus: Pollard, removing 2-3m to shape and contain – routine maintenance overgrown T8 Olive: Reduce by up to 1.5m to 2m to tidy and contain – routine maintenance overgrown T9 Smoke bush: Fell to ground level – unsuitable location T10 Laurel: Fell to ground level – unsuitable location The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4064. The case officer involved in this case was Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 under the Arboricultural division.
An appeal has been registered by Mr John Fiennes for application for full permission. The changes requested by the property situated at 53 Chelverton Road SW15 1RW was: Replacement of conservatory to rear of the house and of a roof over side return. Both are currently double glazed on wood frames. The wood frames are rotten and becoming unsafe. The replacement will be the same size and shape. To minimise future problems, the new structure will be uPVC rather than wood. The current status of the application no 2019/4063 is a new.
Mr Oliver Treneman has filed an application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Star Design Solutions Ltd. The development plan from the property located at Flat B 77 Endlesham Road SW12 8JY was: Loft conversion The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4062.
Has requested for reserved matters (following outline). Avison Young is the agent involved in the project. 1 Armoury Way SW18 1TH proposed to make the following changes: Variation of condition 1 of planning permission dated 28/07/2014 ref 2014/3021 (Erection of a temporary marketing suite on the north-east corner of the site including landscaping, new boundary treatment and associated works.) to allow the marketing suite to remain in use until 31 January 2020. The current status of the application no 2019/4061 is new.
An appeal has been put in by Mr KULPA for reserved matters (following outline). Andrew Jones Associates Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 6 Gosberton Road SW12 8LF was: Alterations including erection of mansard roof extension to the main rear roof (with French doors and safety railings) and extension above part of two-storey back addition. Erection of single-storey rear/side extension, installation of Velux windows (3) in front roof slope and French windows in rear elevation (1st floor), excavation to enlarge basement including formation of front and rear lightwells and conversion of property to 1 x 3-bedroom and 2 x 2-bedroom flats with associated cycle and refuse storage. The current status of the application no 2019/4058 is new.
Sophie Dexter has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is managed by Edward Payne and Co Ltd. 84 Culverden Road London SW12 9LS proposed to make the following changes: T1 Plum (x1) – Fell to ground level. Reason: The tree is in an unsuitable location. It is damaging the boundary wall. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4057. The case officer involved in this case was Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 under the Arboricultural division.
Mrs Nicola Pattinson has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The agent involved in the application is Ayres Treefellers. The proposal from the property situated at 10 Sandgate Lane London SW18 3JP was: Rear garden – Plum tree – to reduce the crown by 15-20% (1-2 metres ) approx. Back to were done before. The current status of the application no 2019/4056 is new. The current case is handled by Jessica Stocks 020 3959 0074 at the Arboricultural division.
A file has been applied by Mrs Nicola Pattinson for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The agent involved in the project is Ayres Treefellers. 17 Dalebury Road London SW17 7HQ proposed to make the following changes: Rear garden:- Bay tree – to reduce the crown by 20% (up to 2 metres) to a more ‘fan’ shape to maintain the screening. Appletree – to reduce the crown by 20% (up to 2 metres ) back to were done before and thin by 10%. Pittosporum – to lightly trim and shape (up to 0.5 metres ) The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4055. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 under the Arboricultural division.
Mrs Jan London has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Ayres Treefellers is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 16 Trinity Crescent SW17 7AE was: Laurel in rear garden – to fell – it has become too large for its location within the garden and removal will enable the re-planting of a more suitable species of tree. The current status of the application no 2019/4054 is new. The current case is handled by Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 at the Arboricultural division.
Ms Hilary Moorhead has requested for application for full permission. The development plan from the property located at 21 Malwood Road SW12 8EN was: Remove existing roof windows and add new roof windows to pitched roofs The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4053.
A request has been registered by for reserved matters (following outline). The current project is managed by Turley. The changes requested by the property situated at New Covent Garden Market SW8 5BH was: Planning application for part outline and part detail planning permission for: (a) demolition of existing wholesale Fruit and Vegetable and Flower Market and ancillary buildings and structures, and residential building on Nine Elms Lane (apart from the existing multi-storey car park); (b) Construction of mixed-use redevelopment comprising: A new Fruit and Vegetable Market and Flower Market and ancillary uses, including temporary and permanent fa?Ade; refurbishment and extension of existing waste collection area (including rooftop sports pitches); residential dwellings; flexible commercial uses, including retail, financial and professional services, caf?/restaurant, bar uses and hot food takeaways and offices; non-residential institutions; assembly and leisure uses; temporary storage and distribution buildings and associated works; associated car, cycle and motorcycle parking and servicing and new vehicle accesses, energy centres; and landscaping public realm and open space including part of the Linear Park. All matters reserved apart from access, details of all new markets and supporting buildings, and details of Building N8 and associated landscaping); (c) Site clearance and enabling works. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4052. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Joanna Chambers 02088715267 under the VNEB division.
Has filed an application for reserved matters (following outline). The agent involved in the process is Boyer Planning. The development plan from the property located at 528-536 Garratt Lane SW17 0NY was: Variation of condition 2 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 24/11/2018 ref 2017/2903 (Demolition of existing building and erection of a part three, part four-storey building to provide retail unit at ground floor (Class A1) and 6 x 2-bedroom and 2 x 1- bedroom flats (Class C3) on the upper floors with balconies and terraces and provision for associated cycle parking, refuse storage and boundary treatment. [Amendments to the fourth storey].) to allow: Amendment to the rear elevation to align with the western boundary of the site; reduction in depth of brick window detailing to the rear; addition of an external door to rear of the commercial unit; infilling of voids above the second floor level roof terraces; relocation of commercial waste storage to rear. The current status of the application no 2019/4051 is new.
A request has been registered by Mrs C Thwaites-Lastra for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Putney Tree Surgeons is the agent involved in the project. 5 Arlesey Close SW15 2EX proposed to make the following changes: Yew (T1) – crown lift up to 2m from ground level to prevent obstructing pedestrians, balance in overlong low laterals to match in remaining canopy approx.5 from there tips The status of the current project is a new with the application no: 2019/4050. The case officer involved in this case was Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 under the Arboricultural division.
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Mr Jaweed Karim has requested for a certificate of lawfulness - proposed. CUBE DESIGNS is the agent involved in the project. The status of the ... Read Feature
Ms Liz Wood-Griffiths has filed an application for Thames tideway tunnel. The agent involved in the process is Ferrovial Agroman Laing O'Rourke Joint Venture (FLo). ... Read Feature
Richard a Brassard has requested for removal of condition. Adrian Hyland-Smith is the agent involved in the project. The development plan from the property situated ... Read Feature