New Storey and extension applications in Wandsworth

Last Updated on : 14th October 2019

The current project is conducted by Tabitha Lythe. The development type of this proposal was for mixed new developments. The development plan from the property situated at Main Market Site New Covent Garden Market Nine Elms Lane London was: Submission of details for partial approval of Condition 73 (Heathrow Mitigation) for the Northern Site only pursuant to planning permission 2014/2810, dated 12/02/15 for “(a) demolition of existing wholesale Fruit and Vegetable and Flower Market and ancillary buildings and structures, and residential building on Nine Elms Lane (apart from the existing multi storey car park); (b) Construction of mixed-use redevelopment comprising: A new Fruit and Vegetable Market and Flower Market and ancillary uses, including temporary and permanent façade; refurbishment and extension of existing waste collection area (including rooftop sports pitches); residential dwellings; flexible commercial uses, including retail, financial and professional services, café/restaurant, bar uses and hot food takeaways and offices; non-residential institutions; assembly and leisure uses; temporary storage and distribution buildings and associated works; associated car, cycle and motorcycle parking and servicing and new vehicle accesses, energy centres; and landscaping public realm and open space including part of the Linear Park. All matters reserved apart from access, details of all new markets and supporting buildings, and details of Building N8 and associated landscaping); (c) Site clearance and enabling works. An Environmental Statement was submitted with the application under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011).” The current status of the application no 2019/3985 is new. The current case is handled by Stephen Hissett at the VNEB division.

Mr Emeka Uzodibia has filed an application for full permission. Jmarchitects ltd is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 26 Allfarthing Lane SW18 2PQ was: Replacement of a number of single glazed timber windows with double glazed uPVC windows and doors. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3984.New Storey and extension applications in Wandsworth

The agent involved in the application is the Town Planning Bureau. 117 Putney High Street SW15 1SS proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including partial demolition of the rear and roof of the building; Erection of a three-storey rear extension (plus a mansard roof extension which would also extend above the roof of the existing building); works in connection with the use of part of the ground floor and basement as financial and professional services (Class A2) and the upper floors as office (Class B1) with entrance from Werter Road. The current status of the application no 2019/3983 is new.

A request has been put in by Mr & Mrs Hughes for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Orchestrate. The proposal from the property located at 44 Lyford Road SW18 3LS was: Addition of two dormer windows to front and side roof slopes, addition and alteration of windows to ground floor side elevation. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3982.

Mr Andrew Brenton has requested for reserved matters (following outline). 2110 Consult is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 25 Roedean Crescent SW15 5JX was: Demolition of existing building and erection of part single, part two-storey dwelling with accommodation at roof and basement level (with a sub-basement) including excavation under rear garden and formation of rear lightwell. The current status of the application no 2019/3980 is new.

Mr Emeka Uzodibia has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is jmarchitects ltd. Flats A&B 24 Melody Road SW18 2QF proposed to make the following changes: The replacement of a number of single glazed timber windows and door with double glazed uPVC windows and doors. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3979.

Mrs Hinds has filed an application for full permission. The current project is directed by The Art of Building Ltd. 28 Dahomey Road SW16 6ND proposed to make the following changes: Proposed single-storey side and rear extension The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3978.

An appeal has been applied by Mr M Greenslade for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The agent involved in the project is GBS Architectural Ltd. The current status of the application no 2019/3976 is new.

A request has been registered by Mr & Mrs Griffiths for application for full permission. Architecture Stuart Hatcher is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property located at 28 Albert Drive SW19 6LS was: New porch to front elevation. New single-storey rear extension. Conversion of garage to habitable rooms. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3975.

Mr Tristan Gaffney has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is CATO creative. The changes requested by the property situated at 84 Mexfield Road SW15 2RQ was: Erection of a rear side infill ground floor extension. Installation of 2x new skylights to the flat roof of new ground floor extension. Erection of a mansard roof extension to the main rear roof. Installation of 2x new skylights to the main front roof and 1x to new flat roof loft extension, over the staircase. Installation of 1x new skylight over rear bedroom on the second floor. Resize and relocate existing rear window at first floor. Relocate side windows at the first and second floors. Excavation of the existing basement to achieve a height of 2300mm. The current status of the application no 2019/3973 is new.

Mr Hadi Sarmadi has filed an application for full permission. The current project is handled by Studio Greenstone. 27 Birchwood Road SW17 9BQ proposed to make the following changes: Erection of a 2-storey timber outbuilding for recreational purposes at the rear of a residential property. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3971.

An appeal has been registered by Mr Danny Chalkley for application for full permission. Ceetoo is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property located at 141 B Chatham Road SW11 6HJ was: New roof extension, alterations to the front and rear elevations at ground floor level. Roof extension forms two new rooms and an adjacent bathroom. Ground floor alterations involve converting the existing garage into a new kitchen. Roof extension to provide an additional storey of accommodation at third-floor level. The roof extension would be built up vertically approximately 1.7m above the flat roof and would measure a maximum of 5.85m in width and 8.35m in depth set back from the existing eaves level. Two windows would face out from the rear elevation. At the front, a dormer window measuring 1.25m in height above the flat roof level, 4.6m in width and 0.5m in depth would be located over part of the front roof slope and part of the flat roof. At ground floor the conversion of the garage into a kitchen, with a new window to replace the garage door. To the rear, the existing window and French doors would be replaced with sliding folding doors across the width of the house. The current status of the application no 2019/3970 is new.

Mr Tony Rickard has requested for reserved matters (following outline). The agent involved in the application is jmarchitects ltd. The changes requested by the property situated at Garages North Of 99 To 152 Gideon Road SW11 5UU was: Demolition of existing garages and redevelopment to provide 18 units (15 flats and 3 houses) within 3 and 4 storey blocks and associated vehicle and cycle parking, bin storage and landscaping. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3968.

Mr Louis Livramento has filed an application for reserved matters (following outline). GBS Architectural Ltd is the agent involved in the project. Unit 29 Riverside Road SW17 0BA proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including recladding of the existing building; erection of part single, part three-storey front extension in connection with the creation of 282sqm of ancillary office space at second floor level to support the main industrial use, refuse storage, car and cycle parking on forecourt. The current status of the application no 2019/3967 is new.

Young & Co.’s Brewery PLC has filed an application for reserved matters (following outline). The current project is conducted by Planning Potential Ltd. The changes requested by the property situated at Spread Eagle Public House 69-71 Wandsworth High Street SW18 2PT was: Conversion of upper floors of the Spread Eagle public house and upper floors of 65-67 Wandsworth High Street to a boutique hotel (class C1); erection of part three-storey, part two-storey extension to the rear of 65-67 to provide additional hotel floor space, together with a training and development kitchen (class D1) with associated plant room; change of use of No.5 Garratt Lane to offices (Class B1a) with erection of a single-storey rear extension and single-storey glazed link to connect existing building to a proposed two-storey extension. The current status of the application no 2019/3966 is new.

Mr & Mrs Noake has requested for application for full permission. The current project is managed by JAAM Architects Limited. The development plan from the property situated at 206 Beechcroft Road SW17 7DP was: The erection of second floor rear extension over the existing rear addition, replacement windows and doors. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3965.

A file has been put in by Mrs Irene Hurrel for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Maria. The development plan from the property located at 18 Cambridge Road SW11 4RR was: The interior refurbishment of the house, the build of a rear second-floor extension including a terrace and the replacement of all the windows to match the design and materials of the existing. Side ground extension is also proposed No change of use proposed. The current status of the application no 2019/3964 is new.

New Storey and extension applications in WandsworthMr Christopher Jones has filed an application for reserved matters (following outline). Pddesign Consulting Limited is the agent involved in the project. 265 Trinity Road SW18 3SN proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including enlargement of front dormer and erection of replacement single-storey rear extension The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3962.

Mr John Lee has requested for application for full permission. Cambria Project Management Limited is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Annex 155 A Bedford Hill SW12 9HF was: Extension and Refurbishment of existing single-story apartment. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3961.

A request has been registered by Mr Chris Sciandro for application for full permission. The current project is managed by space. The changes requested by the property situated at 74 B Camborne Road SW18 4BJ was: Loft conversion The current status of the application no 2019/3960 is new.

Ms Luey Graves has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is Steve Jackson Design Limited. The development plan from the property situated at 7 Holmside Road SW12 8RJ was: Conversion of existing garage into artist’s studio. Garage currently used as a store and not suitable in size for a vehicle The current status of the application no 2019/3957 is new.

Mr Richard Pearce has requested for application for full permission. Absolute Lofts is the agent involved in the project. 40 A Renmuir Street SW17 9SS proposed to make the following changes: Loft conversion The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3956.

A request has been applied by M BABAD for reserved matters (following outline). The agent involved in the project is AL DESIGN. Flat First And Second Floors A 565 Garratt Lane SW18 4SR proposed to make the following changes: Conversion of a 3-bedroom flat into 2 x 1-bedroom flats and formation of roof terrace above rear addition with a 1.7m obscured surround The status of the current project is  new with the application no: 2019/3955.

A request has been registered by Shaun Moynagh for non-material amendment. The current project is directed by Jonathan Smith. Shaun Moynagh submitted a request for new residential devpts. The proposal from the property located at 59 Battersea Bridge Road SW11 3AU was: A Non-Material amendment to a planning permission ref 2019/0545 (Alterations including erection of a rear extension and formation of terraces at the third floor to create a 1 x 1 bedroom flat. Amendment to planning permission ref. 2018/3186 to provide an additional terrace area.) to allow a change to the internal layout. The current status of the application no 2019/3954 is new.

Ms Luey Graves has filed an application for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The agent involved in the request is Steve Jackson Design Limited. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3953.

The current project is directed by rg+p Ltd. The development type of this project was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at Linton Fuels, Osiers Road, SW18 1NR was: Non-material amendment to planning permission dated 12/07/2018 ref 2018/1788 (Variation of condition 28 of planning permission dated 07/09/2017 ref 2016/6164 (Redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use development in buildings ranging in height between ten and fourteen storeys, linked by a two-storey podium element, to provide 926 sq.M. (GIA) of flexible commercial floorspace (for use for either A1 (retail), A2 (financial and professional services), A3 (restaurant), B1 (business), D1 (non-residential institutions) or D2 (assembly and leisure), and 109 residential units, together with 20 car parking spaces at first floor level (with ramped access from Osiers Road) and 222 cycle parking spaces, with associated amenity space provision, including roof terraces and balconies, together with provision of landscaping/areas of public realm and other associated works) to introduce flexibility to the submission timescale for BREEAM details) to allow removal of Marley Equitone panels above windows, removal of monorail system below main parapets and use of hook and bolt abseiling system to be fixed inside, alteration of carpark vents to louvres and removal of decorative louvre. The current status of the application no 2019/3952 is invalid. The location coordinates are Easting 525434 Northing 175098 with the case officer Sue Botley 7623 under the DC Validation division.

Quod is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property located at B And Q Depot Smugglers Way SW18 1EG was: Demolition of existing retail buildings and phased construction of 13 residential blocks (with 3 podiums) ranging from 8 to 15 storeys to provide a mixed-use scheme including 517 residential units (Class C3), 516 s.Q.M. GIA of business (Class B1) and 2969 s.Q.M GIA flexible business/retail/restaurant and caf? (Class VB1, A1, A2, A3 and A4) with car/cycle parking, associated combined heat and power (CHP), plant and associated works, landscaping, new accesses onto Smugglers Way, and offsite highways works including a new pedestrian crossing of Swandon Way. An Environmental Statement has been submitted under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 as amended. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3951.New Storey and extension applications in Wandsworth

Mr V Patel has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is DP Architecture. 609-609 Garratt Lane SW18 4SU proposed to make the following changes: Change of use to ground floor commercial units from Class A3 to Class A1 & D1 The current status of the application no 2019/3950 is new.

An appeal has been applied by Roger Evans for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. Andooi Design Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The current status of the application no 2019/3949 is new.

Woolman has filed an application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Studio Werc Ltd. The changes requested by the property situated at 3 Dornton Road SW12 9NB was: Minor alterations to an existing garden building. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3948.

Mr Stuart Anderson has requested for advertisements. The development plan from the property situated at 134 Upper Richmond Road SW15 2SP was: 1. Internally illuminating projecting facia board sign. 2. Use of freestanding ‘A-frame’ advertising blackboard on the street outside of the shop. The current status of the application no 2019/3947 is new.

Mr Jorge Dainton has filed an application for reserved matters (following outline). The current project is directed by Ritchie & Ritchie LLP. 25 West Hill Road SW18 1LL proposed to make the following changes: Demolition of existing house and erection of 4 x three-storey (including basement) 5-bedroom houses (2 x detached and 2 x semidetached) with associated landscaping and provision of 4 off-street parking spaces (Amendments to planning refusal 2016/2724). The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3946.

Mr Keir MacCorgarry has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is to Revive Renovations. The changes requested by the property situated at 57 Longstaff Road SW18 4AZ was: Rear mansard roof extension, involving raising ridge 300mm and two-storey rear extension The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3945.

A file has been put in by Mr Keir Livesey for application for full permission. PDDesign is the agent involved in the project. The development plan from the property situated at Flat Ground Floor 9 Western Lane SW12 8JS was: Proposed single-storey side extension. The current status of the application no 2019/3943 is new.

Soaro Estates Limited has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Planning Additions. 45 Balham High Road SW12 9AN proposed to make the following changes: The proposal is for a first floor and second floor rear extension, as well as the erection of a mansard roof. These proposals are to create a 1 x 2 bedroom flat, 1x 1 bedroom flat and a studio flat. The ground floor unit to have glazing on the side flank wall by opening up the sidewall facing Old Devonshire Road The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3941.

A request has been applied by Mrs Natalie Pardal for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. PDDesign is the agent involved in the project. The current status of the application no 2019/3940 is new.

Mr & Mrs Roman Drypen has requested for application for full permission. The current project is managed by Absolute Lofts. The changes requested by the property situated at Flat First Floor A 162 Mitcham Lane SW16 6NS was: Loft conversion The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3939.

An appeal has been registered by Mrs Natalie Pardal for a householder. PDDesign is the agent involved in the project. Mrs Natalie Pardal submitted a request for a residential extension. The proposal from the property located at 50 Littleton Street SW18 3SY was: Erection of a ground floor rear/side single-storey extension and installation of Juliet balcony on the main rear roof. The current status of the application no 2019/3938 is new.

Mr Ian Webb has requested for non-material amendment. The current project is managed by PRP. Mr Ian Webb submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at Development Site Of 94 And 39 To 41 East Hill North Side Wandsworth Common SW18 2QU was: Non-material amendment to planning permission dated 11/04/2017 ref 2016/6438 (Alteration to 5th-floor care studio to form a ‘sky lounge’ communal room with external door to 5th-floor roof terrace. Amendment of 5th-floor roof terrace to align with sky lounge and extend to the parapet. Height of glass balustrade to terrace to be 1.8m above terrace level with frosted manifestation to 800mm.) to allow an alteration to 5th-floor care studio to form a sky lounge with external door to roof terrace The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3936.

Alistair Halsall has filed an application for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the process is Rosie Gangar. The development type of this project was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). Heathmere School Keepers House Alton Road SW15 4LJ proposed to make the following changes: Details of boundary treatments, Water Consumption and CO2 emissions pursuant to Conditions 4,5 and 6 of planning permission dated 24/03/2017 ref 2016/7179 (Erection of new three-storey building comprising of 6 new residential dwellings (3 x two-bedroom duplex apartments at ground and first floor level, all with private external area to the rear, and 3 x one-bedroom loft apartments with rear balconies at second floor level). The current status of the application no 2019/3935 is invalid. The case officer involved in this case was Lauren Roots 7696 under the DC Validation division.Roof Extension Wandsworth

A request has been applied by Mr Roy Smith for details (following conservation area consent). The agent involved in the application is Stephen Evans Architects. Mr Roy Smith submitted a request for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 96 A Moyser Road SW16 6SH was: Details of Water Consumption Calculation pursuant to condition 9 of planning permission dated 20/11/2017 ref 2017/5308 (Alterations including the demolition of existing single-storey rear commercial unit and construction of new single-storey rear addition to create two x 1 bedroom single storey dwellings and the change of use of the ground floor and basement of No.96 Moyser Road from retail (Use Class A1) to a two-bedroom flat (Use Class C3). Excavation works to create two lightwells (one to the front and one to the side of 96 Moyser Road) and associated cycle parking and refuse facilities.) The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3933.

Mr Mike Galvin has filed an application for the householder. The current project is handled by Lorenzo Corti Architects. The development type of this proposal was for res convn without extn. 88 Nightingale Lane SW12 8NR proposed to make the following changes: Conversion of existing garage into a habitable room with the replacement of garage door with double entrance door and opening of the rear with glazed doors to rear garden. The current status of the application no 2019/3932 is new.

Mr S. Leach has requested for application for full permission. MAC Architecture Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at Flat Ground Floor A 16 Bassingham Road SW18 3AG was: Erection of single-storey rear/side extension. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3931.

A file has been registered by Mr Mike Stott for details (following full perm.). Mr Mike Stott submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 266 Balham High Road SW17 7AN proposed to make the following changes: Details of validation report and topsoil test results pursuant condition 18 of planning permission dated 20/11/20108 ref 2018/2378 (Demolition of existing petrol filling station (Class Sui Generis) and redevelopment of the site including erection of a 4-7 storey building to provide 69 units (20 x 1 bedrooms, 40 x 2 bedrooms, 7 x 3 bedrooms, 1 x 4 bedroom and 1 studio). S to be amended by way of a: Revised lobby/refuse strategy; cycle strategy; courtyard landscaping details, provision of 1 no. Additional unit at 6th floor; revised layout and elevations; updated energy strategy and relocation of 2no. Shared ownership units.) The current status of the application no 2019/3930 is new.

Mr Richard Hughes has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is Oakman Architecture Ltd. The changes requested by the property situated at 39 Balham Hill SW12 9DX was: Addition of dormer to existing roof area to create an additional bedroom, en-suite and inset balcony The current status of the application no 2019/3929 is new.

Mr David O’Donnell has filed an application for reserved matters (following outline). Nexus Planning is the agent involved in the project. The development plan from the property located at 172-176 Balham High Road SW12 9BW was: Demolition of existing two-storey building at 176 Balham High Road and replacement with four-storey building, in connection with use as retail unit (Class A1, 570sqm ) at ground floor and basement, 24 hour Gymnasium (Class D2 leisure and assembly use) at first floor level linking with the first floor level with 174-176 and 8 residential units The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3928.

Mr Mohammed Noman has filed an application for advertisements. Kiosk / Shop 5 Roehampton High Street SW15 4H proposed to make the following changes: Fascia sign for Shop Front and a Projecting sign. The current status of the application no 2019/3927 is new.

Mr Harvey Worden has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is managed by Mr Harvey Worden. Mr Harvey Worden submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The development plan from the property situated at 78 Augustus Road SW19 6LZ was: Front Garden: T32 Horse Chestnut – Fell. [Tree Preservation Order (126/1990)] The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3926. The case officer involved in this case was Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 under the Arboricultural division.

A request has been put in by Miss Joanne Mcculloch for application for full permission. The current project is managed by Small Design Studio. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at Flat Ground Floor 92 Kelmscott Road SW11 6PT was: Alterations including erection of single-storey rear/side extension The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3925.

Miss Joanne Mcculloch has filed an application for full permission. Small Design Studio is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. Flat Ground Floor 92 Kelmscott Road SW11 6PT proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of single-storey rear and side extension. The current status of the application no 2019/3924 is new.

A file has been applied by Mr Harvey Worden for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Mr Harvey Worden submitted a request for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The development plan from the property situated at 9 St Margarets Crescent SW15 6HL was: Front Garden: T26 Cypress – Fell. [Tree Preservation Order (190/1998)] The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3923. The current case is handled by Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 at the Arboricultural division.

Mr THOMAS GARETH has requested for the householder. The agent involved in the request is Mr Maciej Maslanka. The development type of this request was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 24 Khyber Road SW11 2PZ was: Erection of dormer roof extension to main rear roof and roof extension above two storeys back addition. The current status of the application no 2019/3922 is new.

The Thackeray Estate has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Town Planning Bureau. The changes requested by the property situated at 111-115 Putney High Street SW15 2LL was: Planning permission is sought for an existing building to the rear elevation and replacement of the ground floor flat roof and insertion fo roof lights. The current status of the application no 2019/3920 is new.

Mr Soohwang Chun has requested for application for full permission. MSB (PLANNING) Limited is the agent involved in the project. Mr Soohwang Chun submitted an application for residential extension. Upper Flat 71 Webbs Road SW11 6SD proposed to make the following changes: Erection of mansard roof extension to main rear roof and roof extension above two storeys back addition. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3919.

A request has been applied by Mr Mike Stott for details (following full perm.). Mr Mike Stott submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property located at 266 Balham High Road SW17 7AN was: Details of Energy Strategy pursuant to conditions 12 of planning permission dated 20/11/2018 ref 2018/2378 (Demolition of existing petrol filling station (Class Sui Generis) and redevelopment of the site including erection of a 4-7 storey building to provide 69 units (20 x 1 bedrooms, 40 x 2 bedrooms, 7 x 3 bedrooms, 1 x 4 bedroom and 1 studio). S to be amended by way of a: Revised lobby/refuse strategy; cycle strategy; courtyard landscaping details, provision of 1 no. Additional unit at 6th floor; revised layout and elevations; updated energy strategy and relocation of 2no. Shared ownership units.) The current status of the application no 2019/3917 is new.New Storey and extension applications in Wandsworth

Mr Nizam Gani has filed an application for details (following full perm.). The current project is handled by Hpdesignstudio. The development type of this proposal was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 515 Battersea Park Road SW11 3BN was: Details of construction management plan, materials and screening pursuant to conditions 3, 4 and 5 of planning permission dated 21/06/2019 ref 2019/0557 (Alterations including erection of mansard roof extension to create an additional storey; erection of a part one/two/three/four-storey rear extension; creation of balconies/roof terraces at first/second/third storeys; in connection with change of use of rear part of ground floor from restaurant (Class A3) to residential (Class C3) and creation of 4 x 1-bedroom and 1 x 2-bedroom flats.) The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3916.

A file has been registered by Mr & Mrs Robin and Sarah Hutchison for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The agent involved in the application is Proctor & Shaw. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3915.

Mr and Ms Cracknell and Rushton have requested for a householder. The current project is managed by Studio 136 Architects Ltd. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. 160 Totterdown Street SW17 8TD proposed to make the following changes: Erection of mansard roof extension to the main rear roof (with french doors and safety railings); erection of roof extension and formation of roof terrace above two-storey back addition. The current status of the application no 2019/3912 is new.

An appeal has been registered by Mr & Mrs Ivo Casasola for application for full permission. RV Architecture LTD is the agent involved in the project. Mr & Mrs Ivo Casasola submitted a request for a residential extension. The development plan from the property located at 24 Marmion Road SW11 5PA was: Alterations including erection of single storey side extension. The current status of the application no 2019/3909 is invalid. The location coordinates are Easting 528381 Northing 175439 with the case officer Sue Botley 7623 under the DC Validation division.

Mr & Mrs Lampa has filed an application for a householder. The current project is managed by Britelite Windows. The development type of this proposal was for a residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at 76 Crowborough Road SW17 9QQ was: Erection of single-storey rear and side extension. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3908.


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