Property proposals by Fairview New Homes and other agents

Last Updated on : 6th October 2019

An appeal has been registered by Mr S Newman for application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Archplan. Mr S Newman submitted an application for residential extension. 165 Sabine Road SW11 5LX proposed to make the following changes: Erection of single-storey rear extension. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: N/98/0660. The current case is handled by Chris Grace 6835 at the DC East division.

Mrs Newman has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. Mark Clews (First Tree Services) is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property located at 1 Ritherdon Road SW17 8QE was: Tilia x 8 (side garden): Repollard; Tilia (next to street): Fell; Hawthorn: Fell; Maple: Repollard. The current status of the application no Z/98/0457 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer David Clark 6612 under the division.Fairview New Homes renovation projects

Fairview New Homes PLC has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree (historic). The current project is handled by M C A Landscape Architects. The changes requested by the property situated at 110 Massingberd Way SW17 was: To fell a holly tree (T47) covered by Tree Preservation Order (No.162) 1991 The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/98/0560. The case officer involved in this case was Bob Leuty 8414 under the DC South division.

Mr K Newman has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. The current project is managed by Mr K Newman. The changes requested by the property situated at 3 Longwood Drive SW155DL was: Cypress x 2 (rear garden):- Fell. Hollies x 3:- Crown reduce by 30%. Chestnut tree (rear garden):- Fell. The current status of the application no Z/98/0401 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Barry Sellers 6631 under the division.

A request has been applied by Mr & Mrs Martin Newman for a certificate of lawful use. Tweedale Bassett is the agent involved in the project. The development plan from the property situated at 30 Cicada Road SW18 2NW was: Certificate of lawful development sought for a side and rear ground floor extension. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: C/98/0578. The case officer involved in this case was Jonathan Lewis 8410 under the DC Central division.

Mrs B. E Newman has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the request is Mrs B. E Newman. 250 Huntingfield Road SW15 5ER proposed to make the following changes: Silver Birch (rear garden):- Crown reduce by 30%, crown thin by 30%. The current status of the application no Z/98/0392 is a final decision. The current case is handled by H. Alg (Tech.) 6637 at the division.

Newton Preparatory School has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Seymour Harris Partnership. The development type of this proposal was for a non-res extension. Newton Preparatory School 149 Battersea Park Road and land at Lockington Road Padgen Street and Gladstone TerraceSW8 4BX proposed to make the following changes: Demolition of former caretaker’s house; erection of 4-storey extension at rear of main building (incorporating existing kitchen area) to provide dining hall, gymnasium, assembly/sports hall and new classrooms; provision of staff parking and drop-off zone in playground area adjacent to Battersea Park Road; new landscaped areas; various external sports areas with floodlights; new boundary brick walls and fences (between 1.8m and 4.0m high). The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: N/98/0546. The case officer involved in this case was Mr R. Plume 8412 under the DC East division.

Fairview New Homes PLC has filed an application for details (following full perm.). Fairview New Homes PLC is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Price’s Candles site 110 York Road SW11 3RU was: Details of site investigation to assess any site contamination in relation to condition 22 of planning permission dated 06/05/97 for the erection of 133 flats and restaurant/leisure accommodation and the conversion of the retained buildings into retail, restaurant, business, industrial or warehousing accommodation. The current status of the application no N/98/0297 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Ms S. Sutcliffe 6639 at the DC East division.

An appeal has been applied by Fairview New Homes for variation of the condition. The current project is managed by Fairview New Homes. The development plan from the property located at Tooting Bec Hospital Tooting Bec Road SW17 8BL was: Application to delete condition 16 (as revised) of planning permission dated 02/05/1997 for the redevelopment of site (Approved). Application to delete conditions 15 & 17 of planning permission of 02/05/97 for the redevelopment of site, and condition 1 of approval of details of new community building dated 21/01/98. (Refused). The current status of the application no S/98/0208 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Bob Leuty 8414 under the DC South division.

A file has been applied by Ms Penny Newton for application for full permission. The current project is directed by Kristina Interiors Ltd. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 17 Bridge Lane SW11 3AD was: Erection of 2 storey extension at the rear of back addition. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: N/98/0242. The current case is handled by Julia Kelly 8413 at the DC East division.

New Look Limited has requested for advertisements. The agent involved in the application is New Look Limited. The changes requested by the property situated at 54-56 St John’s Road SW11 1PR was: Installation of illuminated fascia sign. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: N/98/0226. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Julia Kelly 8413 under the DC East division.

New Look Limited has filed an application for full permission. New Look Limited is the agent involved in the project. New Look Limited submitted an application for non-res design & anc ftrs. 54-56 St John’s Road SW11 1PR proposed to make the following changes: Installation of new shopfront. The current status of the application no N/98/0225 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Julia Kelly 8413 under the DC East division.

P Newman has requested for application for full permission. The current project is managed by A Sivanbires RIBA. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 11 Seymour Road SW18 5JB was: Excavation of basement for residential use, insertion of the window to the basement at front; single-storey extension at rear; alterations to and increased height to existing rear extension. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: W/98/0166. The case officer involved in this case was Ms S. Hill 6632 under the DC West division.development projects in wandsworth

M Newstead & N Blewett has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the request is M Newstead & N Blewett. The development plan from the property situated at 196 Trinity Road SW17 7HR was: Fell conifer tree in the back garden. The current status of the application no Z/98/0114 is a final decision. The current case is handled by David Clark 6612 at the division.

A request has been registered by M Newman for details (following full perm.). J Newman is the agent involved in the project. M Newman submitted an application for residential extension. 25 Pleasance Road SW15 5HR proposed to make the following changes: Details of materials for canopy pursuant to condition 2 of planning permission dated 15 October 1997. The current status of the application no W/98/0163 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mark Brodie 8411 under the DC West division.

A file has been registered by New Look Ltd for advertisements. New Look Ltd is the agent involved in the project. 5-9 Mitcham Road SW17 9PA proposed to make the following changes: Install illuminated fascia and projecting signs. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/98/0102. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Michelle Davies 8413 under the DC South division.

R Newby & L ball has filed an application for a certificate of lawful use. The current project is directed by Robert Baxter RIBA. The proposal from the property located at 77 Bolingbroke Grove SW11 6HB was: Lawful Development Certificate sought for single-storey side and rear extensions. The current status of the application no N/98/0103 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Ms S. Sutcliffe 6639 at the DC East division.

Fairview New Homes Plc has requested for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the process is Fairview New Homes Plc. The changes requested by the property situated at Tooting Bec Hospital Tooting Bec Road SW17 8BL was: Details of fencing pursuant to condition 1 of the approval of details of the community building and treatment of associated land dated 21st January 1998. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/98/0054. The case officer involved in this case was Bob Leuty 8414 under the DC South division.

An appeal has been put in by Fairview New Homes PLC for details (following full perm.). Fairview New Homes PLC is the agent involved in the project. Fairview New Homes PLC submitted an application for mixed new developments. The proposal from the property situated at Price’s Candles Site 110 York Road SW11 3RU was: Details of surface water drainage system in relation to condition 23 of outline planning permission dated 6 May 1997 for the erection of 133 flats and ground floor restaurant in NW half of the site and conversion of retained buildings into various uses including retail, restaurant, business, industrial and warehousing. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: N/98/0039. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Ms S. Sutcliffe 6639 under the DC East division.

P Newton King has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is Kristina Interiors Ltd. The development type of this proposal was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 17 Bridge Lane SW11 3AD was: Alterations including erection of a single-storey extension at the front of the existing 2 storey side addition. The current status of the application no N/98/0007 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Julia Kelly 8413 under the DC East division.

Fairview New Homes plc has filed an application for variation of the condition. The current project is conducted by Fairview New Homes plc. Tooting Bec Hospital Tooting Bec Road SW17 8BL proposed to make the following changes: Variation of condition 16 of planning permission (reg. S/96/0237) dated 2nd May 1997 (for the redevelopment of part of the hospital site for 598 dwellings, a nursing home, a community building and a health care facility) to remove the restriction on occupation of any of the approved dwellings until details of the health care facility have been submitted and approved. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/97/0714. The current case is handled by Bob Leuty 8414 at the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes renovation projectsA file has been applied by Fairview New Homes Plc for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is managed by Fairview New Homes Plc. The development plan from the property situated at Tooting Bec Hospital Site Tooting Bec Road SW17 8BL was: Works to four plane trees (T42, T43, T44, T45) subject to Tree Preservation (No.162) Order 1991. The current status of the application no S/97/0635 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Bob Leuty 8414 at the DC South division.

Mrs Newman has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the request is Treecare. 193 Battersea Bridge Road SW11 3AR proposed to make the following changes: Sliver Birch (front garden):- Fell; Holly (rear garden):- Fell; Fig:- Coppice; Robinia:- Crown reduce by 30% and reshape, thin by 25% remove deadwood, remove the lower canopy. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: Z/97/0569. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer H. Alg (Tech.) 6637 under the division.

M Newman Esq. Has filed an application for full permission. DMJ (Building Surveying) Services is the agent involved in the project. M Newman Esq. Submitted an application for residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 30 Festing Road SW15 1LP was: Erection of single-storey side and rear conservatory. The current status of the application no W/97/0736 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Mark Brodie 8411 under the DC West division.

A file has been registered by Mr & Mrs Newbold for a certificate of lawful use. The agent involved in the project is C D Martin. The proposal from the property situated at 81 Leathwaite Road SW11 6RN was: Section 192 Application: Certificate of lawful development sought in respect of proposed rear roof extension. The current status of the application no N/97/0688 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Alan Hesketh 8412 at the DC East division.

Fairview New Homes Plc has requested for details (following full perm.). Fairview New Homes Plc. Is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Tooting Bec Hospital Site Tooting Bec RoadSW17 8BL was: Use of Redland “terracotta” plain concrete tiles for the tile hanging on blocks R & S, pursuant to condition 3 of the planning permission of 2/5/97 for the erection of 142 houses, 456 flats and other facilities. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/97/0596. The case officer involved in this case was Bob Leuty 8414 under the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes PLC has filed an application for advertisements. The current project is directed by Fairview Design Group. Park House 64-66 North Side Wandsworth Common SW18 proposed to make the following changes: Two non-illuminated signboards on the frontage, to advertise the sale of the new residential units (consent sought for a two year period). The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: C/97/0644. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Chris Brodie 6644 under the DC Central division.

An appeal has been registered by R G Newman for application for full permission. John Bennett is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this request was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 68 Thurleigh Road SW12 8UD was: Erection of a first-floor extension to the existing garage to provide a one-bedroom flat for use in conjunction with the house and a roof terrace at the rear. The current status of the application no N/97/0639 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Mr R. Plume 8412 under the DC East division.

Fairview New Homes Plc has requested for variation of the condition. The current project is directed by Fairview New Homes Plc. The changes requested by the property situated at Tooting Bec Hospital Site Tooting Bec Road SW17 8BL was: Relaxation of condition 14 of the planning permission of 2nd May 1997 to accommodate an alteration to flat block R comprising a vertical stepping of the building to allow for a variation in site levels. The current status of the application no S/97/0559 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Bob Leuty 8414 under the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes PLC has filed an application for variation of the condition. The agent involved in the process is Fairview New Homes PLC. Tooting Bec Hospital Site Tooting Bec Road SW17 8BL proposed to make the following changes: Relaxation of condition 14 of planning permission of 02/05/97, to allow conservatories to be added to 39 houses (‘1320 type’). The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/97/0513. The current case is handled by Bob Leuty 8414 at the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes Plc has requested for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the project is Fairview New Homes Plc. Tooting Bec Hospital Site Tooting Bec Road SW17 8BL proposed to make the following changes: Details of units to be made wheelchair accessible, pursuant to condition 19 of planning permission of 2/5/97 for 142 houses, 456 flats and other facilities. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/97/0240. The case officer involved in this case was Bob Leuty 8414 under the DC South division.

An appeal has been put in by David Kinch & Hilarie Newell for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Raymond Shotter. The development type of this proposal was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property located at 123 St James’ Drive SW17 7RP was: Single-storey side/rear extension. The current status of the application no S/97/0466 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Jim Hwang 8413 under the DC South division.

Fairview New Homes PLC has filed an application for details (following full perm.). Fairview Design Group is the agent involved in the project. Fairview New Homes PLC submitted a request for new residential devpts. The changes requested by the property situated at Price’s Candles site 110 York Road SW11 3RU was: Details of design, external appearance, site treatment, refuse disposal/storage and parking/access facilities for persons with disabilities in relation to conditions 3(a),(b),(c), 4, 6 and 18 of outline planning permission dated 06/05/97 for the erection of 133 flats, restaurant/leisure accommodation and conversion of retained buildings to retail, restaurant, business, industrial or warehousing floorspace; total of 314 parking spaces. The current status of the application no N/97/0438 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Ms S. Sutcliffe 6639 at the DC East division.

Philip Newman has filed an application for full permission. The current project is handled by Philip Newman. The development type of this proposal was for res design & anc features. The changes requested by the property situated at Flat 12 79 Putney Bridge Road SW15 2PA was: Retention of balcony and stairs at first-floor level at the rear of the property. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: W/97/0551. The case officer involved in this case was Trish Giles 8417 under the DC West division.

Fairview New Homes Plc has requested for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the process is Fairview New Homes Plc. Tooting Bec Hospital Site Tooting Bec Road SW17 8BL proposed to make the following changes: Details of protection to retained trees pursuant to condition 20 of planning permission S/96/0237 dated 2nd May 1997 for the redevelopment of part of the former hospital site. The current status of the application no S/97/0241 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Bob Leuty 8414 under the DC South division.

An appeal has been put in by Mrs C. Newton for work to trees in a conservation area. Connick Tree Care is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property situated at 13 Ellerton Road SW18 3NG was: Lime x 2 (front garden):- Reduce and re-shape crown by 50%, thin crown by 15%. Remove trunk and basal growth. Remove deadwood. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: Z/97/0331. The current case is handled by H. Alg (Tech.) 6637 at the division.

R & K Newman has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Mr J Dickinson. R & K Newman submitted an application for residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 40 Vardens Road SW11 1RH was: Dormer window in the hipped main roof, facing 42 Vardens Road. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: C/97/0407. The current case is handled by Sandra Farrell in 6644 at the DC Central division.

Fairview New Homes renovation projectsMrs Newman has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. The current project is directed by Alasdair Mackay. 68 Thurleigh Road, SW12 8UD proposed to make the following changes: Lime (back garden):- Prune Purple Plum (in the garden of 66):- Prune. The current status of the application no Z/97/0259 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer H. Alg (Tech.) 6637 under the division.

An appeal has been registered by Robert Newman for work to trees in a conservation area. Robert Newman is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property located at 40 Vardens Road SW11 1RH was: Eucalyptus:(back garden)Fell. The current status of the application no Z/97/0231 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Nick Cahill 6631 under the division.

Scottish & Newcastle has requested for advertisements. Fricker Maynard is the agent involved in the project. The George P.H 16 Balham Hill SW12 9EB proposed to make the following changes: Install replacement signage including illuminated fascia, board and post signs. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/97/0250. The case officer involved in this case was Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

Scottish & Newcastle has filed an application for full permission. The current project is handled by Fricker Maynard. The development type of this project was for non-res design & anc ftrs. The proposal from the property located at The George P.H 16 Balham Hill SW12 9EB was: Alterations to the frontage including new fenestration. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/97/0249. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Beverley Kuchar 8413 under the DC South division.

An appeal has been applied by Mr Newton for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the process is Mark Clews. The changes requested by the property situated at 11 Disraeli Road SW15 2DR was: Sycamore x 3 (back garden): Crown reduce by 40% maximum, crown thin by 30%. The current status of the application no Z/97/0181 is a final decision. The current case is handled by H. Alg (Tech.) 6637 at the division.

Robert Karen Newman has filed an application for conservation area consent (demolition). The current project is directed by John Dickinson, Architects. 40 Vardens Road SW11 1RH proposed to make the following changes: Partial demolition of rear additions, part removal of rear roof slope and alterations to rear dormer in connection with proposed extensions and alterations. Removal of railings along Vardens Road frontage in connection with alterations to front boundary. The current status of the application no C/97/0027 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Sandra Farrell 6644 under the DC Central division.

Robert & Karen Newman has requested for application for full permission. John Dickinson, Architects is the agent involved in the project. Robert & Karen Newman submitted a request for a residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at 40 Vardens Road SW11 1RH was: Three storey side and rear extension including balcony and steps to garden at rear of ground floor, lower ground floor rear conservatory extension, enlarged dormer on rear roof slope, including formation of balcony by removing part of rear roof slope, and new railings along Vardens Road frontage. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: C/97/0025. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Sandra Farrell 6644 under the DC Central division.

An appeal has been put in by Newslease Ltd for application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is ASA Architects. The development type of this request was for a non-res extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 165-167 Trinity Road SW17 7HL was: Construction of new porch. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/97/0137. The current case is handled by Michelle Davies 8413 at the DC South division.

A file has been put in by William Richard Newton for work to trees in a conservation area. William Richard Newton is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 25 Crestway SW15 5DB was: Acacia: A reduction of the overall dimensions of the crown by a maximum of 30%, thin remainder of crown by 30%, shortening of the lower lateral branches to the mid pavement. The current status of the application no Z/97/0096 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was H. Alg (Tech.) 6637 under the division.

M Newman has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is J Newman. M Newman submitted an application for residential extension. The proposal from the property located at 25 Pleasance Road SW15 5HR was: Erection of single-storey rear extension. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: W/97/0117. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mark Brodie 8411 under the DC West division.

Mr M Newman has filed an application for full permission. The current project is directed by DMJ (Building Surveying) Services. Mr M Newman submitted an application for residential extension. 30 Festing Road, SW15 1LP proposed to make the following changes: Full-width rear roof extension with raised ridge height in connection with a loft conversion. The current status of the application no W/97/0044 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Mark Brodie 8411 at the DC West division.

Fairview New Homes PLC has requested for the outline. Fairview New Homes PLC is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for new residential devpts. The changes requested by the property situated at Price’s Candles site 110 York Road SW11 3RU was: Removal of buildings in northwestern half of site; erection of replacement buildings between 3 and 7 storeys to provide 133 two-bedroom flats and ground floor restaurant or leisure (A3/D2) accommodation (515 sq.M.); erection of first floor extension to unit 4 and conversion of retained buildings into retail (A1), restaurant(A3) business (BI), industrial (B2) or warehousing (B8) floorspace; access from Cotton Row to 164 residential parking spaces, reposition service access in York Place for frontage commercial uses, new access from Bridges Court to 150 parking spaces for commercial/leisure uses; provision of riverside walk (Outline Application). The current status of the application no N/96/0721 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Ms S. Sutcliffe 6639 under the DC East division.

A file has been applied by Miss M Newman for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is Mr J Newman. Miss M Newman submitted a request for a residential extension. 25 Pleasance Road SW15 5HR proposed to make the following changes: Single-storey rear extension with glazed canopy projecting into the garden. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: W/96/0781. The current case is handled by Mark Brodie 8411 at the DC West division.

Fairview New Homes PLC has filed an application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Shepheard Epstein Hunter. The development type of this application was for res conversion with extn. The development plan from the property situated at 64-66 North Side Wandsworth Common SW18 was: Formation of 6 x 5 bedroom houses (5 with integral garages, 1 with an off-street parking space) each with a staff/au-pair bedsit at ground floor level by the conversion of the existing building including the demolition of existing back additions, the formation of a ramped and gated access from Spanish Road to the garages, a balcony deck at the rear at ground floor level and new entrances to two of the proposed houses. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: C/96/0363. The case officer involved in this case was Chris Brodie 6644 under the DC Central division.

A file has been registered by Fairview New Homes PLC for conservation area consent (demolition). The current project is directed by Shepheard Epstein Hunter. The proposal from the property located at 64-66 North Side Wandsworth Common SW18 was: Alterations including demolition of rear additions in connection with proposed conversion to form 6 x 5 bedroom house (Application for Conservation Area Consent). The current status of the application no C/96/0364 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Chris Brodie 6644 under the DC Central division.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has requested for advertisements. Coombs Davies Bickley is the agent involved in the project. Kings Head 84 Upper Tooting Road SW17 7PB proposed to make the following changes: Installation of new signage including fascia sign, wall signs and pole signs. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: S/96/0307. The current case is handled by Jim Hwang 8413 at the DC South division.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has filed an application for altering or extend a listed building. The agent involved in the project is Coombs Davies Bickley. The changes requested by the property situated at The Kings Head 84 Upper Tooting Road SW17 7PB was: Alterations to internal layout and replacement of signs. The current status of the application no S/96/0300 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Jim Hwang 8413 under the DC South division.

Roger John Newton has filed an application for a certificate of lawful use. Roger John Newton is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 21 Erpingham Road SW15 was: Single storey glazed extension to the kitchen for use as a dining room. The current status of the application no W/96/0366 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Ms S. Hill 6632 under the DC West division.

Mr & Mrs R Newel has requested for conservation area consent (demolition). The agent involved in the process is McBains. The development plan from the property situated at 83 Clapham Common North Side SW11 was: Demolition of the single-storey building at the rear and chimney stack on the rear elevation. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: N/96/0276. The current case is handled by Julia Kelly 8413 at the DC East division.

An appeal has been applied by Scottish & Newcastle Retail Lt for advertisements. The current project is directed by Pembrook Design Ltd. The Rat & Parrot P H 160 Putney High Street SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Installation of externally illuminated fascia signs. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: W/96/0329. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mark Brodie 8411 under the DC West division.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Pembrook Design. Scottish & Newcastle Retail submitted an application for non-res design & anc ftrs. The Rat & Parrot P H 160 Putney High Street SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Installation of two canopies on the front elevation and two lanterns positioned adjacent to pilasters, and one lantern centrally placed to replace existing lantern. The current status of the application no W/96/0301 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Mark Brodie 8411 at the DC West division.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail Lt has requested for application for full permission. MacKenzie Wheeler is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for non-res design & anc ftrs. The proposal from the property situated at The Prince Albert P.H. 85 Albert Bridge Road SW11 was: Erection of 1.2m high railings above-retained wall along Parkgate Road with 1.8m high iron gates and iron arch. The current status of the application no N/96/0150 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Ms S. Sutcliffe 6639 under the DC East division.


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