Renovation projects in SW11 and other divisions Wandsworth

Last Updated on : 6th October 2019

A request has been applied by Scottish and Newcastle Retail for advertisements. The agent involved in the application is MacKenzie Wheeler Chartered Arch. The changes requested by the property situated at The Prince Albert P.H. 85 Albert Bridge Road SW11 was: Installation of 2 new illuminated hanging signs; various illuminated and non-illuminated fascia, parapet and upper flank wall name signs. The current status of the application no N/96/0134 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Ms S. Sutcliffe 6639 under the DC East division.

Scottish and Newcastle Retail have filed an application for conservation area consent (demolition). The current project is directed by Mackenzie Wheeler. The development plan from the property located at The Prince Albert P.H. 85 Albert Bridge Road SW11 was: Removal of part of boundary wall, along Parkgate Road, down to a height of 600mm. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: N/96/0132. The current case is handled by Ms S. Sutcliffe 6639 at the DC East division.

New England Affordable Homes has requested for application for full permission. Design Group Nine Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this proposal was for new residential devpts. Land Adjoining 63 Musjid Road SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Erection of 2 storeys 5 bedroom house; 2 off-street parking spaces with access from Musjid Road. The current status of the application no N/96/0022 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Julia Kelly 8413 under the DC East division.

Developments and renovationsMr Newman has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. The Tree Co is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 11 Seymour Road SW18 was: Monkey Puzzle (front garden): Crown lift by 1 metre and trim back lateral branches to give 30cm clearance from the window. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: Z/96/0032. The case officer involved in this case was H. Alg (Tech.) 6637 under the division.

New England Lobsters Int. Ltd has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Charterhouse Regeneration Ltd. New England Lobsters Int. Ltd submitted an application for non-res change of use. The proposal from the property located at 17 Lydden Road SW18 was: Use for general industrial purposes (Class B2). The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 95/C/0316. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Jonathan Lewis 8410 under the DC Central division.

A request has been registered by Scottish & Newcastle Retail for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Cube Architects. Scottish & Newcastle Retail submitted an application for non-res design & anc ftrs. 138 Upper Richmond Road Prince of Wales Public HouseSW15 proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of glazed canopy over side entrance. The current status of the application no 95/W/0381 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Ms S. Hill 6632 at the DC West division.

An appeal has been applied by Scottish & Newcastle Retail for advertisements. The current project is managed by Cube Architects. The changes requested by the property situated at 138 Upper Richmond Road Prince of Wales Public House SW15 was: Installation/replacement of illuminated/non-illuminated fascia,wall, amenity and freestanding post signs. The current status of the application no 95/W/0379 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Ms S. Hill 6632 at the DC West division.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has filed an application for advertisements. The agent involved in the process is Pembrook Design Ltd. The proposal from the property situated at Northcote Public House 2 Northcote Road SW11 was: Installation of various illuminated signs for the pub. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 95/N/0393. The case officer involved in this case was Mr. G.P. Smith 6640 under the DC East division.

New England Lobsters Internati has requested for application for full permission. New England Lobsters International is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this proposal was for a non-res change of use. Ellis House 118/120 Garratt Lane SW18 proposed to make the following changes: Use of part of the ground floor for fish processing and packaging (use within Class B2, General Industrial). The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 95/C/0169. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Jonathan Lewis 8410 under the DC Central division.

Joanna Newman has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Fuller Moon & Fuller. Joanna Newman submitted an application for residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at 11 Shellwood Road SW11 was: Erection of first floor rear extension. The current status of the application no 95/N/0186 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Ms S. Sutcliffe 6639 under the DC East division.

A request has been registered by Newton Prep Ltd for application for full permission. Arnold Tickner & Co is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this proposal was for non-res cou + other works. The changes requested by the property situated at Raywood Street and part of Gladstone Terrace SW8 was: Laying out of the roadway as grassed school playing fields to be used in conjunction with land at Lockington Road, Gladstone Terrace and Raywood Street as school playground areas. The current status of the application no 95/N/0179 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Mr. G.P. Smith 6640 at the DC East division.

Chas Newen Marine Co has requested for conservation area consent (alter/extend). The current project is managed by Peter Coulson Architect. Ashlone Wharf Embankment SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Alterations to the boat shed. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 95/W/0041. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Ms S. Hill 6632 under the DC West division.

Chas Newen Marine Co has requested for application for full permission. Peter Coulson Architect is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. Ashlone Wharf Embankment SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Alterations to the boat shed to include raising the ridge, extending at the rear and enclosing all sides. The current status of the application no 95/W/0040 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Ms S. Hill 6632 at the DC West division.

Mrs Newman has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The current project is conducted by Dr Evergreens. The development plan from the property situated at 68 Thurleigh Road SW12 was: Front garden: Cherry and Norway Maple on the boundary to no.66 – fell both trees. 2 remaining Cherry trees – thin and reduce by 25%. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 95/Z/0049. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer David Clark 6612 under the division.

An appeal has been registered by William Newland Roberts for a certificate of lawful use. The agent involved in the process is Lisa Mansfield. The changes requested by the property situated at 103 Oakhill Road SW15 was: Use of the ground floor as a two-bedroom flat. The current status of the application no 94/W/0436 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Colin Poke 8411 under the DC West division.

G Wilson & L Newlands has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is G Wilson & L Newlands. G Wilson & L Newlands submitted an application for residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 59 Parkstead Road SW15 was: Single storey conservatory extension at rear. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 94/W/0112. The case officer involved in this case was Ms. M. Foster 6632 under the DC West division.

A file has been put in by Mrs J M Newhouse for work to trees in a conservation area. The current project is conducted by Mrs A Herbert. The proposal from the property located at 16B Colinette Road SW15 was: Yew tree (Front garden):- Crown reduce and re-shape by 25%. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 93/Z/0222. The current case is handled by Barry Sellers 6631 at the division.

Mr Paul Newman has filed an application for conservation area consent (demolition). T E Law is the agent involved in the project. 46 Clapham Common West Side SW4 proposed to make the following changes: Demolition of the existing garage. The current status of the application no 93/N/0306 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mr. G.P. Smith 6640 under the DC East division.

Paul Newman has filed an application for full permission. T E Law is the agent involved in the project. Paul Newman submitted a request for a residential extension. The proposal from the property located at 46 Clapham Common West Side, SW4 was: Erection of single-storey garage adjoining 2 Broxash Road. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 93/N/0303. The current case is handled by Mr. G.P. Smith 6640 at the DC East division.

A file has been registered by New York Restaurants for advertisements. The agent involved in the project is K K Madan & Associates. The changes requested by the property situated at 4 7 and 8 Battersea Square SW11 was: Installation of 5 illuminated signs. (Approved) Installation of 2 non-illuminated signs (4 & 9) including a banner sign on the western flank wall of 5 Battersea Square. (Refused). The current status of the application no 93/N/0288 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Ms. B. Dolby 6640 under the DC East division.

Goodwin New Homes Ltd. has requested for application for full permission. The current project is directed by Michael Phillips Associates. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. 35 Warriner Gardens SW114EA proposed to make the following changes: Erection of single-storey rear extension. The current status of the application no 93/N/0145 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Ms. B. Dolby 6640 under the DC East division.

Mrs B M Newbery has requested for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Frank Newbery. Mrs B M Newbery submitted a request for non-res design & anc ftrs. 9 Barmouth Road SW18 proposed to make the following changes: Alterations to shopfront, ground floor rear extension and erection of external staircase from first floor to the rear garden. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 93/C/0115. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Jonathan Lewis 8410 under the DC Central division.

An appeal has been applied by Miss S Newton for application for full permission. Miss S Newton is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this proposal was for non-res design & anc ftrs. The changes requested by the property situated at 59 Webbs Road, SW11 was: Installation of new shopfront. The current status of the application no 93/N/0137 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Mr R Plume 6640 at the DC East division.

The Dimbleby Newspaper Group has filed an application for conservation area consent (demolition). The agent involved in the application is J.E Turner. The development plan from the property located at Land r/o 144 Wandsworth High Street SW18 was: Demolition of the former air-raid shelter and toilet block. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 93/W/0079. The case officer involved in this case was Evelyn O’Neill 6632 under the DC West division.

The Dimbleby Newspaper Group has requested for application for full permission. J.E. Turber – is the agent involved in the project. The Dimbleby Newspaper Group submitted a request for non-res other minor devpt. The proposal from the property situated at Land r/o 144 Wandsworth High Street SW18 was: Demolition of the former air-raid shelter and toilet block and provision of five car parking spaces (at the rear of 144 Wandsworth High Street & Bush Cottages) with ramped access from Putney Bridge Road. The current status of the application no 93/W/0078 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Evelyn O’Neill 6632 at the DC West division.

An appeal has been put in by New Style Furniture for application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is Peter Deakins Architects. The development type of this proposal was for res conversion with extn. 304 308-310 Battersea Park Road London SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Conversion of main upper floors into three x 1 bedroom flats and one studio flat; creation of new pedestrian entrance to upper floors from 304 Battersea Park Road. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 92/N/0305. The case officer involved in this case was Mr. G.P. Smith 6640 under the DC East division.

B E Newman has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The current project is managed by B E Newman. The changes requested by the property situated at 250 Huntingfield Road London SW15 was: Cypress tree:- Fell. The current status of the application no 92/Z/0173 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer David Clark 6612 under the division.Developments in SW11

Reed Southern Newspapers has requested for application for full permission. N C Peel is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this proposal was for a non-res change of use. The proposal from the property located at 197 Wandsworth High Street, SW18 was: Use of the ground floor for Business use (Class B1), in connection with the existing use of the upper floors. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 92/C/0021. The current case is handled by Mr. K. Tyler 6644 at the DC Central division.

Mrs Carey S Newton has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The current project is conducted by Mrs Carey S Newton. The changes requested by the property situated at 38 Frewin Road SW18 was: Copper Beech:- lift to a crown height; thin the upper section of the crown by 30%; tidy pegs where previous pruning has taken place. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 92/Z/0103. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mr A Byrne 6631 under the division.

An appeal has been put in by Mrs J Newhouse for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the request is Mrs J Newhouse. 18 Colinette Road London SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Walnut:- Crown thinning up to 40% but works to this tree must not be undertaken until the summer when in full leaf; Gingko biloba:- Crown thin by up to 40%; Cherry:- Thin crown by up to 30%. The current status of the application no 92/Z/0012 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Barry Sellers 6631 under the division.

A file has been registered by Hilary Paul Newton for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is Hilary Paul Newton. Hilary Paul Newton submitted an application for residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 51 Disraeli Road London SW15 was: Erection of a rear conservatory (Amended proposals). The current status of the application no 91/W/0557 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Ms. M. Foster 6632 under the DC West division.

Newton Prep has requested for application for full permission. MEB Partnership is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for non-res other minor devpt. The development plan from the property located at 149 Battersea Park Road London SW8 4BH was: Alterations including the creation of a new vehicular access from Lockington Road and the erection of new entrance gates. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 91/N/0238. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Ms. B. Dolby 6640 under the DC East division.

Mr P R Newman has filed an application for full permission. The current project is directed by Trevor Law. Mr P R Newman submitted a request for a residential extension. 46 Clapham Common West Side London SW4 proposed to make the following changes: Demolition of existing garage and erection of new single storey garage rear garden. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 91/N/0396. The current case is handled by Mr. G.P. Smith 6640 at the DC East division.

A request has been registered by Mr P R Newman for conservation area consent (demolition). The agent involved in the application is Trevor Law. The changes requested by the property situated at Flat 1 46 Clapham Common West Side London SW4 was: Demolition of timber garage. The current status of the application no 91/N/0395 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Mr. G.P. Smith 6640 under the DC East division.

Newton Prep has requested for advertisements. The current project is managed by MEB Partnership. 149 Battersea Park Road London SW8 4BH proposed to make the following changes: Installation of signboard above school entrance. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 91/N/0239. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Ms. B. Dolby 6640 under the DC East division.

W.H. Newson & Sons Ltd has filed an application for advertisements. W.G. Edwards & Partners is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property situated at 475-479 Battersea Park Road, SW11 was: Continued display of advertisements on boundary fence fronting Battersea Park Road. The current status of the application no 90/N/0317 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Ms. B. Dolby 6640 at the DC East division.

M. Newman has filed an application for full permission. The current project is handled by M. Newman. The changes requested by the property situated at 37A Leathwaite Road London, SW11 was: Change of use of one room to office use. The current status of the application no 90/N/0166 is a final decision.

Newman Levinson has requested for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the request is Newman Levinson. The development type of this project was for md -. 31 Roehampton Vale London ASDA Superstore.SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Details of refuse storage accommodation arrangements pursuant to condition (10) of planning permission granted 30th November 1988 for the erection of a retail store and car park. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 89/W/0973. The case officer involved in this case was Mr. C. Poke 6634 under the DC West division.

An appeal has been registered by Newman-Levinson for details (following full perm.). Newman-Levinson is the agent involved in the project. Newman-Levinson submitted an application for non-res design & anc ftrs. The development plan from the property situated at ASDA Superstore Roehampton Vale SW15 was: Details of external lighting pursuant to condition (09) of planning permission dated 1st December 1988 for the erection of a retail store and car park with major alterations to Stag Lane at the junction with Roehampton Vale. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 89/W/0748. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mr. C. Poke 6634 under the DC West division.

Mrs Vaune Newcombe-Hodgetts has filed an application for conservation area consent (demolition). Progetti Ltd, is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 5 Ulva Road, SW15 was: First-floor bathroom extension, demolition and replacement of existing conservatory. The current status of the application no 89/W/0850 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Ms. B. Dolby at the DC West division.

Mrs Vaune Newcomb-Hodgetts has requested for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Progetti Ltd (Attn. C.Khoo). The development type of this proposal was for a residential extension. 5 Ulva Road, SW15 proposed to make the following changes: First-floor bathroom extension, demolition and replacement of existing conservatory. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 89/W/0849. The current case is handled by Ms. B. Dolby at the DC West division.

A file has been registered by Mr. & Mrs. Agnew/Mr.& Mrs.Tove for conservation area consent (demolition). The agent involved in the process is Brocklehurst Architects,. The development plan from the property situated at 27-27a St Johns Avenue London SW15 was: Demolition of houses. The current status of the application no 89/W/0605 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Ms. C. Richardson under the DC West division.

Mr. & Mrs.Agnew/Mr. & Mrs.Tove has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Brocklehurst Architects. Mr. & Mrs.Agnew/Mr. & Mrs.Tove submitted an application for new residential devpts. The proposal from the property situated at 27/27a St. Johns Avenue SW15 was: Erection of a pair of semi-detached 3-storey houses. The current status of the application no 89/W/0604 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Ms. C. Richardson under the DC West division.

An appeal has been put in by Mr+Mrs T Newman for pa -. The current project is handled by K.G.Fullman,. Mr+Mrs T Newman submitted a request for a residential extension. 50 Beclands Road, SW17. Proposed to make the following changes: Erection of an extension at the rear of the first floor. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 89/S/0483. The current case is handled by Ms. B. Bush at the DC South division.

Newman Levinson & Partners Ltd has requested for details (following full perm.). Newman Levinson & Partners Ltd, is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for non-res other minor devpt. The changes requested by the property situated at Asda Store Roehampton Vale SW15 was: Details of boundary fences pursuant to condition (06) of planning permission granted 30th November 1988 for the erection of a retail store and car park. The current status of the application no 89/W/0494 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mr. C. Poke under the DC West division.Developments in SW11

Newman Associates Limited has filed an application for pa -. The current project is directed by Roger Etchells. The development type of this proposal was for relaxation of condition. The proposal from the property situated at 54 Northcote Road SW11 was: Variation to condition of the planning permission to allow the amusement arcade to open between the hours of 9 a.M – 10 p.M Monday to Saturday and 10.30 a.M – 10 p.M on Sundays. (Allowed on Appeal – 03/09/90 ). The status of the current project is an appeal decided with the application no: 89/N/0248. The case officer involved in this case was Mr. M. Brodie under the DC East division.

W.H.Newsori has requested for advertisements. The agent involved in the process is B Cameron. The changes requested by the property situated at 475-491 Battersea Park Road, SW11. Was: Renewal of consent to retain the advertisement hoarding along the frontage to Battersea Park Road. (Expired 31/05/90 ). The current status of the application no 89/N/0005 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Mr. M. Brodie under the DC East division.

A file has been registered by Newman Levinson for details (following full perm.). Newman Levinson is the agent involved in the project. Newman Levinson submitted an application for non-res other minor devpt. ASDA Store,31 Roehampton Vale SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Details of landscaping pursuant to condition 02 of planning permission granted 30th November 1988 for the erection of a retail store and car park. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 88/W/1110. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mr. C. Poke under the DC West division.

Newman Levinson And Partners has filed an application for temporary permission. Asda Stores Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for a non-res change of use. The changes requested by the property situated at 80/100 Roehampton Vale SW15 was: Use of part of the land as a temporary car park. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 88/W/0574. The current case is handled by Officer – CP at the DC West division.

A file has been put in by Mr. And Mrs. R.F. Newell for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Geoffrey J. Allen. Mr. And Mrs. R.F. Newell submitted a request for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 40 Eglantine Road SW18 was: Erection of rear extension to the ground floor, and bay window extension at first-floor level. The current status of the application no 88/W/0482 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Officer – JL under the DC West division.

P B Newman has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is P B Newman. The development type of this application was for md -. Flat 1 46 Clapham Common West Side SW proposed to make the following changes: Boat store, to replace existing garage fronting onto Broxash Road. The current status of the application no 88/N/0297 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Officer – JK under the DC East division.

P B Newman has requested for application for full permission. P B Newman is the agent involved in the project. P B Newman submitted a request for md -. The proposal from the property located at Flat 1 46 Clapham Common Westside SW4 was: Boat store, to replace existing garage fronting onto Broxash Road. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 87/N/2562. The current case is handled by Officer – JK at the DC East division.

Newman Associates Ltd. Has filed an application for advertisements. The agent involved in the request is Kenneth Laidler Design Associates. 227/229 Wimbledon Park Road SW18 proposed to make the following changes: Installation of neon sign. The current status of the application no 87/W/3498 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Officer – CP at the DC West division.

A request has been registered by Newman Associates Ltd for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Kenneth Laidler Design Associates. Newman Associates Ltd submitted an application for non-res design & anc ftrs. The changes requested by the property situated at Jester’s Bingo Hall 227-229 Wimbledon Park Road was: Alteration/refurbishment of the front elevation. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 87/W/3444. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Officer – CP under the DC West division.

A file has been put in by J & A News Ltd for application for full permission. The current project is managed by Benthall Potter Associates. The development type of this project was for non-res extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 318 Trinity Road SW18 was: Erection of a single-storey extension at the rear of the shop. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 87/S/1326. The case officer involved in this case was Officer – RL under the DC South division.

Regalian Urban Renewals Ltd has requested for advertisements. G T D Partnership is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property situated at Livingstone Estate Falcon Road SW11 was: Four non-illuminated freestanding advertisement boards of 1.8m. X 1.2m. (connected with sales of flats); two on Falcon Road frontage, two on Grant Road frontage. The current status of the application no 87/N/2136 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Officer – JW at the DC East division.

Newton Magnet Ltd has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is John Newton. Newton Magnet Ltd submitted an application for non-res change of use. Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium Plough Lane proposed to make the following changes: Use of part of the stadium car park for car boot sales. The current status of the application no 87/S/1180 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Officer – GH under the DC South division.

Newton Magnet Ltd has requested for observations to another local authority. The agent involved in the request is the Director of Development. The development type of this proposal was for a non-res change of use. The changes requested by the property situated at Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium Plough Lane was: Observations to London Borough of Merton on application to use the stadium car park for car boot sales. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 87/S/1120. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Officer – GH under the DC South division.

Regalian Urban Renewals has filed an application for advertisements. GTD Partnership is the agent involved in the project. “The Falcons” Livingstone Estate Falc proposed to make the following changes: 3 non-illuminated signboards relating to sales of flats; each measuring 1.8 m. X 1.2 m., two of which would front onto Falcon Road the other onto Sullivan Close. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 86/N/2650. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Officer – JF under the DC East division.

A file has been put in by New Covent Garden Market for advertisements. The current project is managed by J R Wright. The proposal from the property situated at New Covent Garden Market Nine Elms Lane SW8 was: Freestanding illuminated signs, on “V” shaped frame overall height of 4.6m. (sign 1.5m. X 4.6m.) adjacent to the main entrance. The current status of the application no 86/N/2399 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Officer – AG at the DC East division.

A request has been applied by Regalian Urban Renewal for advertisements. GTD Partnership is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Livingstone Estate Falcon Road SW11 was: Non-illuminated sales hoarding, measuring 3m. High (5.5m. From ground level) and 6m. Wide, on Falcon Road frontage. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 86/N/2441. The case officer involved in this case was Officer – JF under the DC East division.

Regalian Urban Renewal Ltd has filed an application for full permission. The current project is handled by GTD PArtnership. The development type of this proposal was for res other minor devpts. The development plan from the property located at Livingstone Estate SW11. Was: Single storey glazed conservatory within revised patio area to the south of Eagle Heights (formerly Bancroft House), adjacent to Bramlands Close. The current status of the application no 86/N/2384 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Officer – JF under the DC East division.

Newrise Properties Ltd has requested for observations to another local authority. The agent involved in the project is the Director of Technical Services. Land adjoining Fir Lodge Gipsy Lane SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Erection of four semi-detached four-bedroom houses with integral garages. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 86/W/3283. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Officer – CP under the DC West division.

Regalian Urban Renewal Ltd has requested for advertisements. The current project is managed by GTD Partnership. The proposal from the property situated at Former Livingstone Estate Falcon Road, was: Internally illuminated sign (6m wide x 3m high board), the overall height of 5.7m from the ground, located adjacent to Falcon Road boundary, facing the road. The current status of the application no 86/N/2161 is a final decision. The current case is handled by Officer – JF at the DC East division.

Inebriated Newt (Enterprises) has filed an application for full permission. D Clarke is the agent involved in the project. Inebriated Newt (Enterprises) submitted a request for a non-res extension. 172 Northcote Road SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Ground floor extension to restaurant, on forecourt facing Honeywell Road. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 86/N/2008. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Officer – PC under the DC East division.

An appeal has been registered by Winston Newman for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the project is Winston Newman. Winston Newman submitted a request for delete. The changes requested by the property situated at Bendon Valley Industrial Estate SW18 was: Details of boundary walls and landscaping pursuant to condition (03) of planning permission dated 28th August 1985. The current status of the application no 85/W/3681 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Officer – CP under the DC West division.

Regalian Urban Renewal Ltd has requested for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by GTD Partnership. The development type of this proposal was for nb -. The changes requested by the property situated at Eagle House 7 Bramlands Close SW11 was: Use of part of lowest floor of Bancroft House and erection of new single-storey building to the south of Bancroft House to provide leisure facilities (swimming pool, spa, exercise area and jacuzzi) for sole use by residents of Livingstone Estate. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 85/N/2427. The current case is handled by Officer – JF at the DC East division.

Pam Jenkins & Mark Newall, has filed an application for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the process is Pam Jenkins & Mark Newall,. The development type of this project was for design and ancillary features. The proposal from the property situated at 139 Balham Hill SW12 was: Details of railings pursuant to Condition 03 of the planning permission dated 21st March 1985 for the formation of a roof terrace. The current status of the application no 85/S/1443 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Officer – RL under the DC South division.

A request has been applied by Regalian Urban Renewal Ltd for application for full permission. GTD Partnership is the agent involved in the project. Regalian Urban Renewal Ltd submitted an application for res convn without extn. Jay Court Austin Road SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Use as 80 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 1 bedroom flats. Alterations to ground floor external areas including additional parking space off Austin Road, new entrance area with glazed canopy. Alterations to the garden deck above car park. Refacing of ground and mezzanine floors in brick. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 85/N/2402. The current case is handled by Officer – AG at the DC East division.

A file has been registered by Inebriated Newt (Enterprises) for application for full permission. The current project is managed by Inebriated Newt (Enterprises) Ltd. Inebriated Newt (Enterprises) submitted a request for non-res design & anc ftrs. 172/174 Northcote Road SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Fixed awnings over the entrance. The current status of the application no 85/N/2279 is a final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Officer – JF under the DC East division.

Sir Geoffrey & Lady Newman has filed an application for full permission. Mrs B Treherne is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property located at 5 Edna Street SW11 was: Two-storey extension at the side of the house, up to the boundary with 3 Edna Street. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 85/N/2173. The current case is handled by Officer – JF at the DC East division.

W H Newson & Sons Ltd has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is B Cameron. The development type of this project was for a non-res extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 475-479 Battersea Park Road SW11 was: Erection of 2-storey building comprising showroom on the ground floor and offices and flat above; warehouse at rear; new vehicular access to the site. The current status of the application no 85/N/2131 is a final decision. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Officer – AG under the DC East division.

J Newel has filed an application for pa -. P Boothby is the agent involved in the project. J Newel submitted a request for a residential extension. 16 Lower Common South SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Erection of conservatory extension, roof alteration to increase headroom of 2nd-floor bathroom, and reinstatement of two chimney stacks. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 85/W/3071. The case officer involved in this case was Officer – CP under the DC West division.

Miss Newens has requested for unknown. The agent involved in the application is Robert Stewart. The changes requested by the property situated at 6 Balham New Road SW12 was: Raising the roof on lean-to stores adding window omitting existing doors and internal alterations. To create a larger kitchen. The current status of the application no S/96/0272 is a final decision.

An appeal has been registered by B Newman for application for full permission. The current project is directed by B Newman. The proposal from the property located at 193 Battersea Bridge Road SW11 3AR was: New railing and gate. The current status of the application no N/97/0428 is a final decision.

A file has been put in by New Look Limited for advertisements. The agent involved in the application is New Look Limited. The changes requested by the property situated at 38-39 Arndale Centre SW18 was: Internally illuminated static sign. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: C/96/0316.

Scottish & Newcastle has filed an application for unknown. The current project is conducted by Pembrook Design Ltd. The Northcote Public House 2 Northcote Road SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Instal; 2 No. New lanterns and internal alterations. Re-paint externally. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 95/N/0395.

B M Newbery has requested for unknown. B M Newbery is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property located at 9 Barmouth Road SW18 was: Art Gallery. Workroom, caretakers flat. The current status of the application no 93/C/0110 is a final decision.

W.H. Newson & Sons Ltd has filed an application for full permission. The current project is conducted by W.G. Edwards & Partners. The proposal from the property located at 475-479 Battersea Park Road London, SW11 was: Two storey building comprising ground floor showroom with offices and flat above and warehouse at the rear. New vehicular access to the site. The status of the current project is a final decision with the application no: 90/N/0394.

Fairview New Homes Ltd., has requested for application for full permission. Irons, Cobert & Styles, is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Former Beacham Depot land between 102-152 East Hill was: Redevelopment of part of depot for four suites of offices with parking and service area, in conjunction with the residential development of the remainder of the site for 61 dwellings. The current status of the application no 86/W/3397 is a final decision.


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