Status of the projects in Wandsworth

Last Updated on : 24th October 2019

Mr Kramer has filed an application for variation of the condition. The current project is directed by Andrew Jones Associates Ltd. The development type of this proposal was for a residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at Sisters Avenue Care Home 30 Sisters Avenue SW11 5SQ was: Alterations including the erection of mansard extension to main rear roof including raising the ridge; erection of extension above part of rear addition, and raising of the eaves of the rear addition; formation of roof terrace above rear addition; single-storey side and rear extension, excavation of basement with formation of front and rear lightwells (with stairs) in connection with change of use of the property into 5 x 1-bedroom and 2 x 2 bedroom flats with associated cycle parking and refuse store.) to allow alteration to the internal layout; render to the rear elevation; French doors and safety railings to the first floor and roof level and alterations to windows. (application includes the submission of details relating to waste, cycle parking, landscaping, screening and water efficiency measures The current status of the application no 2019/3907 is invalid. The current case is handled by Lauren Roots 7696 at the DC Validation division.

Mrs Alexandra Harding has requested a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The agent involved in the process is Malbrook Conservatories Limited. 9 Fanthorpe Street SW15 1DZ proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of single-storey side extension The status of the current project is an invalid with the application no: 2019/3906. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Lauren Roots 7696 under the DC Validation division.Current Status of projects in Wandsworth

An appeal has been registered by Mr Lee Morrison for reserved matters (following outline). HUNTSMAN ELDRIDGE SURVEYORS LTD is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Melrose Court 44 Melrose Road SW18 1LZ was: Demolish garages and excavation in connection with the erection of two-storey dwelling The current status of the application no 2019/3905 is new.

Mr & Mrs Ian and Kate El-Mokadem have requested for a householder. The agent involved in the process is Andrew Harper Architects. Mr & Mrs Ian and Kate El-Mokadem submitted an application for residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 18 Roehampton Gate SW15 5JS was: Erection of a part single, part two-storey rear extension. Installation of 3 no. Rear dormer windows and 1 no. Front dormer window to the main roof. Erection of a porch to front elevation. The status of the current project is not invalid with the application no: 2019/3904.

Miss Kate Gibbon has filed an application for full permission. OJ HOME DEVELOPMENTS LTD is the agent involved in the project. Miss Kate Gibbon submitted a request for res design & anc features. Flat First Floor 78 East Hill SW18 2HG proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including installation of 2 x roof lights, insertion of rear casement/sash window and installation of Juliet balcony and french doors and safety railings. The status of the current project is an invalid with the application no: 2019/3902. The case officer involved in this case was Sue Botley 7623 under the DC Validation division.

An appeal has been put in by Cowley for a householder. The current project is directed by draw-architecture. The development type of this proposal was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 37 Melrose Road SW18 1LX was: Erection of single-storey side extension. The current status of the application no 2019/3901 is new.

A request has been registered by Mr & Mrs Ian & Natalia Godsmark for a householder. Mrs Abi Muni is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for res design & anc features. 23 Tilehurst Road SW18 3EU proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including demolition of the front porch and part of front boundary wall; formation of enlarged hardstanding in connection with widened vehicle crossover. The status of the current project is invalid with the application no: 2019/3898. The case officer involved in this case was Lauren Roots 7696 under the DC Validation division.

Mr M Warren has filed an application for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The agent involved in the request is Residential houses and extensions. Mr M Warren submitted a request for a residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at 119 Ribblesdale Road SW16 6SP was: Alterations including erection of roof extension to the main rear roof (with French doors and safety railings). The current status of the application no 2019/3897 is not invalid.

Mr M Warren has requested for a householder. The current project is conducted by Residential houses and extensions. The development type of this request was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 119 Ribblesdale Road SW16 6SP was: Alterations including erection of part single, part two-storey rear/side extension. The status of the current project is not invalid with the application no: 2019/3896.

Mr Tim Slorick has requested for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. Resi is the agent involved in the project. Mr Tim Slorick submitted a request for a residential extension. 53 Carminia Road SW17 8AJ proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of roof extension to the main rear roof (with French doors and safety railings) The current status of the application no 2019/3895 is new.

Miss Victoria Bothwell has filed an application for full permission. The current project is directed by Studio Varey. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 10 A Oakmead Road SW12 9SL was: Erection of mansard roof extension to the main rear roof; erection of roof extension and formation of roof terrace above two storey back addition. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3892.

An appeal has been registered by Miss Maria Clarke for advertisements. The agent involved in the process is Gundry and Ducker Architecture. Miss Maria Clarke submitted a request for design and ancillary features. The proposal from the property located at 54 Northcote Road SW11 1PA was: Display of illuminated 3D lettering, fascia and projecting signs, external awning, vinyl and freestanding menu cases. The current status of the application no 2019/3891 is invalid. The current case is handled by Sue Botley 7623 at the DC Validation division.

Mr William Young has requested for a householder. Mr William Young submitted a request for res design & anc features. The changes requested by the property situated at 64 Endlesham Road SW12 8JL was: Demolition and erection of replacement front boundary wall. The current status of the application no 2019/3888 is not invalid.

The agent involved in the application is Robert Light RIBA. The development type of this request was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property situated at 58-70 York Road SW11 3QD was: Submissions of details pursuant to Schedule 9 of section 106 agreement dated 02/05/2018 related to planning permission ref 2017/5818 (Demolition of existing building and erection of a part 5, 9, 11, 13 and 14 storey (maximum height 50.6m) mixed-use development plus basement, providing 911sq.M (GIA) of office (Class B1a) floorspace at ground and basement levels with 82 residential units (Use Class C3) comprising market and affordable housing on upper floor levels with access to landscaped amenity deck; with 7 car parking spaces and 145 cycle parking spaces located at basement level; public realm improvements to York Road, Yelverton Road and Badric Court; and associated infrastructure works.). The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3885.

An appeal has been applied by Mr Neale for application for full permission. Lime Tree Designs is the agent involved in the project. Mr Neale submitted a request for a non-res extension. Beatrix Potter Primary School Magdalen Road SW18 3ER proposed to make the following changes: PROPOSED NEW CLASSROOM The status of the current project is invalid with the application no: 2019/3884. The location coordinates are Easting 526422 Northing 173231 with the case officer Kirsty Salisbury 7620 under the DC Validation division.

Mr Mark Nader has filed an application for altering or extending a listed building. Watergate Wharf Wentworth House Dormay Street SW18 1EY proposed to make the following changes: Vary the relevant condition in accordance with drawings for listed building consent 2019/2529 to make Alterations including internal works and installation of replacement windows and door to front elevation. Listed building consent. The current status of the application no 2019/3879 is invalid. The case officer involved in this case was Kirsty Salisbury 7620 under the DC Validation division.Renovation projects in Wandsworth

Mr Noor has filed an application for a householder. The current project is conducted by Jorges Salman Architects. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 52 Calbourne Road SW12 8LR was: Alterations including erection of first floor side extension and 2-storey side extension; Excavation to enlarge existing basement with formation of front lightwell with grille over; reation of external basement stair access to the rear garden The status of the current project is invalid with the application no: 2019/3875. The current case is handled by Kirsty Salisbury 7620 at the DC Validation division.

Rev’d John Whittaker has requested for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Lipinski Pates Architects. Rev’d John Whittaker submitted an application for non-res design & anc ftrs. The development plan from the property located at St Marys Church Putney High Street SW15 1SN was: Erection of canopy to the front elevation of the arch. The current status of the application no 2019/3872 is invalid. The location coordinates are Easting 524178 Northing 175592 with the case officer Lauren Roots 7696 under the DC Validation division.

An appeal has been put in by Peter Tozer and Maggie O’Boyle for application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is T A Greig Architects and Consulting Engineers. The development type of this request was for res conversion with extn. The changes requested by the property situated at 32 Latchmere Road SW11 2DT was: Conversion of single-family dwelling house into three flats The current status of the application no 2019/3870 is new.

MBNL Limited has filed an application for full permission. Daly International is the agent involved in the project. MBNL Limited submitted a request for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 326 Battersea Park Road Battersea Park SW11 3BX proposed to make the following changes: Installation of replacement telecoms apparatus including 10m high stub-tower and equipment housing cabinets and ancillary works. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3869.

A request has been put in by T Nicholls for application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is G Lennox. The development type of this project was for non-res cou + other works. The development plan from the property located at 855 Garratt Lane SW17 0PG was: Change of use from the salon (Class A1) to residential (Class 3) in connection with the creation of additional bedroom to ground floor flat; Removal of existing shopfront and installation of 2 x replacement windows. The current status of the application no 2019/3862 is invalid. The location coordinates are Easting 526512 Northing 172062 with the case officer Kirsty Salisbury 7620 under the DC Validation division.

Mr Peter Fisher has requested for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Trima Architecture. Mr Peter Fisher submitted an application for res design & anc features. Flat B 37 Dinsmore Road SW12 9PT proposed to make the following changes: Formation of roof terrace with 1.7m glazed screen surround above two storeys back addition. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3853.

Mr & Mrs Waterhouse has filed an application for full permission. Strachan Design Associates Limited is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 51 Avarn Road SW17 9HB was: Erection of mansard roof extension to the main rear roof (with french doors and safety railings) and erection of roof extension above part of two-storey back addition. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3843.

Mr Dave Cobb has requested for application for full permission. Mr Dave Cobb submitted an application for non-res other minor devpt. The changes requested by the property situated at Saint Cecilia’s Church of England School Sutherland Grove SW18 5JR was: Retention of 2 x double classroom modular buildings for a further temporary period of one year. The current status of the application no 2019/3839 is invalid. The case officer involved in this case was Sue Botley 7623 under the DC Validation division.

A request has been registered by Blue Merchants Corp for details (following full perm.). The current project is conducted by City Planning. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 341Battersea Park Road SW11 4LS proposed to make the following changes: Details of water use and air source heat pumps pursuant to conditions 12 and 14 of planning permission dated 29/11/2016 ref 2016/4936 (Removal of condition 18 (exclude all properties with addresses within this development from obtaining residents / business / visitor parking permits for on-street parking within any existing or future controlled parking zones) pursuant to planning permission dated 01/07/2016 ref 2015/7642 (Demolition of existing building to provide a mixed-use development in part 3, part-4 storey building (plus basement level) with side/rear light-well and roof terrace. Retail/professional services/restaurant/offices use (use Class A1) at ground and basement level and 10 residential units (2×1 bedroom, 6×2 bedroom, and 2×3 bedroom) at the basement, ground, first, second, and third floor; associated cycle parking and refuse and recycling storage).) The current status of the application no 2019/3828 is new.

Satya Kanukuntla has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. Reeves Arboricultural Services is the agent involved in the project. Satya Kanukuntla submitted a request for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property located at 23 Nightingale Lane SW4 9AH was: T1 Birch – Fell. T2 Sycamore – Remove and replace with a Magnolia. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3827. The current case is handled by Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 at the Arboricultural division.

Steffen Goelkel has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the process is Reeves Arboricultural Services. The development type of this proposal was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 31 Albert Bridge Road SW11 4PX was: T1 – London Plane – we would like to reduce by up to 3m to recent pruning points. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3822. The case officer involved in this case was Alex Roebuck 020 3959 0075 under the Arboricultural division.

A request has been applied by Dr Reza Sharifi for prior approval residential extension. The agent involved in the application is Mr M Taghavi. Dr Reza Sharifi submitted an application for residential extension. The proposal from the property located at Bungalow J 331 Upper Richmond Road SW15 6SX was: Erection of single-storey rear extension to extend beyond the rear wall of the existing dwellinghouse by 4m, the total height of the proposed extension is 2.7m and the height of the eaves is 2.7m. The current status of the application no 2019/3810 is invalid. The location coordinates are Easting 522917 Northing 175278 with the case officer Kirsty Salisbury 7620 under the DC Validation division.

Mr Lee Wilson has requested for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Lipinski Pates Architects. The development type of this request was for res convn without extn. 77 & 77a Lower Richmond Road SW15 1ET proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including excavation to enlarge basement, formation of front lightwell, erection of single-storey rear extension in connection with change of use of ground floor and basement from retail (Class A1) to residential (class C3) to provide 2 x 1-bedroom flats with associated bin and cycle storage at rear. The current status of the application no 2019/3792 is invalid. The current case is handled by Sue Botley 7623 at the DC Validation division.

Mr Shola Adeniran has filed an application for full permission. The Town Planning Experts is the agent involved in the project. Mr Shola Adeniran submitted an application for new residential devpts. The changes requested by the property situated at Rear of 916 Garratt Lane SW17 0ND was: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of two-storey (plus basement) building to provide 1 x 2-bedroom and 1 x studio flats with associated bin/cycle storage. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3782.

A request has been applied by Miss Lisa King for application for full permission. Design Team is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this request was for res conversion with extn. Flats B and C 39 Bolingbroke Grove SW11 6EH proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of single-storey rear/side extension at lower ground floor level in connection with the conversion of the properties from 2 x1-bedroom flats into 1 x3 bedroom flat. The status of the current project is not invalid with the application no: 2019/3778. The current case is handled by Jordan Macann 8412 at the DC East division.

Mr Nick Greenwood has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is Knight Frank. The development type of this project was for design and ancillary features. The changes requested by the property situated at Irene House Balham High Road SW12 9BS was: Alterations including the relocation of refuse and cycle storage, alterations to parking arrangements and associated landscaping. The current status of the application no 2019/3762 is invalid. The case officer involved in this case was Sue Botley 7623 under the DC Validation division.

Mr Herbin Duffield has filed an application for full permission. Mr Herbin Duffield submitted a request for res design & anc features. The development plan from the property situated at 23 B Wimbledon Park Road SW18 1LU was: Installation of French doors to ground floor rear elevation. The current status of the application no 2019/3758 is invalid. The location coordinates are Easting 525131 Northing 174119 with the case officer Lauren Roots 7696 under the DC Validation division.

An appeal has been applied by Ms Liz Wood-Griffiths for Thames tideway tunnel. The current project is conducted by Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke Joint Venture (FLo). Ms Liz Wood-Griffiths submitted a request for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at Tideway Working Area Kirtling Street Nine Elms SW11 8BP was: Thames Tideway Tunnel The Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames Tideway Tunnel) Order (SI:2014/2384) as amended by The Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames Tideway Tunnel) (Correction) Order (SI:2015/723) and the Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames Tideway Tunnel) (Amendment) Order 2017 (SI:2017/659), and the Notice of Variation No. 1 (17 March 2015) and Notice of Variation No.2 (17 August 2017) in respect of the Deemed Marine Licence. Compliance with and PARTIAL discharge of Schedule 3 Requirements PW6 and KRTST 17 Construction Traffic Management Plan The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3756. The location coordinates are Easting 528993 Northing 177505 with the case officer Dianne James under the Thames Tunnel division.

Mr Michael Jeffs has filed an application for full permission. The current project is managed by Shape of Architecture. 3 Belgrave Court Ascalon Street SW8 4DJ proposed to make the following changes: Basement excavation with the provision of four lightwells to the southern and eastern elevations. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3752. The current case is handled by Benjamin Coffie at the VNEB division.

A request has been put in by white for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the project is County Tree Surgeons Limited. The development type of this request was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property located at Nightingale House 105 Nightingale Lane SW12 8NB was: T1-T3 – limes – Reduce by 30%, removing approx. 3m in length to appropriate growth points as part of the ongoing management of the trees and to maintain a harmonious relationship with the surrounding buildings and houses. T4 – Horse chestnut in centre of the site – Severe decline noted in the canopy – Fell to ground level. [Trees not located in a Conservation Area and not listed on TPO 138/1990 – application withdrawn.] The current status of the application no 2019/3749 is a withdrawn. The case officer involved in this case was Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 under the Arboricultural division.Status of the projects in Wandsworth

Y Gadit has requested for reserved matters (following outline). Mattix limited is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for res conversion with extn. The changes requested by the property situated at 6 Lavender Hill SW11 5RW was: Variation of condition 2 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 17/03/2016 ref 2015/5221 (Erection of additional floor of accommodation above the main building with rear balcony above rear addition, creating 1 x 1-bedroom flat. Erection of mansard roof extension above additional floor to create a further storey to provide 1 x 1 bedroom flat. Erection of two-storey rear extension at ground and first floor levels. Alterations to rear windows.) to allow alteration to rear elevation. The current status of the application no 2019/3733 is invalid. The current case is handled by Sue Botley 7623 at the DC Validation division.

Mr Duncan Watson has filed an application for full permission. The current project is handled by KR Planning. Mr Duncan Watson submitted an application for non-res change of use. The development plan from the property situated at Unit 2 Tileman House 133 Upper Richmond Road SW15 2TX was: Alterations in connection of change of use from commercial (Class B1) to flexible use(Class A1, A2, A3, A4, B1a, D1 and D2). The status of the current project is invalid with the application no: 2019/3731. The case officer involved in this case was Sue Botley 7623 under the DC Validation division.

Mr William Young has requested for a householder. The development type of this project was for res design & anc features. 64 Endlesham Road SW12 8JL proposed to make the following changes: Demolition and erection of replacement front boundary wall, piers, gate and railings. The status of the current project is not invalid with the application no: 2019/3694.

A request has been put in by JCF for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the request is Treecare Ltd. JCF submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property located at 4 to 6 Oakhill Road SW15 2QU was: Rear Garden of The Studio, Oakhill Road: T5 Oak – Reduce back off the property by up to 2m and balance, lift by 1m. Rear Garden: T4 Laurel Prunus spp – Crown reduce and balance, removing up to 1.5m. T3 Ash – Repollard; remove epicormic growth. T2 Ash – Crown reduce by up to 2m, reducing off the property by up to 2m and balancing accordingly. The current status of the application no 2019/3665 is invalid. The location coordinates are Easting 524666 Northing 174855 with the case officer Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 under the Arboricultural division.

Mr Nick Clark has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Advanced Tree Services Ltd is the agent involved in the project. Mr Nick Clark submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 50 Nightingale Lane SW12 8TE was: T1: Ailanthus tree of Heaven – Crown reduce by 3m to leave tree 10m tall and 3m wide. Risk management enabling the retention of this tree in a stable form, with reduced lever arm and end weight of branches. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3643. The case officer involved in this case was Alex Roebuck 020 3959 0075 under the Arboricultural division.

A request has been applied by Victoria Parsons for telecoms application pd. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). Communication Station 98045 On Roof Top Of Clifford Court 2 Street Furniture Heathfield Road London proposed to make the following changes: Notification for the replacement of 3no. Antennas with upgraded antennas, 1no. GPS antenna and associated works The current status of the application no 2019/4117 is registered. The location coordinates are Easting 526973 Northing 173760 with the case officer Laura Nieves 02088718411WeThFr under the DC West division.

Girls’ Day School Trust C/O Agent has filed an application for details (following full perm.). Nexus Planning Ltd is the agent involved in the project. Girls’ Day School Trust C/O Agent submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 35-37 Putney High School Putney Hill SW15 6BH was: Details of piling method statement pursuant to condition 12 of planning permission dated 21/08/2018 ref 2018/3059 [Demolition of the existing science building (Block B) and the erection of a four-storey school building including a rooftop screened enclosure containing plant, introduction of a new entrance gate and step-free access from Carlton Drive and associated landscaping]. The current status of the application no 2019/3944 is registered. The current case is handled by Julia Kelly 8413 at the DC West division.

See Company Name has filed an application for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the request is Charlotte Everard. The development type of this request was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The development plan from the property situated at Development Site of Embassy Gardens; Land to the south of Nine Elms DHL Depot and 1-12 Ponton Road and 51 Nine Elms Lane SW8 5DA was: Submission of details pursuant to Condition 43 (Final Verification Report) of planning permission dated 30 March 2012 under application reference 2011/1815. Demolition of all existing buildings and construction of a mixed-use redevelopment to provide residential units, including affordable housing, retail, financial and professional services, cafe/restaurant, bar and hot food takeaway uses, car showrooms, office floorspace and flexible workspace, a hotel, community uses and assembly and leisure uses, associated basement and ground-level parking and servicing; energy centres; new vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation; and new public amenity space and landscaping including part of the ‘Linear Park’. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3942. The case officer involved in this case was Chloe Tucker under the VNEB division.

Victoria Parsons has requested for telecoms application pd. The development type of this project was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). Communication Station GLN 540 Roof Top Kimpton House Fontley Way SW15 4ND proposed to make the following changes: Notification of intention to install a replacement equipment cabinet and rack and associated works. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3833. The current case is handled by Benjamin Coffie at the VNEB division.

A request has been put in by Mr Shilun Di for application for full permission. The current project is handled by AU Architects. Mr Shilun Di submitted an application for res conversion with extn. 17 Sangora Road SW11 1RL proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of mansard roof extension to the main rear roof (with French doors and safety railings) including the formation of roof terrace above four-storey back addition with 1.2m high screen surround; erection of single-storey rear/ side extension. Excavation to enlarge basement in connection with the conversion of the property into 1 x 1bedroom flat and 2 x 3 bedroom flats. The current status of the application no 2019/3812 is registered. The location coordinates are Easting 526972 Northing 175104 with the case officer Ben Hayter 8319 under the DC West division.

Jenny Kiaer has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is Silesia Architects LLP. The development type of this proposal was for a residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at Flat A 103 Tranmere Road SW18 3QP was: Erection of a single-storey rear/side extension. The current status of the application no 2019/3700 is registered. The current case is handled by Antonia McClean 7373 at the DC West division.

A request has been registered by Mr & Mrs Atkin-Johnson-Berry for application for full permission. The current project is directed by Lime Tree Designs. Mr & Mrs Atkin-Johnson-Berry submitted an application for residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 165 A Tranmere Road SW18 3QX was: Alterations including erection of mansard roof extension to the main rear roof (with French doors and safety railings) and extension above part of two-storey back addition; formation of roof terrace above two-storey back addition with 1.7m high screen surround. Installation of the external staircase from the first floor to ground floor level in the rear garden. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3890. The location coordinates are Easting 526445 Northing 172617 with the case officer Antonia McClean 7373 under the DC West division.

Mr Nigel Drummond has requested for application for full permission. Krsdesigns is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this proposal was for a residential extension. 317 Trinity Road SW18 3SL proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of a single-storey rear extension. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3881. The case officer involved in this case was Antonia McClean 7373 under the DC West division.

The current project is managed by Quod. Submitted a request for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at B And Q Depot Smugglers Way SW18 1EG was: Details of site levels pursuant to condition 6 of planning permission dated 29/03/2019 ref 2017/0580 (Demolition of existing retail buildings and phased construction of 13 residential blocks (with 3 podiums) ranging from 8 to 15 storeys to provide a mixed-use scheme including 517 residential units (Class C3), 516 s.Q.M. GIA of business (Class B1) and 2969 s.Q.M GIA flexible business/retail/restaurant and caf? (Class VB1, A1, A2, A3 and A4) with car/cycle parking, associated combined heat and power (CHP), plant and associated works, landscaping, new accesses onto Smugglers Way, and offsite highways works including a new pedestrian crossing of Swandon Way. An Environmental Statement has been submitted under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 as amended) The current status of the application no 2019/3880 is registered. The location coordinates are Easting 525752 Northing 175160 with the case officer Cathy Molloy 6913 under the DC West division.

An appeal has been put in by Mr Kevin Pratt for a householder. The agent involved in the application is Mr Alberto Ochoa. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property located at 16 Titchwell Road SW18 3LW was: Alterations including erection of roof extension to the main rear and side roof; erection of part single-storey, part two-storey rear/side extension; alterations in connection with use of the garage as additional habitable accommodation. The current status of the application no 2019/3876 is registered. The current case is handled by Ben Hayter 8319 at the DC West division.Status of the projects in Wandsworth

Sally Mangum has requested for a householder. Peter Cook is the agent involved in the project. Sally Mangum submitted an application for res design & anc features. The proposal from the property situated at 5 Hobbes Walk SW15 5AQ was: Installation of a roof lantern to single-storey rear extension. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3861. The case officer involved in this case was Lucia Sarisska under the DC West division.

Alistair Halsall has filed an application for details (following full perm.). LAB ARCHITECTS Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). Heathmere School Keepers House Alton Road SW15 4LJ proposed to make the following changes: Details of boundary treatment, water consumption and SAP calculations pursuant to conditions 4, 5 and 6 of planning permission dated 24/03/2017 ref 2016/7179 (Erection of new three-storey building comprising of 6 new residential dwellings (3 x two-bedroom duplex apartments at ground and first floor level, all with private external area to the rear, and 3 x one-bedroom loft apartments with rear balconies at second floor level). Associated landscaping, boundary treatment and cycle and refuse storage) to allow for second bedrooms and mezzanine in second-floor apartments and insertion of additional windows in the rear elevation at third-floor level). The current status of the application no 2019/3860 is registered. The current case is handled by Daniel Piercy 6632 at the DC West division.

Mr & Mrs stafford-Allen has requested for a householder. The current project is directed by Krsdesigns. Mr & Mrs stafford-Allen submitted a request for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 77 Avening Road SW18 4PN was: Alterations including erection of roof extension above part of two-storey back addition. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3856. The case officer involved in this case was Rohan Graham 7191 under the DC West division.

Mr & Mrs Carter has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is Trima Architecture. Mr & Mrs Carter submitted a request for a residential extension. The development plan from the property situated at Flat First And Second Floor 35 Cicada Road SW18 2NN was: Erection of mansard roof extension to main rear roof and formation of roof terrace with 1.7m glazed screen surround above part of two-storey back addition. The current status of the application no 2019/3852 is registered. The location coordinates are Easting 526388 Northing 174546 with the case officer Antonia McClean 7373 under the DC West division.

An appeal has been registered by Mr & Mrs A & D Broderick for application for full permission. The current project is directed by Cooley Architects. The development type of this project was for a residential extension. 48 A Lower Richmond Road SW15 1JP proposed to make the following changes: Erection of part single, part three-storey rear/side extension and rear dormer in connection with the use of the property as 1 x 4-bedroom flat. Formation of the roof terrace at rear second-floor level. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3823. The current case is handled by Jackson Greenwell 6643 at the DC West division.

Ms Anna Ramsden has requested for advertisements. The development type of this request was for design and ancillary features. The changes requested by the property situated at Development Site Of 94 And 39 To 41 East Hill North Side Wandsworth Common SW18 2QU was: Display of non-illuminated fascia and lettering signage on south, east and west elevations. The current status of the application no 2019/3814 is registered. The case officer involved in this case was Ben Hayter 8319 under the DC West division.

An appeal has been registered by Miss Almudena Navarro for a householder. The agent involved in the process is Studio Wolter Navarro. Miss Almudena Navarro submitted an application for residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 9 Melody Road SW18 2QW was: Alterations including erection of replacement part single/part two-storey rear/side extension. Installation of replacement front boundary metal railings and gate. (Amendments to planning permission dated 14/02/2019 ref 2018/5482 to include alterations to the first-floor window and to enlarge the ground floor extension to both boundary walls. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3811. The location coordinates are Easting 526292 Northing 174715 with the case officer Jackson Greenwell 6643 under the DC West division.

Mahmed c/o CGL Architects has filed an application for full permission. Mr Salman Mahmed is the agent involved in the project. Mahmed c/o CGL Architects submitted a request for a non-res extension. The proposal from the property located at Ground Floor Rear Of 110 Upper Richmond Road SW15 2SP was: Erection of part single, part two-storey light industrial building (Class B1(C)) at the rear. The current status of the application no 2019/3800 is registered. The case officer involved in this case was Ben Hayter 8319 under the DC West division.

An appeal has been put in by Mr Richard Crowley for application for full permission. The current project is managed by Context Architecture. The development type of this request was for a residential extension. Flat Top Floor 831 B Garratt Lane SW17 0PF proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of roof extension to main rear roof including raising the ridge by 300mm and extension above two-storey back addition; formation of roof terrace above single-storey rear extension with 800mm high screen surround. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3776. The current case is handled by Jackson Greenwell 6643 at the DC West division.


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