SW17 Planning Property Proposal

Last Updated on : 22nd September 2019

A file has been filled by Mr Simon Newson for details (following full perm.). The agent involved in the application is Mr Simon Newson. Mr Simon Newson submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 22 Ritherdon Road SW17 8QD proposed to make the following changes: Details of of material pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission dated 10/03/2014 ref 20140044 (Change of use from off licence (use class A1) to part off licence (use class A1) and part drinking establishment (use class A4), to enable wine tasting to take place. Includes replacement of projecting awning to front elevation and provision of the external seating area to the front of unit). The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2016/1816. The case officer involved in this case was Evelyn O’Neill 6637 under the DCValidation division.

Mr Edward Newland has filed an application for full permission. Gazey Architects is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 45 Tregarvon Road SW11 5QD was: Erection of mansard roof extension to the main rear roof. The current status of the application no 2015/1752 is withdrawn. The location coordinates are Easting 528404 Northing 175274 with the case officer Brenda Davis 6476 under the DCValidation division. SW17

A file has been filled by Mr Andrew Newbery for the householder. The agent involved in the application is Nu Space. Mr Andrew Newbery submitted an application for residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 50 Merton Road SW18 was: Erection of mansard roof extension to the main rear roof (with French doors and safety railings) including raising the ridge by 300mm; erection of extension above part of two-storey back addition. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2014/2224. The location coordinates are Easting 525211 Northing 174425 with the case officer Tracy Mann 7622 under the DCValidation division.

Mrs Barbara Newman has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 92 Augustus Road, SW19 6ER proposed to make the following changes: Holm Oak and False Acacia – Fell. The current status of the application no 2012/3891 is withdrawn.

A file has been filled by Languard New Homes Ltd for details (following full perm.). Mr M Dymond is the agent involved in the project. 200 St Anns Hill SW18 2RU proposed to make the following changes: Demolition of existing public house and erection of a three-storey building to provide six flats. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2011/0788.

Newton Enterprises Ltd has filed an application for details (following full perm.). BTA Architects is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property situated at 149 Battersea Park Road SW8 4BX was: Approval of details – see 2010/2341. The current status of the application no 2010/2401 is withdrawn.

Newline Investments Ltd has filed an application for the renewal of planning permission. The agent involved in the application is Mr Nadeem Siddiqi. The proposal from the property situated at 158 – 162 Tooting High Street SW17 0RT was: Error – see 4318. The current status of the application no 2009/4325 is withdrawn.

A file has been filled by New Age Consultant for details (following full perm.). New Age Consultant is the agent involved in the project. New Age Consultant submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 7A Chestnut Grove SW12 proposed to make the following changes: Duplicate – see 4810. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2008/4852. The case officer involved in this case was Carolyn Southall 8412 Mon, Tues, Wed under the DCSouth division.

A file has been filled by Mr A Newth for conservation area consent (demolition). The agent involved in the application is Apropos Tectonic. 36 Oxford Road SW15 proposed to make the following changes: Erection of single-storey rear extension with balcony roof terrace.. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2008/1018. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Karen Ball 6559 under the DCWest division.

New Heights has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is IV Interiors. The development type of this application was for non-res design & anc ftrs. The proposal from the property situated at New Heights Unit 16 212 – 216 Putney Bridge Road SW15 was: Alteration to ground floor side (east) elevation to include replacing a door and window with louvre (in connection with the provision of A/C condensers within the building). The current status of the application no 2006/4694 is withdrawn. The case officer involved in this case was Andrea Turrin 8410 under the DCWest division.

A file has been filled by P Akhtar T F Foods & News for application for full permission. P Akhtar T F Foods & News is the agent involved in the project. 202 Trinity Road SW17 proposed to make the following changes: New canopy – see 2006/2001.. The current status of the application no 2006/1322 is withdrawn. The location coordinates are Easting 527490 Northing 173145 with the case officer Laura Nieves 02088718411WeThFr under the DCCentral division.

Ms C Newsome has filed an application for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. Ms C Newsome is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property situated at 12 Worslade Road SW17 was: Loft conversion. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2005/5465.

Ms C Newsome has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Ms C Newsome. 12 Worslade Road SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Conservatory to rear. The current status of the application no 2005/5464 is withdrawn.

A file has been filled by Mr & Mrs Newman for conservation area consent (demolition). Simon Smith & Michael Brooke Architects is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property situated at 10 Honeywell Road SW11 6EG was: Demolition of single-storey rear extension, erection of single-storey rear extension and associated internal alterations.. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2004/5172.

A file has been filled by Mr John Newman for work to trees in a conservation area. Flat A 26 Ritherdon Road SW17 8QD proposed to make the following changes: Not Given. The current status of the application no 2004/4057 is new.

David Newman has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is David Newman. The development type of this application was for res other minor devpts. The proposal from the property situated at 196 Eversleigh Road SW11 was: Formation of roof terrace, decking and railings. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2004/2252. The case officer involved in this case was Paul Landsberg 7959 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by Philip Newman for conservation area consent (alter/extend). The agent involved in the application is Philip Newman. The proposal from the property situated at 13 Alma Terrace SW18 was: Extension to the second floor. The current status of the application no 2004/0002 is withdrawn.

Mr & Mrs M Newsom Davis has filed an application for full permission. Stuart L Edwards is the agent involved in the project. 84 Victoria Drive SW19 proposed to make the following changes: Provision of additional french windows on rear elevation and replacement windows, together with internal alterations. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2003/4761. The case officer involved in this case was Nick Calder 8417 under the DCCentral division.

A file has been filled by Mr John Newman for conservation area consent (alter/extend). The agent involved in the application is Ivo Curwen. The proposal from the property situated at 1 Ritherdon Road SW178QE was: Single storey extension to the existing house.. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2003/0529.

Fairview New Homes Plc has filed an application for details (following full perm.). Fairview New Homes Plc submitted an application for new residential devpts. Part of Tooting Bec Hospital Site Church Lane SW17 proposed to make the following changes: Details of lighting pursuant to condition 02 of planning permissions (ref 2000/1852 and 2000/1854). The current status of the application no 2003/0466 is withdrawn. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Mark Brodie 8414 under the DCSouth division.

A file has been filled by A L Hayes-Newington for application for full permission. K W Hunter is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. 1 Capern Road SW18 proposed to make the following changes: Part single, part two-storey rear extension. The current status of the application no 2003/0263 is withdrawn. The location coordinates are Easting 526052 Northing 173256 with the case officer Melanie Watson 6644 under the DCWest division.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has filed an application for advertisements. Creative Union is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property situated at 85 Albert Bridge Road SW11 was: Installation of internally illuminated fascia and hanging signs and externally illuminated projecting sign.. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2002/2099. The case officer involved in this case was Grant Leggett 8412 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by Socttish & Newscastle Retail for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Creative Union. Prince Albert P.H. 85 Albert Bridge Road SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Paint overglazed brick to ground floor facard. Replace 2 etched glass windows to match clear existing windows.. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2002/1435. The location coordinates are Easting 527462 Northing 177230 with the case officer Rachael Pipkin 8412 under the DCEast division.

Fairview New Homes Ltd has filed an application for details (following full perm.). Fairview New Homes Ltd submitted an application for new residential devpts. The proposal from the property situated at Part of Tooting Bec Hospital Site Church Lane SW17 was: Details of lighting in part pursuance to condition 02 of planning permission’s dates 26/09/00 (ref. 2000/1852 and 2000/1854). The current status of the application no 2002/1087 is withdrawn. The case officer involved in this case was Mark Brodie 8414 under the DCSouth division.

A file has been filled by Fairview New Homes Ltd for details (following full perm.). The development type of this application was for new residential devpts. The proposal from the property situated at Tooting Bec Hospital, Tooting Bec Road SW17 was: Details of parking, service roads, sight lines, surface treatment, boundary treatment and lighting pursuant to condition 02 of planning permission’s dated 15/12/00, 2000/0204 and 2000/0206.. The current status of the application no 2002/1084 is withdrawn. The location coordinates are Easting 52 Northing 17 with the case officer Mark Brodie 8414 under the DCSouth division.

The New Clapham Grand has filed an application for altering or extend a listed building. The agent involved in the application is Joann Monaghan. The Grand 21-25 St Johns Hill SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Refurbishment and repairs to roofs/windows. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2001/2594. The case officer involved in this case was Julia Kelly 8413 under the DCEast division.

The New Clapham Grand has filed an application for altering or extend a listed building. Jo-Ann Monaghan is the agent involved in the project. 21-25 St Johns Hill SW11 proposed to make the following changes: Listed building application for the erection of advertisement billboard. The current status of the application no 2001/2198 is withdrawn. The case officer involved in this case was Julia Kelly 8413 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by The New Clapham Grand for advertisements. The agent involved in the application is Jo-Ann Monaghan. The proposal from the property situated at 21-25 St Johns Hill SW11 was: Reinstatement of an advertising billboard. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2001/2197. The location coordinates are Easting 52 Northing 17 with the case officer Julia Kelly 8413 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by Scottish & Newcastle Retail Ltd for application for full permission. Heron Design is the agent involved in the project. 2 Northcote Road SW111NT proposed to make the following changes: Change of use of part existing pavement to a paved seating area. The current status of the application no 2001/1560 is withdrawn.

Scottish & Newcastle Retail has filed an application for full permission. Pembrook Design is the agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property situated at The Dog & Duck PH, 110 Battersea Rise SW11 was: Alterations including formation of beer garden to rear; enclosure of rear yard to form new bin store, new fire escape doors to front and rear, creation of 2 separate flats at first floor level with fire escape staircase to rear.. The status of the current project is withdrawn with the application no: 2001/1239.

SW17Katie Newman has filed an application for the householder. The agent involved in the application is Orchestrate. Katie Newman submitted an application for residential extension. 41 Manchuria Road SW11 6AF proposed to make the following changes: Erection of single-storey rear/side extension. The current status of the application no 2019/3322 is registered. The location coordinates are Easting 528269 Northing 174463 with the case officer Jordan Macann 4812 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by Ms Briony Newman for application for full permission. Architecture + Urban Design Bureau is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for res design & anc features. The proposal from the property situated at Flat Basement A 101 Albert Bridge Road SW11 4PF was: Alterations including erection of replacement access staircase to the basement flat. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/3058. The case officer involved in this case was Simon Brooksbank 8416 under the DCEast division.

Mr & Mrs Newel and Kinch have filed an application for the householder. The agent involved in the application is Michael Phillips Associates. Mr & Mrs Newel and Kinch submitted an application for residential extension. 123 St James Drive SW17 7RP proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including excavation to enlarge basement, erection of single-storey rear/side extension and erection of extension over three-storey back addition. The status of the current project is registered with the application no: 2019/2612. The case officer involved in this case was Simon Brooksbank 8416 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by Sandra Newnham for prior approval residential extension. Jack Garner is the agent involved in the project. Sandra Newnham submitted an application for residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 66 Lucien Road SW17 8HN was: Erection of single-storey rear extension to extend beyond the rear wall of the existing dwellinghouse by 6m, the total height of the proposed extension is 3m and the height of the eaves is 3m. The current status of the application no 2019/2602 is the final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 528308 Northing 171502 with the case officer James Pink 6835 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by Mr David Newman for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Rich Architecture. The development type of this application was for new residential devpts. Terrapin Court Terrapin Road SW17 8QW proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of roof extension and roof terraces to provide 2 x 2-bedroom flats within the extended roof. Provision of associated refuse and cycle storage for existing and proposed dwellings.. The current status of the application no 2019/1757 is registered. The location coordinates are Easting 528897 Northing 172497 with the case officer Wendy Melaab 6136 under the DCEast division.

Rebecca Newman has filed an application for variation of the condition. Rebecca Newman submitted an application for mixed new developments. The proposal from the property situated at The Bricklayers Arms Public House 32 Waterman Street SW15 1DD was: Variation of condition 2 (in accordance with approved drawings) of planning permission dated 30/03/2016 ref 2015/4817 (Demolition of existing ground floor rear back additions and erection of a two-storey rear extension to re-provide accommodation to the public house at ground floor level (Use Class A4) and additional ancillary residential accommodation at first floor level; erection of a two-storey building with basement adjacent to the main public house to provide 1 x 1 bedroom flat and 1 x 2 bedroom flat with private amenity space) to allow basement to be enlarged.. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2019/1550. The case officer involved in this case was Daniel Piercy 6632 under the DCWest division.

Lise Newberry has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. Edward Payne and Co Ltd is the agent involved in project. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 56 Streathbourne Road SW17 8QX proposed to make the following changes: Rear Garden: T1 Acer negundo – Crown reduce by 2 to 2.5m. T2 Lime – Crown reduce back to previous reduction points, removing 2.5 to 3m from height and width.. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2019/2103. The case officer involved in this case was Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 under the Arboricultural division.

A file has been filled by Mr & Mrs Justin & Joanna Cunnew for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Just Extend Your House. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 110 Revelstoke Road SW18 5PB was: Erection of roof extension to main rear roof and roof extension over part of two-storey back addition.. The current status of the application no 2019/1462 is withdrawn. The location coordinates are Easting 525160 Northing 172741 with the case officer Antonia McClean 7373 under the DCWest division.

A file has been filled by Mr P. Newman and J. Pocock for application for full permission. Lipinski Pates Architects is the agent involved in the project. Mr P. Newman and J. Pocock submitted an application for res conversion with extn. The proposal from the property situated at Flat First And Second Floors A 13 Northcote Road SW11 1NG was: Alterations including erection of mansard roof extension to the main roof, rear extension at second-floor level and formation of rear roof terraces in connection with the conversion of existing flat into 1 x 1-bedroom and 1 x 3-bedroom flats. The current status of the application no 2019/1258 is the final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Bryn Bolton 6794 under the DCEast division.

Marc Newey has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Trevor May Contractors Limited. The development type of this application was for design and ancillary features. Roehampton Club Roehampton Lane London SW15 5LR proposed to make the following changes: Installation of LED floodlighting to croquet lawn.. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2019/0673. The location coordinates are Easting 521999 Northing 175238 with the case officer Laura Nieves 02088718411WeThFr under the DCWest division.

Newman has filed an application for householder. Mike Tuck Studio is the agent involved in the project. Newman submitted an application for residential extension. 40 Bassingham Road SW18 3AG proposed to make the following changes: Erection of replacement single-storey glazed rear extension and installation of cladding to existing brick rear extension. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2019/0774. The location coordinates are Easting 526264 Northing 173888 with the case officer Ben Hayter 8319 under the DCWest division.

A file has been filled by Ms Carey Newton for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Revive Renovations. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at Flat Ground Floor A 13 Ellerton Road SW18 3NG was: Alterations including erection of single-storey rear/side extension. Erection of a single-storey outbuilding.. The current status of the application no 2018/5552 is the final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Brendan Easton 8162 under the DCWest division.

A file has been filled by Mr Marc Newey for application for full permission. LUC is the agent involved in the project. Mr Marc Newey submitted an application for mixed design & anc ftrs. Rosslyn Park Football Club Priory Lane London SW15 5JH proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including the formation of overflow parking area adjacent to Roehampton Lane including laying out of pedestrian and vehicular access from within the site and from the Roehampton Club; associated landscaping including removal of 1 tree and 3 sections of hedge.. The current status of the application no 2018/3444 is the final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 521880 Northing 175414 with the case officer Daniel Piercy 6632 under the DCWest division.

Mrs Newton has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is RPS Planning & Development. Mrs Newton submitted an application for new residential devpts. The proposal from the property situated at 162 Upper Tooting Road SW17 7ER was: Erection of additional two-storey including mansard roof extension to front and rear to create three-storey building and provide 2 x 2-bedroom flats on upper floors; alterations and change of use of part of ground floor (A1) to residential (C3) to provide front access and provision of bin/cycle storage to rear. Alterations to front and rear elevations including replacement of shopfront. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2018/1867. The case officer involved in this case was Wendy Melaab 6136 under the DCEast division.

Mr Marc Newey has filed an application for details (following full perm.). Naismiths Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). Roehampton Club Roehampton Lane SW15 5LR proposed to make the following changes: Details of Construction Management Plan pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission dated 08/03/2018 ref 2017/5493 [Demolition of existing indoor tennis dome near the north-western corner of the site and the erection of a replacement indoor tennis dome structure to provide 3 x indoor tennis courts with ancillary toilet facilities, plant and viewing gallery.]. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2018/1818. The case officer involved in this case was Laura Nieves 02088718411WeThFr under the DCWest division.

A file has been filled by Mr Richard Newlove for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is dRAW Architecture. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 10 C Treport Street SW18 2BP was: Erection of mansard roof extension to main rear roof and roof extension above part of two-storey back addition; formation of roof terrace with glazed screen surround above part of two-storey back addition. The current status of the application no 2018/1541 is the final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 525947 Northing 173937 with the case officer Brendan Easton 8162 under the DCWest division.

Mr John Newman has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Plans2build. Mr John Newman submitted an application for res conversion with extn. 26 Ritherdon Road SW17 8QD proposed to make the following changes: Conversion of basement level into 1 x 1-bedroom flat with the formation of two front lightwells with glass balustrades around. Erection of replacement dwarf wall with Heaver style railings above and installation of bin stores within front garden.. The current status of the application no 2018/1050 is the final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 528340 Northing 172633 with the case officer Wendy Melaab 6136 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by Mr Stephen New for the householder. The development type of this application was for a residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 12 Gibbon Walk SW15 5EE was: Alteration including erection of single-storey rear extension. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2018/0465. The case officer involved in this case was Kiki Gkavogianni 8603 under the DCWest division.

A file has been filled by Mr James Newsome for details (following full perm.). Mr James Newsome submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property situated at Maisonette Second and Third Floors B 3 Boutflower Road SW11 1RE was: Details of glazed balustrade pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission dated 20/10/2016 ref 2016/3368 (Variation of condition 2 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 03/07/2015 ref 2015/0884 (Installation of a roof terrace to the main roof with glass balustrade, 1.7m high frosted glass screen to east elevation, and external staircase access from rear third floor) to allow change in dimensions of roof terrace.). The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2017/5553. The case officer involved in this case was Bryn Bolton 6794 under the DCEast division.

Mr Marc Newey has filed an application for full permission. LUC is the agent involved in the project. Mr Marc Newey submitted an application for design and ancillary features. Roehampton Club Roehampton Lane SW15 5LR proposed to make the following changes: Demolition of existing indoor tennis dome near the north-western corner of the site and the erection of a replacement indoor tennis dome structure to provide 3 x indoor tennis courts with ancillary toilet facilities, plant and viewing the gallery. The current status of the application no 2017/5493 is the final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 521999 Northing 175238 with the case officer Elen Richards 7617 under the DCWest division.

A file has been filled by Rebecca Newman for details (following full perm.). The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property situated at The Bricklayers Arms Public House 32 Waterman Street SW15 1DD was: Details of materials, landscaping and written scheme of investigation for archaeological evaluation pursuant to conditions 3, 4 and 11 of planning permission dated 30/03/2016 ref 2015/4817 (Demolition of existing ground floor rear back additions and erection of a two-storey rear extension to re-provide accommodation to the public house at ground floor level (Use Class A4) and additional ancillary residential accommodation at first floor level; erection of a two-storey building with basement adjacent to the main public house to provide 1 x 1 bedroom flat and 1 x 2 bedroom flat with private amenity space).. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2017/5255. The location coordinates are Easting 523966 Northing 175628 with the case officer Alexander Green 8310 under the DCWest division.

Ms Briony Newman has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Architecture + Urban Design Bureau. Ms Briony Newman submitted an application for residential extension. Flat Basement A 101 Albert Bridge Road SW11 4PF proposed to make the following changes: Erection of single-storey rear/side extensions at lower ground floor level. Removal of outbuilding and rebuilding of external rear garden steps. The current status of the application no 2017/4102 is the final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Ian Smith 8414 under the DCEast division.

Mr Anthony Newhouse has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 18 Colinette Road London SW15 6QQ proposed to make the following changes: Front Garden: T1 Ginkgo biloba – Crown reduce by 33% removing up to 2m and clearing from North and East walls of the house. The current status of the application no 2017/3924 is the final decision. The case officer involved in this case was Richard Fletcher 8686 under the Arboricultural division.

A file has been filled by Mr Robin Newman for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Treecare is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property situated at 28 Westbridge Road London SW11 3PW was: Front Garden: T16, T17 Lime – Crown reduce by 25 to 30% to previous reduction points, removing up to 2m. Clean out crown by removing dead, diseased, weak and crossing branches only; remove sucker regrowth; crown lift to approx 4.5m. [Tree Preservation Order (26/1977)]. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2017/3176. The location coordinates are Easting 527120 Northing 176975 with the case officer Richard Fletcher 8686 under the Arboricultural division.

Mr Chris Agnew has filed an application for work to trees in a conservation area. Arbeco is the agent involved in the project. Mr Chris Agnew submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). 11 Malbrook Road SW15 6UH proposed to make the following changes: Rear Garden: T1 Norway maple- Fell to ground level. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2017/3678. The case officer involved in this case was Richard Fletcher 8686 under the Arboricultural division.

A file has been filled by Mr Robin Newman for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the application is Treecare. The development type of this application was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The proposal from the property situated at 28 Westbridge Road London SW11 3PW was: Front Garden: T2 Cherry – Crown reduce and re-shape by 25 to 30% to previous reduction points, removing aprpox 1.5m; prune back to clear front elevation, roof and gutters by 1 to 2m. Crown lift to 4.5m. The current status of the application no 2017/3474 is the final decision. The location coordinates are Easting 527120 Northing 176975 with the case officer Richard Fletcher 8686 under the Arboricultural division.

Mr Clive Newton has filed an application for the householder. Giles Pike Architects is the agent involved in the project. Mr Clive Newton submitted an application for residential extension. 65 Badminton Road SW12 8BL proposed to make the following changes: Alterations including erection of single-storey rear extension and alterations to fenestration at the rear including enlargement of the dormer on rear roof slope. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2017/2877. The location coordinates are Easting 528446 Northing 174027 with the case officer Adelle Krzyzanowski 8412 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by Mrs Newton for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is RPS Planning. The development type of this application was for res convn without extn. The proposal from the property situated at 15 St Johns Hill SW11 1TN was: Change of use of the second and third floors from office (Class B1a) to residential (Class C3) to provide two one-bedroom flats (retrospective). The current status of the application no 2016/6980 is appeal decided. The case officer involved in this case was Edward Nash 6233 under the DCEast division.

A file has been filled by Alison Newell for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The agent involved in the application is Andooi Design Ltd. Alison Newell submitted an application for residential extension. The proposal from the property situated at 8 Nepaul Road SW11 2QQ was: Erection of rear extension above two-storey back addition. The status of the current project is the final decision with the application no: 2017/1613. The case officer involved in this case was Selina Hotwani 6866 under the DCEast division.


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