Renovation of properties in London
Mr Jaweed Karim has requested for a certificate of lawfulness - proposed. CUBE DESIGNS is the agent involved in the project. The status of the ... Read Feature
Mr M Millard has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Putney Tree Surgeons is the agent involved in the project. 59 Chartfield Avenue SW15 6HW proposed to make the following changes: Acer (T1) – crown reduce back to old reduction points approx 3m from tip and crown clean Holly (T2) – reduce overhanging canopy by 1m from the tips Cherry (T3) – crown reduce by.5-1m from the tips and crown clean Acer negundo (T4) reduce branches back over lawn by 1-2m from the tips The current status of the application no 2019/4049 is new. The case officer involved in this case was Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 under the Arboricultural division.
Mrs R Deacon has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The agent involved in the process is Putney Tree Surgeons. The development plan from the property situated at 6 Ponsonby Road SW15 4LA was: Pear (T1) – Fell due to close proximity to the house, re plant with Amelanchier The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4048. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 under the Arboricultural division.
A request has been applied by Mrs Sarah Hufford for application for full permission. The changes requested by the property situated at Prince Of Wales Public House 270 Cavendish Road SW12 0BT was: Change of use of ground floor from A4 [public house] to 2x C3 residential apartments, together with minor external alterations to the obscure glazing and provision of planters The current status of the application no 2019/4047 is new.
Mr Dale Abbott has filed an application for full permission. The current project is managed by LIFE-U DESIGN. 75 Astonville Street SW18 5AW proposed to make the following changes: The proposal is for adding a side and rear infill extension to the subject property as well as a rear dormer to the main roof with a small window dormer. The rear extension will be for 2.5m and the side infill extension will be a total of 7.625m in length. The roof of the side infill extension will slope down to the neighbour at number 77. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4046.
Mr Dale Abbott has requested for certificate of lawfulness – proposed. The current project is managed by LIFE-U DESIGN. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4045.
Young-In Architects is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Putney Evangelical Church Sefton Street SW15 1NA was: Erection of a pair of 4 x bedroom semi-detached dwellings following demolition of existing D1 building The current status of the application no 2019/4044 is new.
The agent involved in the request is WSP Indigo. Submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The development plan from the property situated at Peabody Estate St John’s Hill SW11 1UR was: Non-material amendment to planning permission dated 15/01/2019 ref 2017/5837 (Variation of condition 15 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 18/10/2012 ref 2012/1258 (Demolition of all existing buildings. Erection of five buildings of 4-12, 4-8, 7, 5-7 and 4-6 storeys to provide 527 residential units (135 x 1 bed, 261 x 2 bed,105 x 3 bed and 26 x 4 bed), with approx. 7800 square metres of private, communal and public space and public routes. Car parking (121 spaces within basement and 15 spaces at grade), 687 cycle parking spaces plus approximately 530 square metres of community space in the centre of the site and approximately 569 square metres of commercial space (classes A1-A5 (retail, financial and professional services, cafe/restaurant, take away, pub/bar and/or B1 office use) at the northern end of the site. Vehicular accesses from Comyn Road and Eckstein Road and emergency access from St John’s Hill and Strath Terrace.) to allow: Plot 2: Two storey increase allowing an additional 23 flats and change in tenure to older persons social rent only, removal of basement car parking; Plot 3: Two-story increase to the centre tower allowing an additional 11 flats and change in tenure to private rent only; Plot 6: One storey increase allowing three additional flats; Plot 7: Four additional flats (through internal reconfigurations); Plot 8: Loss of one flat; Plot 9: One storey increase to the western section, extension of southern section facing Comyn Road to close the building gap and removal of corner feature to Comyn Road to allow 31 additional flats, inclusion of parking below podium level; General alterations to fenestration and finishes to accommodate changes and reconfiguration of car parking resulting in a loss of 28 spaces. Overall reconfiguration results in 599 residential units across the site.) to allow minor changes to the approved drawings as part of a design review The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4043.
The agent involved in the request is Young-In Architects. The proposal from the property situated at Putney Evangelical Church Sefton Street SW15 1NA was: Erection of a pair of 4 x bedroom semi-detached dwellings following demolition of existing D1 building The current status of the application no 2019/4042 is new.
An appeal has been registered by Mesdames Davinia Veda Shuram and Leila Maharaj for application for full permission. KSLAW LLP is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 643 Garratt Lane SW18 4SX was: Garage extension The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4041.
BLOW UP MEDIA UK LTD has filed an application for advertisements. The current project is handled by PRIVATE. 111-117 Putney High Street SW15 1SS proposed to make the following changes: TEMPORARY DECORATIVE SCAFFOLD SHROUD SCREEN ADVERTISEMENT COMPRISING A 1:1 IMAGE OF THE BUILDING FACADE WITH AN INSET ADVERTISING AREA MEASURING 6M X 13.3M FOR A PERIOD OF 9 MONTHS The current status of the application no 2019/4040 is new.
Mrs Asma Karim has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The changes requested by the property situated at 68 North Side Wandsworth Common SW18 2QX was: Eucalyptus tree. It just needs to be pruned by around 30% to 40% as it is quite overgrown and branches are quite low too. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4039. The current case is handled by Jessica Stocks 020 3959 0074 at the Arboricultural division.
A file has been applied by Mr Lyn Hi for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Pace Arb Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The development plan from the property located at 15 Hazlewell Road SW15 6LT was: Rear garden. Plane tree. Repollard. Knuckles over crowded. Casting shade. Pear. Reduce back to most recent reduction. Front garden. Box elder. Reduce to previous reduction 1m on all aspects. The current status of the application no 2019/4038 is new. The current case is handled by Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 at the Arboricultural division.
An appeal has been put in by Mr & Mrs James and Carmen Roche for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is AOI LLP. Flat D 42 Keswick Road SW15 2JE proposed to make the following changes: The application seeks permission to extend the second-floor flat’s rear balcony from 1.3m2 to 3.5m2. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4037.
Mr Chris Verdin has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is handled by Pace arb ltd. 16 Coates Avenue SW18 2TH proposed to make the following changes: Lime tree. Reduce back to the previous reduction. 2 metres in all aspects. Pollard knuckles are breaking up due to bark inclusions and the tree is causing excessive shading. The current status of the application no 2019/4036 is new. The case officer involved in this case was Jessica Stocks 020 3959 0074 under the Arboricultural division.
Mr O’Callaghan has requested for work to trees in a conservation area. Wimbledon Tree Surgeons is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this project was for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 11 Viewfield Road SW18 1NB was: Rear Garden: T1 Liquidambar – Remove. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4035. The location coordinates are Easting 524828 Northing 174152 with the case officer Jessica Stocks 020 3959 0074 under the Arboricultural division.
Alex De Winton has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is conducted by Respect your Elders. The proposal from the property located at 37 Wandle Road SW17 7DL was: T1 Robinia – Reduce by lengths of up to 3.5m T2 Almond – Remove, fell T3 Mulberry – Reduce crown by lengths of up to 1.5m The current status of the application no 2019/4033 is new. The current case is handled by Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 at the Arboricultural division.
VSM (NCGM) Ltd has filed an application for matters relating to a s106 agreement. The agent involved in the project is Cerys Hulbert. VSM (NCGM) Ltd submitted an application for mixed new developments. The changes requested by the property situated at New Covent Garden Market, Nine Elms Lane SW8 was: Schedule 3, Part 1, Paragraph 3.1.14 of the S106 Agreement (signed 11 February 2015) of planning permission ref 2014/28101 (Planning application for part outline and part detail planning permission for: (a) demolition of existing wholesale Fruit and Vegetable and Flower Market and ancillary buildings and structures, and residential building on Nine Elms Lane (apart from the existing multi storey car park); (b) Construction of mixed-use redevelopment comprising: A new Fruit and Vegetable Market and Flower Market and ancillary uses, including temporary and permanent façade; refurbishment and extension of existing waste collection area (including rooftop sports pitches); residential dwellings; flexible commercial uses, including retail, financial and professional services, café/restaurant, bar uses and hot food takeaways and offices; non-residential institutions; assembly and leisure uses; temporary storage and distribution buildings and associated works; associated car, cycle and motorcycle parking and servicing and new vehicle accesses, energy centres; and landscaping public realm and open space including part of the Linear Park. All matters reserved apart from access, details of all new markets and supporting buildings, and details of Building N8 and associated landscaping); (c) Site clearance and enabling works. An Environmental Statement has been submitted with the application under The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011.). The current status of the application no 2019/4031 is new. The location coordinates are Easting 530014 Northing 177704 with the case officer Joanna Chambers 02088715267 under the VNEB division.
A file has been applied by Mr SAM HALIFAX for application for full permission. The current project is directed by The Harvest Partnership. The proposal from the property situated at 15 Sellincourt Road SW17 9RX was: LOFT CONVERSION WITH MANSARD DORMERS TO THE MAIN ROOF & REAR ANNEX. PROVISION OF A ROOF TERRACE BEHIND REAR ANNEX DORMER. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4030.
An appeal has been put in by Holme for application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is Sampson Associates. The Boathouse Public House 32 Brewhouse Lane SW15 2JX proposed to make the following changes: Replacement of rooftop kitchen ventilation plant, new external bench seating and awnings, new glazed entrance doors and external canopy. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4029.
Mr Alex Alban-Moore has filed an application for variation of the condition. Build plans is the agent involved in the project. The development type of this proposal was for a residential extension. The changes requested by the property situated at 10 Wincanton Road SW18 5TY was: Variation of Condition 3 (Roof Materials) pursuant to planning permission dated 29/08/2019 Ref.2019/2913 (Alterations including erection of a single-storey rear/side extension.). The current status of the application no 2019/4028 is new.
Mr Massimo Malavasi has requested for reserved matters (following outline). The agent involved in the process is d u s t design ltd. The development plan from the property situated at Garden House 21 A Elsynge Road SW18 2HP was: Variation of condition 12 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 20/10/2015 ref 2015/2883 (Demolition of pair of single-storey dwellings and erection of pair of semi-detached two-storey houses with rear terrace at first floor level.) to allow location of proposed air conditioning units in the rear landscaping plan of each rear garden. The current status of the application no 2019/4027 is new.
R Savage has filed an application for full permission. Simon Johnson is the agent involved in the project. 6 Holroyd Road SW15 6LN proposed to make the following changes: The addition of a single-storey rear extension with rooflight and addition of a door in side elevation. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4026.
Simon Mott has requested for application for full permission. The current project is managed by Stephen Edmonds. The proposal from the property situated at 92 East Hill SW18 2HG was: Conversion of second and first floors from office use into a 3bedroom self-contained flat, including rear second-floor roof terrace and rear mansard roof extension. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4024.
A request has been applied by Simon Mott for application for full permission. Stephen Edmonds is the agent involved in the project. 92 East Hill SW18 2HG proposed to make the following changes: Erection of office building and two parking spaces. The current status of the application no 2019/4023 is new.
Mr Tristan Gaffney has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is CATO creative. The changes requested by the property situated at 84 Mexfield Road SW15 2RQ was: Excavation to enlarge the existing basement and to achieve a height of 2500mm, including the formation of front lightwell. The current status of the application no 2019/4022 is new.
An appeal has been put in by Ms Harriet Goulding for application for full permission. The current project is managed by Nikola Wolkova. 19 Tunley Road SW17 7QH proposed to make the following changes: Erection of single-storey rear/side extension and raising the back addition from two to three storeys. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4021.
Mr & Mrs C.Power and A. Ziai have filed an application for full permission. The current project is managed by FIFTH STUDIO LTD. The development plan from the property located at 33 Lavender Gardens SW11 1DJ was: It is proposed to extend the existing ground floor rear extension across the width of the property, remove bay window on extension, replace roof overextension with a new flat roof with flat rooflights and covered in green roof, add one Velux window on one side of the front bay roof, replace existing front Velux with a larger one, replace front windows with timber double glazed windows to match existing, interior alterations. The existing cellar will be extended under the rear extension, with 2 lights wells in the corners of the extension. The current status of the application no 2019/4020 is new.
An appeal has been applied by Mr J Bradley for reserved matters (following outline). Andmore Planning Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at Chatfield Court 56 Chatfield Road SW11 3UL was: Demolition of existing roof structure and erection of four-storey extension (to create fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh floors) to provide 2 x 1-bedroom, 5 x 2-bedroom and 2 x 3-bedroom residential units, creation of balconies and roof terraces, and external alterations. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4019.
Mr MATTHEW YOUNG has requested for reserved matters (following outline). The development plan from the property located at 526 Garratt Lane SW17 0NY was: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a three-story building to provide 8 flats, with first and second level terraces and communal garden The current status of the application no 2019/4018 is new.
Mr JACKSON has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the project is Lime Tree Designs. The changes requested by the property situated at 26 Fieldview SW18 3HG was: PROPOSED LOFT CONVERSION The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4017.
An appeal has been registered by Dr A Arasu for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. ABI ABIRI ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN is the agent involved in the project. The current status of the application no 2019/4016 is new.
Mr Sebastian Belaustegui has requested for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by the Design Team. 45 Shelgate Road SW11 1BA proposed to make the following changes: An erection of a wrap-around single-storey extension for a terraced house. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4015.
The agent involved in the project is Savills. 46 Ponton Road SW8 5AX proposed to make the following changes: Demolition of all existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed-use development comprising 357 residential units, including affordable housing (use class C3) and 772sqm of commercial/community floorspace (use classes A1/A2/A3/B1/D1/D2) within buildings ranging from 10 to 13 storeys in height, together with associated car and cycle parking, private and public open space, landscaping and infrastructure works The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4014.
Mrs Camille Soor has filed an application for non-material amendment. The proposal from the property situated at Battersea Park Road Development SW8 4BT was: Please refer to cover letter The current status of the application no 2019/4013 is new. The case officer involved in this case was Chloe Tucker under the VNEB division.
Miss Emily Plank has filed an application for full permission. Design Squared Ltd is the agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 36 Trevelyan Road SW17 9LN was: Proposed ground floor rear and side extension and all associated works to provide additional residential accommodation. The current status of the application no 2019/4012 is new.
Mr Alistair Forrest has requested for reserved matters (following outline). The changes requested by the property situated at 6 Broadwater Road SW17 0DS was: Demolition of the existing commercial buildings and erection of the three-storey building (plus roof terrace) to provide 1 x two bedroom & 2 x one-bedroom flats, with associated landscaping and refuse stores. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4011.
An appeal has been put in by Mr Daniel Abbott for reserved matters (following outline). The agent involved in the process is Innerspace Homes Ltd. Keswick Heights 26 -28 Keswick Road SW15 2JR proposed to make the following changes: Erection of additional floor of accommodation to provide 3 x 1-bedroom and 1 x 2-bedroom flats with roof terrace and associated safety screening. The current status of the application no 2019/4010 is new.
Mr Ashley Roberts has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is directed by Ashsured tree experts. The proposal from the property situated at 13 Holmbush Road London SW15 3LE was: 1x copper beach tree- reduce by 1.5-2 metres, thin by 10% and remove deadwood. 1x small crab apple-growing behind shed between garden boundary fence, to fell to ground level as has a low amenity value. 1x cherry tree reduce by 1.5 metres, thin by 10% and remove deadwood. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4009. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 under the Arboricultural division.
A request has been put in by Miss Harriette Wood for reserved matters (following outline). The changes requested by the property situated at Jessica House Red Lion Square SW18 4LS was: Alterations including erection of extensions at third floor levels to northern building and extension at fifth floor level to southern building to provide 9 residential units (4 x 1-bedroom and 5 x 2-bedroom flats) with roof terraces at third and fifth floor levels. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4008.
Mr & Mrs Micky and Lucy Tudor have requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the application is Ruffarchitects. The proposal from the property situated at 4 Garden Close SW15 3TH was: – Internal remodelling – Redesign of the existing garage into a bedroom with en-suite, with pitched roof to the front and flat roof to the rear to match existing, to maintain the subservience to the main building. The garage will be extended outwards on to the rear elevation overlooking the garden. The new bedroom will replace the existing single-storey garden structure. – New slim skylights to the rear pitch of the main building and to the proposed pitched roof above the existing garage – New full height windows to existing bedrooms for access to the garden – Cladding to the front, side and rear elevations with black stained timber boards – Cladding the existing and proposed extension with dark grey cladding – New lightweight colonnade and canopy for solar shading to the rear elevation facing south – Replacement of existing garden studio and barbecue outbuilding with a new timber clad garden studio matching the proposed materials of the main building The current status of the application no 2019/4007 is new.
The current project is managed by Quod. B And Q Depot Smugglers Way SW18 1EG proposed to make the following changes: Demolition of existing retail buildings and phased construction of 13 residential blocks (with 3 podiums) ranging from 8 to 15 storeys to provide a mixed-use scheme including 517 residential units (Class C3), 516 s.Q.M. GIA of business (Class B1) and 2969 s.Q.M GIA flexible business/retail/restaurant and caf? (Class VB1, A1, A2, A3 and A4) with car/cycle parking, associated combined heat and power (CHP), plant and associated works, landscaping, new accesses onto Smugglers Way, and offsite highways works including a new pedestrian crossing of Swandon Way. An Environmental Statement has been submitted under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 as amended. The current status of the application no 2019/4005 is new.
A request has been applied by Simon Elliott for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Take A Bough Tree Care is an agent involved in the project. The proposal from the property situated at 67 Wandsworth Common West Side SW18 2ED was: Silver Birch – Reduce to previous points, approx 2-3m to contain development Magnolia – Reduce by 1-1.5m to limit shade and contain development The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4004. The current case is handled by Jessica Stocks 020 3959 0074 at the Arboricultural division.
Mr Peter Reid has filed an application for full permission. The current project is conducted by P2 design ltd. The changes requested by the property situated at 25 St Johns Avenue SW15 6AL was: Proposed works are to form a new vehicle access to St Johns Avenue highway across the pavement (with a new dropped kerb) from the property including for the adaption and refurbishment of the existing boundary brick wall, insertion of 2No new 1.1m face brick piers to match the existing with creasing tile and brick on edge capping (set 3.5m apart centred on the property boundary). The existing garden is to be laid to planting beds with mulch (to protect the tree bases) and the vehicle hardstanding is to be porous felspar gravel laid in a gravel retention system with granite sets forming the threshold to the pavement. The current status of the application no 2019/4003 is new.
Mr & Mrs HILL HILL has requested for application for full permission. The agent involved in the process is Lime Tree Designs. 124 Gassiot Road SW17 8LE proposed to make the following changes: PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR SIDE & REAR EXTENSION The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4002.
Mr & Mrs HILL has requested a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. Lime Tree Designs is the agent involved in the project. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/4001.
A request has been registered by Emily Moran for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Take A Bough Tree Care is an agent involved in the project. The changes requested by the property situated at 23 Girdwood Road London SW18 5QR was: Oak – Crown reduce by 2-3m to previous points to contain development Pear – Remove two small low branches to give space for new olive trees and to balance crown. The branches are 1.5m long and are growing along rear boundary line The current status of the application no 2019/4000 is new. The case officer involved in this case was Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 under the Arboricultural division.
Tim Fassam has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is conducted by Take A Bough Tree Care. The development plan from the property located at Flat Basement And Ground Floors 1 21 Ritherdon Road London SW17 8QE was: Apple – Reduce by 3m to previous points to contain development Silver birch – Reduce height by approx 3m to contain development Laurel – Reduce height by approx 2m to limit shade The current status of the application no 2019/3999 is new. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 under the Arboricultural division.
Nick Hall has requested for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The agent involved in the application is Take A Bough Tree Care. 60 Salcott Road London SW11 6DE proposed to make the following changes: Evergreen Magnolia – Reduce height by 2/3m and reduce side by 1.5m to contain development and limit shade The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3998. The current case is handled by Alex Roebuck 020 3959 0075 at the Arboricultural division.
Anna Walker has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. Take A Bough Tree Care is the agent involved in the project. 252 Coteford Street London SW17 8NL proposed to make the following changes: Silver Birch – Reduce crown by approximately 2-3m, reducing to previous points from 3 years ago The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3997. The case officer involved in this case was Simon Ffoulkes 020 3959 0072 under the Arboricultural division.
A request has been put in by Mr Danjuma for application for full permission. The current project is conducted by Ian Tomkins. The changes requested by the property situated at 174 Ramsden Road SW12 8RE was: The proposal seeks to: 1. Adapt / partially replace the existing Ground floor rear fa?Ade lean-to glazed roof to introduce a new insulated flat roof structure with low-rise roof light. 2. To extend the existing lean-to glazing to cover the Basement external Patio area. The current status of the application no 2019/3996 is new.
Mrs Katie Wiseman has requested for application for full permission. The development plan from the property located at 182 Merton Road SW18 5SW was: Single Storey Rear Kitchen Extension The current status of the application no 2019/3995 is new.
An appeal has been applied by Mr J. D. Phillips for reserved matters (following outline). The agent involved in the application is Eurohaus Germany Ltd. The changes requested by the property situated at 78 Tooting Bec Road SW17 8BE was: Alterations including erection of mansard roof extension to main rear roof (with French doors and safety railings) and extension above part of two-storey back addition; formation of roof terrace above two-storey back addition with 1.7m high screen surround in connection with conversion of property into 1 x 1-bedroom flat. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3994.
Mr Edward Church has filed an application for full permission. 1 F Freshford Street SW18 3TG proposed to make the following changes: Change of use from use class B1 (Office) to use class C3 (Residential) to provide 1 x 2-bedroom flat + formation of front lightwells located on Garratt Lane. (Retrospective) The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3993.
Ms Sabrina Di Gregorio has filed an application for full permission. The agent involved in the request is Alsop Verrill. The proposal from the property located at 22 Ritherdon Road SW17 8QD was: CHANGE OF USE OF THE EXISTING RETAIL UNIT (PART A1/ A4) TO ULTRASOUND CLINIC AND BABY MASSAGE STUDIO (D1) The current status of the application no 2019/3992 is new.
Mrs Edita Vallen has requested for a certificate of lawfulness – proposed. Calliope UK is the agent involved in the project. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3991.
A file has been registered by Emeka Uzodibia for application for full permission. The current project is handled by Paul King. The development type of this request was for res design & anc features. 101 A B C D Earlsfield Road SW18 3DD proposed to make the following changes: Installation of replacement double glazed uPVC windows and doors to front, rear and side elevations. The current status of the application no 2019/3990 is new.
A file has been registered by Rebecca Angelini-Hurll for work to trees in a conservation area. The agent involved in the application is GraftinGardeners Ltd. Rebecca Angelini-Hurll submitted an application for not relevant (trees, conservation areas, etc). The changes requested by the property situated at 45 Rusholme Road SW15 3LF were: Rear Garden: T1 Yew – Trim by up to 1m to tidy and contain up to 1m. T2 Yew – Fell. G1 Mixed Species – Reduce by up to 1 to 2m from height to tidy. T3 Bay – Remove overhanging branches from neighbouring property. T4 & T5 Hazel/Plum – Crown reduce by up to 15%, removing approx 2m. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3989. The current case is handled by Elizabeth Doty 020 3959 0073 at the Arboricultural division.
Mr Phillips has filed an application for full permission. The current project is handled by APT RENOVATION LTD. The development plan from the property situated at Flat First Floor 88 Lucien Road SW17 8HN was: Erection of rear roof extension to the main roof (with door and safety railings) and above part of the existing back addition with window to rear. Installation of three roof lights to the front roof slope and part demolition of one chimney breast to rear back addition The current status of the application no 2019/3988 is new.
Mr P Patel has requested for matters relating to a s106 agreement. Prashant Patel is the agent involved in the project. Mr P Patel submitted an application for mixed new developments. 180-214 Upper Tooting Road SW17 7ER proposed to make the following changes: Submissions of details pursuant to Schedule 4 Part 3 (Active passive electric vehicle charging points) of section 106 agreement dated 10/8/2018. The status of the current project is new with the application no: 2019/3987.
Mr Hetherington has filed an application for works to a t.P.O. Tree. The current project is handled by The Tree Company (London) Ltd. The development plan from the property located at 13 Valonia Gardens SW18 1PY was: Excavating damaged driveway to a depth of up to 150mm. Roots in this zone will need to be removed except where they have an exaggerated vertical-oval cross-section and are 25mm in diameter or more. Wherever possible roots should be pruned to a side branch. Because it is damaging the driveway. The current status of the application no 2019/3986 is new. The location coordinates are Easting Northing with the case officer Jessica Stocks 020 3959 0074 under the Arboricultural division.
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Mr Jaweed Karim has requested for a certificate of lawfulness - proposed. CUBE DESIGNS is the agent involved in the project. The status of the ... Read Feature
Ms Liz Wood-Griffiths has filed an application for Thames tideway tunnel. The agent involved in the process is Ferrovial Agroman Laing O'Rourke Joint Venture (FLo). ... Read Feature
Richard a Brassard has requested for removal of condition. Adrian Hyland-Smith is the agent involved in the project. The development plan from the property situated ... Read Feature