Pippa Glendon-Doyle Acupuncture
Pippa provides acupuncture as well as electro-acupuncture, gua sha, cupping and heat lamps. She can support a wide range of conditions but Pippa specialises in PMDD, menopausal symptoms, irregular menstrual cycles, gut issues, anxiety and muscular-skeletal conditions. Two-thirds of her patients are women, and they are often climbing the career ladder or busy mums juggling the mental load of career, children and family demands. Pippa is passionate about providing support via acupuncture and the wisdom of Chinese Medicine in a calm, safe space, so that people can take back control of their physical and mental health, and in doing so, improve their quality of life.
Pippa is accredited to the highest level by the British Acupuncture Council and registered with the British Medical Acupuncture Society and the Acupuncture Fertility Network. She’s trained in Chinese medicine but also has a good grounding in western medicine so will often think about a patient’s issues through both of those lenses.
OFFER: 10% discount on first appointment and a package of four follow-up sessions for £220 (£55 a session).
e: pippa@pippagdacupuncture.co.uk
t: 07872 315476