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Re: Kiki's children's clinic/ Developmental Pediatrician

by AnnS » Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:54 am

If you are looking for a developmental paediatrician , you could see Dr Marie Le Page ; She is very thorough and professional . You can check her services at :

Good Luck

Re: Kiki's children's clinic/ Developmental Pediatrician

by pie81 » Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:24 pm

Hi Britchick

I've taken my daughter to see Kiki and she is fantastic. She is a physio but I believe she and her colleagues also cover lots of non-physical therapies and checks. She has years of experience and a great reputation with people bringing their kids long journeys to see her.

Private health insurance will usually cover her fees if you have a referral letter (ask your GP).

Good luck

Re: Kiki's children's clinic/ Developmental Pediatrician

by Muddlemoo » Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:21 pm

Hi Britchick

Firstly your school should really be on top of this and make suggestions. If he/she is at a state school - wandsworth should get involved and they will be fantastic - trust me!

If you're at a private school then you will be funding yourselves. We see an amazing SLT (speech therapist) - Ruth Jacobs, Sloane Square. It also depends what they think the problem is - speech, OT etc. If i were you i'd go to Diane Smyth at the Portland - she's not the cheapest but she's amazing and will give you an amazing overall opinion. And she's sensible as diagnosis are sadly knocked around quite easily now.

Please do PM me if you want more information but do speak to your school - they should be guiding you which i'm sure they are!

Re: Kiki's children's clinic/ Developmental Pediatrician

by eismax13 » Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:26 am

I have not used it but i am the son of the owner, and she does ot and social skills and here is here site if you want it you can look at it if you want also here are some of the services Comprehensive assessments.
Therapy at the Clinic, home, nursery/school.
Standardized Assessments.
Integration Tests and Therapy Reports for special educational needs (SEN)
Training and support for carers.
Intensive blocks of therapy.
Referrals to other specialist centres and professionals.
Home and school programmes.
Therapists give talks to school teachers and staff about their specialities – staff training / inset opportunity.
Advice on equipment, toys, orthotics, footwear.
Pre and post Botox Therapy.
Techniques employed
Occupational Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy
Vojta Therapy
Sensory Integration
Kinesio Taping

Kiki's children's clinic/ Developmental Pediatrician

by britchick » Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:12 pm

Has anyone used the services at Kiki's clinic at Thurleigh Rd Practice.
We have school recommending Developmental checks - he's 5yrs (OT, social skills) and looking for a local clinic or Pediatrician.

Any suggestions appreciated.
