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Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by juliantenniscoach » Thu Jul 13, 2023 3:02 pm

Before coaching tennis and skiing, I was a Policeman in the East End.  Heroin was the scourge there and cocaine was confined to the City, Media and Entertainment groups mainly because it was so expensive.  Fast forward, it's so much cheaper and pretty much prevalent everywhere, including Nappyvalley.  It's always considered harmless but having seen a friend of mine blow up his marriage, business and ultimately his liberty through coke I'd give it a swerve.   So I'm not surprised people doing lines in the loo but I sincerely hope it wasn't on school premises.

In someone's house?  I'd make a mental note for future invites but not report it.  School premises?  Yes I would inform the school as it's clearly a huge red flag on safeguarding.  Good luck with your decision.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by Goldhawk » Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:16 pm

I had heard of this over 10 years ago at the end of year celebration at a local private primary
It was only mentioned to me as there was also some affair / partner swapping going on which caused a bit of an upset (amongst the adults in attendance)


Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by happy bappy » Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:10 pm

No personal experience of that either in private or state schooling, and not my thing.

I would say that depending on the size of the class, you can't be friends with everyone (not sure we ever did a 'class night out' in that way but socialised differently) and for me, not closed minded at all but its not my type either. I have creative friends in past who used substances but they would only do this privately. Times have changed for the worse, re cocaine if this is what you mean. In addition it isn't a safe drug and has cardiovascular as well as psychotropic effects. Naieve how many users think these substances are harmless or just a bit of fun.

Sounds rather immature and a bit irresponsible. It also presumes that it's not an issue for those present who work in regulated professions and/or who disagree with it, so it seems a bit entitled behaviour and selfish.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by Starr » Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:56 pm

I'm surprised a group of parents did this on a mums night out. People I know who do it are sure to do it within closed circles, but yes it is very common among those who are childless and who have children.

I wouldn't report it if I were you but distance yourself. I do because these people bore me with their loud nonsensical talk.

I also had a friend order at my small birthday gathering a few years ago. I don't see her and others much any more - they probably think I'm boring as much as I find them boring .They are empty and soulless people who cannot enjoy themselves without getting high and their conversations don't interest me.
Also find the double standards about cocaine very odd. Taking certain drugs, including marijuana which should be legalised, are considered what loses do but cocaine is seen as socially acceptable.
About the bar - believe me they know very well that people take cocaine on their premises as long as they keep it hidden, it means people spend more on drinks and stay out late.
Really don't bother! Its a lost cause.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by MagdaBT » Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:22 pm

Just 2 points!

1. Where did the event take place? If it was at a bar or restaurant or, heaven forbid, in the school, then apart from any other issue, it is putting the owners of the venue legally at risk - one assumes they were
not party to the drug taking.  If it was in a private house, and without the owner's knowledge, it could put careers at risk - lawyers, doctors, people in many professions would face disbarment or the like if they were convicted on a drugs charge - and is therefore highly discourteous to say the least.
2.  If the cocaine users had stopped for just one minute to think about the hideous consequences of their so called 'Charlie' taking for the communities where the substance is produced, one would hope they might have the wit to take thier pleasure in another, less destructive way. Oh, but I mentioned wit, which implies brains - too much to hope for, I guess!

 If you are absolutely sure of your ground, then definitely report culprits to both the police and the school.  They are committing a crime and that alone would hopefully warrant at least a visit from a police officer and a drug taking parent is a child safeguarding issue of which the school should be aware.  Also, if you can, ensure they are not invited to to other parent events, if necessary explaining to them why.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by astro » Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:00 am

In answer to your original question, no I wouldn’t say this is normal practice. We haven’t seen it at any of the class parties that we’ve been to over the last 5 years (another sure why it matters, but yes, our children go to a private school).

Maybe it is going on and we’re just not included! I doubt it though as we’ve joked about it and spoken about drugs in general.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by Naivemum » Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:21 am

I too was shocked when this happened at a barbecue we hosted…in fact some of the parents had their dealer deliver to our door!! I spoke directly to the parents and explained I was very uncomfortable with what they had done . Also felt insulted that our party wasn’t ‘exciting’ enough so they had to up the ante - how rude! Apparently it’s quite a common occurrence…I naively assumed the queue to bathrooms was to check out a new refit!

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by Starr » Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:47 am

The UK has the highest cocaine use in all of Europe. It is totally normalised among "respectable" people and those includes Politicians and Police.
So no don't bother. Cocaine users are bores and I've naturally drifted away from people who continue to do it. Yes it ruins lives of people from poor backgrounds while the wealthy party and have funds for rehab.
Yes, in my experience, very common among middle classes and veey well off people and undeniably common among those who went to private school - which is where they first started doing it.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by Carol2R » Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:10 am

Nice middle class parents with their little pick-me-ups -- apparently simply don't care about the havoc created by the drugs here and in all the countries from which those drugs come.  Senseless, thoughtless, selfish.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by rather be skiing » Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:57 am

Thank you all for the feedback. I don't think I'm in a position where I want to report anyone. Rather selfishly Its my children's school community, but I am very interested if others have come across similar on class nights out.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by Janet14 » Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:44 am

I agree maybe approach the school first.
Have also heard that the new approach by the police is to come down much harder on middle class drug use as currently all the damage is being done to one end of society while the middle class drug users turn a blind eye. Every drug user should read ‘Amexicana’, might make them think twice before thinking it’s harmless fun.
Also think if we talked more about the social damage of drugs, not to mention the femicide that is simply a by product in a lot of countries of origin, rather than just the danger of the drugs itself to our youngsters might make everyone stop and think a bit more.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by stella123 » Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:32 am

As if the police would do anything about this, don't waste their time.

Alcohol is a drug too, just legal - were you monitoring who had too much and were potentially over the limit the next day or home in charge of children after the event?

What would annoy me most about this would be the "cliquiness" of drugs - why tell anyone what you are doing? Doesn't make you cool!

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by pegg05 » Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:53 am

i would personally speak to the school about it.
it can be a child protection concern.

I would be wary of telling the police myself.

I grew up with alcohol dependent parents, if another mum and gone out her way to complain about my mothers drinking on a night out and she found out.
It would have made the situation worse at home and she would have a big binge drink from frustration.

Also why ask if this is a private or state school

I have been told have parents on state schools going off to the toilets during summer fetes for a sniff and i have also have had stories of private schools too


Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by HightreesHouse » Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:35 am

People who take drugs are boring and immoral. They talk nonsense and their supply chain is followed by the stench of death.

Re: Is having a 'bump' o a class night out usual?

by readysteadycook » Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:02 am

This needs to be reported to the police, with names.

It’s not harmless fun and until society takes a dim view on it (like smoking and drink-driving), noting will change.

This article is worth a read : ... -says-pcc/
