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Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by caity » Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:49 pm

Yes I would also suggest Little Village - seems like a great idea:

Congratulations to the local mums who've set it up.

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by erinisle22 » Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:57 pm

A new charity in Tooting has just launched recently. Sort of a food bank for baby gear. Here's a link to a local newspaper article with all the details: ... f=mr&lp=12

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by Gillak » Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:47 pm

I know this is an old thread so just wondering if anyone had any current local suggestions for where to donate baby clothes? I've just had a big clear out! Thanks

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by sallyarmyshop » Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:11 am


At this time of year the Salvation Army is always in need of toys and baby clothes, for their work with disadvantaged families. Items can be taken to the shop at 199 Wandsworth Huigh street between 10 & 5.30 Mon to Sat. You should specify that they are for the "Family Hampers" when you drop them off. The list so far extends to around 180 families.

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by Camille » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:05 am

Great thread...busfarebabies will get our outgrown clothes. Thanks!

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by zaza107 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:31 am

Without in any way trying to dissuade donations to the organisations already mentioned, Hestia is a domestic abuse centre, among other things, that operates in Wandsworth and elsewhere. They've (sadly) been around for 40 years and seem a good place for clothes and toys. I gave them a big bag of baby clothes to them last week, and they'd be very happy to receive donations. They can't always take things and around the holidays are flooded with toys, but would be grateful for clothes pretty much any time, and happy for toys much of the rest of the year. or 0208 871 2664. They kindly collected from me, in Balham.

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by shellbell83 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:42 pm

Anyone.know.a good charity / new toys??

Kind regards

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by shellbell83 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:01 pm

I have collected alot of brand new toys... Any ideas where I can.donate?

Wimbledon Guild - a little short sighted?

by Chanchipolli » Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:41 am

I was looking to donate clothes - adult & children - as we are moving house. I followed the thread below and contacted the Wimbledon Guild.

They only pick up in SW19 so I contact them via email explaining that I was about 0.5 miles from SW19 (my new postcode) as I live just off the Earlsfield Road and would they still pick up as I have really good quality clothes.

After 3 phone calls and 2 messages - 4 days later I received an email saying "Thanks for your email but we only operate in SW19"

Does anyone else think this is a little short sighted. I recognise everyone has to have limits on pick up zones etc but given I outlined this in my original email and we are so close I thought they would make a suggestion.

Sorry for the rant!

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by Bonnijump » Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:44 pm

Hi Mums and Dads,

If you have used baby cloths and blankets, please bring them to my house or if it's more I'm also happy to collect them. I'll send them to a my friend and her birth centre in South Africa.

Busfare Babies is a birth centre run by Karen Clark and located in Eastern Cape, South Africa. It offers safe birth for rural women. The woman using her birth centre have very basic facilities and when they arrive in labour they don't even have knickers or sanitary pads. There is a high rate of neonatal death.

Access to medical facilities in pregnancy and birth is very difficult. Although ambulances do travel to these areas, there can be a 5-6 hour wait for the ambulance to arrive. Such long waiting intervals are a danger to mother and baby at birth.

Because 40 % are HIV positive, Busfare Babies encourages HIV screening for all pregnant women, encourages ARV treatment in pregnancy and appropriate treatment during labor and birth. In the post natal period, mothers and babies are referred back into the existing systems for continued ARV treatment.

If you want to help please contact me

07825 669022
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Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by stmarkschurch » Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:11 pm

Dear nappyvalleynet users,

Wonderful to see so many great ideas for helping others at Christmas.

At St Mark's on Battersea Rise we'll be hosting a Christmas lunch for anyone parenting alone, as well as clients from our free debt counselling service, on 8 December. Many of these families are in desperate financial straits, and we would welcome gifts of good quality, used toys to offer them to enjoy at Christmas.

Please bring anything you might like to give to the reception on Boutflower Road, marked FAO Jo Mead (Cheer/CAP Lunch).

Many thanks!

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by jafina » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:46 am

Not relevant to used toys but if you want to help children at Christmas you could buy them exactly what they need via Kids Company, who have a gift list with John Lewis. You can purchase toys / bedding / clothes etc.... And the gifts will be distributed by Kids Company to vulnerable inner city children.

I am not sure they have their full Christmas list up yet, but they do have some items listed under gift list 539419 on the John Lewis website. They have items starting at just a few pounds. Instead of buying your kids that extra gift, maybe buy one of these instead!

just a thought! :D

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by secondtimer » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:13 am

In a similar vein, would any of the places mentioned have use for a couple of IKEA sofas? We thought we could give them to the BHF but they don't have fire labels (can't think why not as they are only 3 years old and we have never removed them!?)

They are Karlstad brand, chocolate in colour, good condition and quite comfortable! Seems a shame to have to take them to the dump?

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by Chanchipolli » Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:26 am

Another place that would happily receive donates is Wandsworth Refuge - if interested send me a private message and I can pass on contact details. But they are always grateful of baby/kids clothes, toys equipment etc as well as clothes for the mums

Re: Where to donate used baby clothes and equipment

by lawrence » Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:34 am

Well im sure lots of families can do with new toys well used doesnt really matter,i find that school and nurserries make great use of them,safe schools money and extra equipment for children,i stopped giving mine to charity due to their rip off prizes..rather give somewhere where will be used wisely snd creative.
