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Re: Thomas’s Clapham and Newton Prep assessment

by MagdaBT » Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:13 am

I was a Thomas's Clapham parent (albeit some time ago) and also a teacher at Newton Prep for 15 years. Academically, there's not much to choose between them although Thomas's is probably more traditional. Teaching at both schools is generally excellent as are facilities although Newton has a huge all weather sports field on site while Thomas's bus or walk their children to a nearby sports field for games. Thomas's catchment area is fairly local - i.e. almost all children come from the surrounding area locally known as 'Nappy Valley' - but the school benefits from being part of the wider Thomas's organisation - three other prep schools and a soon to open senior school on a very impressive site in Richmond. Newton Prep is a 'one off' proprietarily owned school and because of it's nearness to central London and the Battersea Power Station development feels more urban and has a much more international intake than Thomas's - as your children ae coming from abroad, this may be of importance to you - if you choose Newton, there will be many other families in the same position as yours whereas in my experience, this will not be the case at Thomas's. Both schools have excellent reputations for senior school entry with a good number of places at Eton, Westminster, St Pauls Boys and GIrls etc. - however, if you are only in the country for a few years this may be less important to you.

Thomas’s Clapham and Newton Prep assessment

by vmreboll » Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:43 am

Hello all!
We are relocating to the UK next September. My boys (currently in year 1 and 3) have their assessment and taster day for Thomas’s Clapham and Newton Prep next week (we are currently in London :) ) Any piece of advice for those days? I’ve toured most of the local schools and those two were my absolute favourites.
