Search found 21 matches

Re: Toddler wakes early...

Thanks ladies. He is still sleeping during the day, at least an hour in the afternoon sometimes an hour and a half. If he goes without his nap he pretty much falls asleep by his dinner time and/or is very ratty. I might try cutting his nap out though just to see if it makes a difference as its worth...
Replies: 4
Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:52 pm

Toddler wakes early...

Hi there I'm just wondering if anybody has any suggestions for me. My two and a half year old wakes up every morning at 5am, wanting to come into our bed and then sleeps till about half six. This is a bit of a habit that was formed from a time when he was ill and I'm looking for suggestions for ways...
Replies: 4
Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:24 pm

Re: Playdates and ideas wanted ! Between the Commons

Check out the toddler play group at Ascension church on Malwood Road on Thursday mornings. It restarts on Thursday 11 January. There are heaps of toys and a big play area. My two year old loves it.
Replies: 2
Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:46 am

Re: Delaying start to primary school. Is it allowed??

Oh sorry I just re read that and understand now..... hmmm. Thats a worry!
Replies: 5
Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:32 pm

Re: Delaying start to primary school. Is it allowed??

PS I meant to comment - isnt missing reception and starting Y1 somewhat of a solution? Because the year in between means the children have more time to develop and be ready to start schooling...?
Replies: 5
Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:29 pm

Re: Delaying start to primary school. Is it allowed??

Thank you very much for posting this information. I have been concerned about my son who is in a similar situation to your daughter - he would be starting two months after his fourth birthday and he is, although perfectly normal, a slower developer than all of his peers. I know for a fact that start...
Replies: 5
Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:28 pm