Search found 17 matches

What breed of puppy?

We are looking to get a puppy but are struggling to decide on which breed would best suit our needs? We have 2 under 2 (the eldest has grown up with Grandma's dog and knows how to behave with animals). We are looking for a breed who is happy to be at home all day with the family in a medium sized ho...
Replies: 6
Mon May 23, 2011 2:28 pm

Re: Independent midwife/doula

I am currently using South London Independent Midwives and loving them. I haven't given birth yet, but feel very confident in their abilities. (I was booked into the birth centre but had to change due to it closing down.) My emphasis is on the birth and having someone there as I have plenty of famil...
Replies: 17
Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:55 am