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Re: Do you know of anyone who has made an affair "work"

I'm too upset to add anymore to this thread right now but I am reading and re-reading everyones contribution.

Thank you
Replies: 53
Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:50 pm

Re: Do you know of anyone who has made an affair "work"

Thank you for all of the replies. I've been reading them and alternating between welling up at some of them and gaining strength and resolve from others. I know that my relationship isn't working, but lots of stuff in life doesn't work, does it? This is not about living in a romantic movie and happy...
Replies: 53
Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:13 pm

Re: Do you know of anyone who has made an affair "work"

Thank you again for being so honest. Again, your comments highlight what worries me. If I felt I could almost have the equivalent of a "holiday fling" then I would be tempted. However, I am increasingly thinking that it is impossible to compartmentalise such feelings and once I start seein...
Replies: 53
Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:04 am

Re: Do you know of anyone who has made an affair "work"

Thank you for the reply and for the kind offer of DM'ing you. I won't DM as I am paranoid about any messages appearing on my Blackerry or email but thank you nonetheless. I think what is interesting about your comment is it confirms something I was worried about, that it is difficult to make it work...
Replies: 53
Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:32 am

Do you know of anyone who has made an affair "work"

I've been with my other half for a very long time and we have two children. I am a regular user on this site but I have registered a different name for this post for obvious reasons. I love my OH and we have a reasonanbly happy home life. He works hard and I think we have a nice "home". Th...
Replies: 53
Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:34 pm