Search found 3 matches

looking for italian play dates for my sons!!

Hello, i am looking for italian play dates around the furzedown area. we haven't been in the area long and my partner is Italian. we came over here when our eldest son was two and a half (he is now 4) and although he has a good understanding he is reluctant to talk much in italian, our other son is ...
Forum: Childcare
Replies: 2
Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:11 pm

hillbrook primary school, tooting

Hi all,

I am looking at nurseries and primary schools in my area and wondered if anybody had any comments or feed back about hillbrook primary school, or if anyone knew where i could get an honest 'insiders' point of view - positives and negatives!

Thanks in advance. :D
Forum: Schools
Replies: 1
Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:23 pm

what do i do now?????

hi all! we've just moved to the area, as it was quite a last minute decision we only managed to start applying to nurseries in june.... we are on the waiting list for a couple of places, and as it is nearing the start of term i called the schools and they said to call back later next week but i have...
Forum: Childcare
Replies: 1
Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:37 pm