Search found 12 matches

Re: Is 195k enough to live in Wandsworth?

TBH I would quite happily take a council tax increase if it meant preventing the one o clock clubs closing. CT in Wandsworth is peanuts. I don't mean that in a flippant way but it is very little and gives reasonable value for money. As for the potholes and there are hundreds. I'm pretty sure that li...
Replies: 13
Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:39 pm


@ Dancing Queen - It seems that you were trying to address the tantrum, that's all we parents can do. If you were sat there doing nothing then perhaps that would be an issue - unfortunately there are parents who do that. In no way should you feel that you can't take kids out anywhere.
Replies: 37
Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:11 pm


I was in a Costa a couple of weeks ago and my little one started playing up and got a little loud. As any parent would I'm trying to calm her down and it was taking sometime. While this was going on a suit at the table next to me turned and said "please keep it down I'm trying to conduct an int...
Replies: 37
Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:37 am

Re: Nanny insurance

Always the Nanny's responsibility. It's in their best interests to be insured.
Same with Ofsted - It allows the nanny to do their job so their responsibility.

Although it is always nice if the employer wants to contribute.
Replies: 5
Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:51 am

Re: Argghh! House mice problem!!

I have to say go with the Ultrasonic ones but go for the better ones that transmit the signal along the electrical wires as well for better penetration. They really do work - Just make sure you don't plug them in where the sound is going to be blocked by furniture. We went from loads of mice to none...
Replies: 29
Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:21 am


I'm a bit split on this - If you've gone on holiday then contest it and they should waive the charge. We booked a suspension two weeks before we moved - the signs went up a clear two weeks prior. On the day of the move 3 cars were parked in the area - the warden knocked on the doors of the owners, o...
Replies: 10
Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:09 pm

Re: 50 cents autism comments

Given that he's always boasting about being shot 9 times I sincerely doubt anything sensible will come out of his mouth ever. A shame that some youth see him as a role model & example.
Replies: 9
Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:40 pm

Re: Aggressive cat found under baby's cot- help

Get one of those magnetic cat- flaps - there's a little magnet attached to the cat's collar. hey presto! ... 823&sr=8-3
Replies: 8
Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:37 pm

Re: Any reason not to buy in Cavendish Road, Balham

Definitely Traffic - I lived on Cavendish for a while and it seemed to act almost like a by-pass for traffic in a similar way to Franciscan Road in Tooting.
Replies: 10
Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:57 pm

Re: nanny holidays

Most nanny's I know get to choose 2 weeks and the Family chose 2 weeks. If the family choose more than those two weeks then that's not really your fault. No contract or agreement can legally over-ride your statutory rights with regards employment law - including holiday entitlement. so you would be ...
Replies: 3
Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:49 pm

Re: Bath time terrors

My daughter suddenly started to do this a while ago. I think it was down to me pulling the plug and the gurgling plughole scaring her. She's over it now but is still vary wary - If her toys float towards that plug area she give me a big "oh-oooohhhh" and won't go near them.
Replies: 9
Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:36 pm

Re: sexism comment at work - just returned after maternity leave

TBH returning to work after time off can be very daunting no matter how professional and competent you are at your job. It's quite easy for something well meaning to come across the the wrong way - especially when people are trying very hard not to put it across the wrong way. Would you feel the sam...
Replies: 17
Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:03 pm