Search found 5 matches

Children's Swimming Lessons in SW London - 2mins of your time please?

Hi NVNers Could I get your help please by asking you a three short questions about kids swimming lessons ? I'm helping a friend set up their new swim school website and want to make sure it really appeals. 1) What are you looking for in kids' swimming lessons? 2) What have been your biggest frustrat...
Replies: 6
Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:51 pm

Re: Fancy a New York jazz trio play for you at home?

They should get in touch with The Half Moon to see if they have any spare slots?

Carrie Davies
The Half Moon, Putney
Live Music History: Live Music Future

020 8780 9383
Replies: 7
Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:13 am

Re: Swimming instructor

Cannot recommend Sam at more highly. You make rapid progress in 1-2-1 sessions on technique. Then you can join clubs, group swims and things like SwimTrek to put in the distance hours when you feel ready.
Tell him Darika said to get in touch if you decide to call him!
Replies: 5
Mon May 09, 2016 4:05 pm

Did you HATE getting flowers when your LO was born?

A friend of mine has started a gift box service called Death To Flowers. I don't know about you but we had soooo many flowers when my son was born and it got a bit too much to deal with. There's not a lot of alternatives out there but she has this lovely little new mother/baby box. Hope it's useful ...
Replies: 0
Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:45 pm