Search found 2 matches

Re: Maxi Cosi Cabriofix seat & Easybase, Phil&Ted adaptor

Hi there, just checking if the car seat is still available? I sent a PM this morning but noticed it is still in my outbox so not sure u would have received (quite new to this!)
Replies: 3
Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Elective c-section on NHS?

I am booked in for a c-section next week for my 2nd (first was instrumental delivery hence damage caused to make this one c-section!) I've seen the consultant 3 times and it's been the same person each time. She is also the consultant that did all my follow up appointments post 1st labour surgery. I...
Replies: 12
Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:54 pm