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Re: Parents to be consulted over plans to change sibling rul

Abevillemummy - i think you are absolutely right about clusters of areas with many families where school places are not enough whereas other parts of the borough are undersubscribed!! This is perhaps the issue with Alderbrook - not that it is not a good school, but that when families from BTC are of...
Replies: 172
Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:37 am

Re: Parents to be consulted over plans to change sibling rul

2 different school runs for parents with siblings is of course very tough on the parents! But so is the case of Amandineb, where every day she needs to walk to school extra 20 mins each way (thats 40 mins extra a day). I would not worry about getting Amandineb's second child into Alderbrook, as they...
Replies: 172
Thu Sep 11, 2014 5:38 pm

Re: Parents to be consulted over plans to change sibling rul

Very interesting mummyof1, i didnt realise that.
So BV/HW may opt out? I can't see the interest on their side in opting-out though...
Replies: 172
Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:51 pm

Re: Parents to be consulted over plans to change sibling rul

Definitely a good idea IMO.
Every morning i see children in Belleville uniform walking from Clapham Junction station (approx 1,300 m away from the school according to googlemaps) and i think it is unfair on the familes living closer ...
Replies: 172
Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:42 pm

Re: Au pair agency missed mental health issues with our au p

So sorry to hear about your problem! My friend had a similar issue with her aupair (although not mental health issue, just an underlying health condition). The agency she used offered to get her another aupair for no additional fee but they said they couldn't return the agency fee. They took up the ...
Replies: 11
Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:46 am

Belleville interview??

My friends dd may be offered a place at Belleville (y3 I think), however she has been invited to go for an interview beforehand. Is this possible? I was under the impression that Belleville is a non selective state school and the only criteria for admission is distance from school (after siblings, e...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 6
Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:33 pm

Re: Mum's opinions please.

Perhaps i am very selfish, but i couldn't take having my best friends (or sister's or brother's for that matter) family with 2 kids visit us for 2 weeks.
I would make my own plans with my family and would them let them know when we can be available for their visit (max 1 week, ideally about 5 days).
Replies: 8
Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:14 pm

Re: Private school fee fraud?

You are just envious. Whether they did a fraud or not, it will not change where your son goes to school. So then why waste your time wallowing in envy??!! Instead you should focus on your son and his education. We all know many examples of people who went to state schools and are doing exceptionally...
Replies: 26
Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:01 am

Re: Would this annoy you?

Yes, it would definitely annoy me. It looks like she had no idea you wouldn't like it though. I would tell her very nicely that you appreciate her initiative but would like to know in advance where she is taking your child. Also for me Fulham is further than i would like my nanny to travel with my y...
Replies: 22
Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:27 am