Search found 6 matches

Re: French guy looking for work!

Hi. My husband works for an engineering company and they are looking for a number of positions at present. If he's interested can he send his CV to me at

Best wishes
Replies: 2
Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:57 pm

Re: Executive career coach needed

Just noticed this post and wanted to introduce myself. I'm a local mum and a fully qualified Career Coach with over 10 years experience helping people find fulfilling work that makes them happy. I focus on the whole person in my coaching; not just the career. I pride myself on offering high quality ...
Replies: 13
Tue May 24, 2016 8:57 am

Re: Stuck in a rut and seeking career advice...

Hi Sophie, As a local mum and a Career Coach, I've been following the discussion with interest. Theres been some great advice and even a potential job opportunity! I love how women are such natural networkers and nappy valley is such a great forum for local women. Sophie it seems you'd like to explo...
Replies: 13
Tue May 24, 2016 8:29 am

Re: Stuck in a rut and seeking career advice...

Hi Sophie, As a local mum and a Career Coach, I've been following the discussion with interest. Theres been some great advice and even a potential job opportunity! I love how women are such natural networkers and nappy valley is such a great forum for local women. Sophie it seems you'd like to explo...
Replies: 13
Tue May 24, 2016 8:28 am

Re: Don't know what to do...

One more piece of advice I wanted to add based on my personal experiences is: don't give up on him, and don't give up on the dream of 'normal' family life..... This will pass, once he's got the help he needs. Men often lash out at nearest and dearest when stressed and scared. And that's probably how...
Replies: 6
Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:43 pm

Re: Don't know what to do...

I really feel for you..... My husband was in a similar place to yours when my daughter was a baby: unemployed, depressed and no motivation. When people, especially men are without employment it really effects their self esteem and sense of identity. I'm not sure pills are the answer. What helped my ...
Replies: 6
Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:10 am