Search found 2 matches

Balham town centre - a more pedestrian future?

Morning folks, Over the summer we had the chance to experience what Balham town centre can feel like with more pedestrian space. Personally I really enjoyed it. With the weather now turning, I think it would be great if with the council, we were able to perhaps try to 'lock in' some of the plus side...
Replies: 4
Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:58 am

Re: Secure motorcycle parking near Balham?

Hi there, Generally Wandsworth Council are pretty relaxed about putting motorcycle parking on streets for residents. I know of one situation where a resident requested it, and it went through pretty quickly. Not the same speedy response if you ask about cycle parking or pedestrian crossings unfortun...
Replies: 7
Mon Jul 17, 2017 12:11 pm