Search found 2 matches

Selling - Stokke Steps bouncer and high chair set £300 Stokke Steps multi stage high chair with bouncer and toy bar in Storm Grey. Bouncer suitable from birth, attaches to legs so baby can join you at dinner. Adjustable high chair baby seat and tray - this can be removed to make a seat for a child up to 8. Cost £469 new - 18 ...
Replies: 0
Sat Mar 16, 2019 10:49 am

Buying: Uppababy Vista 2015 piggyback buggy board


Please can someone help me - I am looking for a 2015 compatible buggy board for the uppababy vista.

If anyone has one they would like to sell, please can you call me on 07813915211 or email

Thank you all so much
Replies: 0
Sat Sep 15, 2018 9:28 am