Search found 3 matches

Looking for an Au Pair to start early January 2012

Hi I am looking for a trustworthy, reliable, happy live in au pair to look after my 11 year old boy. The hours are Monday to Friday 7:30- 9:00 am and 3.30 pm-7 pm and during school holidays 9am-6pm or when the child is not able to go to school due to having a cold or school's closed. The job also in...
Forum: Childcare
Replies: 0
Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:16 am

Re: Drop in childcare centre in Clapham

My son goes to a local primary and is 10 year old. The school is having an inset day, but I have no childcare on that day. I am very disappointed with the level of services for ad-hoc childcare this town offers. Every childcare club I've seen in Wandsworth offers either set days only for half-term (...
Forum: Childcare
Replies: 8
Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:15 pm

Re: Mums meet up - 30th September 2010

I've been trying to join many mums groups in the area but they all tend to have meetings during working days. Sadly as I would have loved to become an active member of NappyValley where I also live but I am a full time working mum and can't take days off. Any chance you could take into account worki...
Replies: 34
Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:50 am