Dogs yapping driving me mad.

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Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby basketcase » Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:40 pm

I know I will sound like a huge whinge but I have discovered over the last couple of weeks that my several of my neighbours must have acquired puppies in recent months. That in itself is lovely but what isn't lovely is that they all seem to bark at each other quite loudly all day long.

I've never owned a dog so I have to ask is this a phase that dogs go through? Or can they be trained to stop? If it is the latter what is the politest way to ask their respective owners to step up.

I really don's want to offend but I feel that I will go slightly mad if I have to listen to their noise all summer long.

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Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby ellesmum » Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:21 am

I got a pup last year, and, yep, he barks sometimes. Not all day, thankfully, because, I would go nuts myself! So, the first question is - Are the pups REALLY barking all day, constantly, or are they barking for short periods throughout the day? If it is the former, the owners are probably going crazy themselves! If it is the latter, it is probably just something you will have to chalk up to London living. Much like children, they do make noise, unfortunately. And, at this time, much like children, dogs are a bit confused and bewildered about what is going on. I can hear children squealing and screaming all day at the moment, too, and, to be honest, it is probably far easier to train them to be silent than it is to train a puppy to be quiet! However, I wouldn't ask them to. As long as parents of humans and dogs attempt to quieten them at nighttime, then I accept that daytime in London IS noisy. Even during lockdown, without the constant traffic and construction work that normally drowns out every other sound!
We have had problems with our neighbour recently, after they shoved anonymous shirty notes through the door when I had to leave my pup home alone for a couple of hours for an unavoidable appointment (prior to lockdown, obviously, and the first time in over six months of having him), when I am normally with him all the time. I can say with 100% certainty that that is NOT the way to deal with it! Even after I put my own note through several neighbours' doors apologising, explaining the situation, and offering to speak to anyone who had been bothered by his barking about the steps I have been taking to stop it, they STILL put more abusive notes through the door, which resulted in having to get the police involved in the end. And the police told them to stop, because what they were doing was harassment. So, if you do decide to approach your neighbours, definitely don't do it that way!
As for training, yes and no. Firstly, if you are asking can they get a professional trainer to help, maybe they can, but not at this time, and unless you are offering to pay, I personally wouldn't pay for a professional myself. Secondly, training a dog not to bark can actually involve more barking to begin with, because if they are doing it for attention, then immediately trying to quieten them simply results in it becoming an ingrained attention seeking behaviour. So, sometimes, I have to ignore my pup when he is barking. Not easy, for myself or my neighbours, but the more I pander to it, the more he barks! Your neighbours may be doing this. Thirdly, it can be anxiety based - his anxiety & mine. And, needless to say, I am anxious at the moment! Being left alone can cause him to be anxious, so I was trying to build this up gradually, but, almost a year on, we keep having issues which set us back to the beginning (he has had several health problems, and now we have those sorted, we are now in lockdown). Changes to his routine also make him anxious, and cause him to bark more. Lastly, some of his barking can also be totally random, though - he will bark at his water bowl if he deems his water too dirty to drink, or chat to his chews, or if he sees a certain shadow he will shout at it, or an ant, or if he wants to play he will yap at us, or if he wants to talk back to me when I have told him off (he's in the "teen" phase!). Oh, and if he wants whatever I am eating, he will bark at me in the hope I will hand over my meal! All in all, whilst I do try (and I am sure your neighbours are trying, too, especially if they are home at the moment as well? If not, is it possible they are keyworkers who would normally use doggy daycare which is now shut?), it isn't possible to stop all barking. Nor do I want to make him completely silent, to be honest, because he is our security - I WANT him to bark if we are ever in danger! That is one of the reasons why we got him.
A bit of a long answer, sorry! To summarise, I would say that unless the dogs are barking at night, you may have to be a little more accepting of daytime noise, especially in these exceptional times, as things are out of whack for everyone - human and canine alike. If you do decide to speak to the neighbour, do it in person and be friendly about it. It's really difficult when we are all cooped up at home far more than normal, though, and can hear noises, or witness behaviour, that weren't a problem before, so I do understand it from your point of view, too, but I wouldn't preempt problems for the summer just yet. Hopefully we will all have the option to go out and escape the confines of our own homes by then! I know we will be out and about with our hairy beast as much as possible as soon as we are allowed to! Having only one walk a day is driving us all a little cuckoo!
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Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby Pentneyprincess » Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:26 am

Are they barking where one starts and then they are communicating with one another? Ours does this. If it’s early in the morning or late at night I bring them in and tell them to be quiet. People are in their gardens because they can’t go out of their houses much. I think whilst we are in lockdown you might have to suck it up. Also the nice weather means dogs are outside more. As the other response from Ellesmum says, there are so many other noises in London, it’s a case of suck it up.
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Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby missraphaella » Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:58 am

Your question is not offensive; you are suffering from a neighbour's noisy animal(s), which is not on the same level as a screaming baby. Nuisance barking is not part of living in London, or anywhere. Pet owners who have this attitude are self-entitled and disrespectful. The owners have a duty to ensure that if the noise is coming from puppies, that they are properly trained (at the appropriate age and time) to bark. There is no reason why this can't be arranged and for you to have some reassurance on the issue.  

The good news is that there are plenty of charities who can provide advice on what to do in your situation. From what you describe it sounds like they are indeed puppies, which means their barking hasn't established itself as long-term behaviour. With the correct techniques there is no reason why they can't be trained to stop from barking, other than laziness from their owners. You mention that previously you didn't suffer from nuisance barking so it sounds like the owners may well be the responsible types.

The charities should be able to also advise how to sensitively and approach the situation with your neighbour to ensure a pragmatic response. 

Wishing you the best of luck with this.
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Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby SarahMcDermott » Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:25 am

You can always contact Mark Callis at Wandsworth Council - he is always helpful:

Mark Callis
Animal Welfare Service Manager
Tel: 020 8871 7132

Search under Dogs on the Wandsworth website (I don't seem to be allowed to give emails or websites)
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Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby dudette » Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:39 am

Could you perhaps offer your help with the dogs? Maybe they are driven crazy by not getting more exercise. Could you perhaps offer to walk them when you take your exercise walk? Even if it’s declined at least you are trying to be constructive and may elicit more sympathy. Yapping dogs are incredibly annoying and I LOVE dogs so I feel your pain and I’m not sure just sucking it up is an answer, for the dogs’ sake as well as your own.
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Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby DavidT » Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:04 pm

If you have a dog some barking may be inevitable, agreed. But it is not reasonable to foist your dog's endless barking on your neighbours.

It's not clear from the opening post whether the dogs are barking inside or outside. It feels pretty unreasonable of the owners if they just leave their dogs outside barking. This would be very selfish, generally impact dozens of neighbours and if this is the case you have a justified complaint. The barking of a dog affecting other's outside peace is controllable, you can take the animal inside or for a walk elsewhere.

If inside and you are hearing it through a wall, it's a bit trickier, though living close together in a city environment I think we need to be considerate by not turning up the music too loud or letting the fact that we chose to own a dog have a negative effect on neighbours because the dog is very noisy.

I think I would start by having a calm discussion about how the noise could be reduced, depending on how you are experiencing it. Your neighbour's actions are affecting your life and I would take some action if I were you.
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Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby BASKETCASE » Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:24 pm

Thank you all so much for your helpful replies. I think that it is a case of they are puppies and all being encouraged by each other to bark when they are in their respective gardens at the same time. I don't really blame them.

I agree that I probably should just knock and ask if they could consider helping their dogs to be a little quieter as it is getting rather noisy or to consider to bringing them inside if they are all in song at the same time.

I have lovely neighbours so I really don't want to cause a fuss.

Thank you for the Charities and Council suggestion, I had no idea that that sort of help would be available.

Feeling a lot more positive. Thanks again for all taking the time to reply.
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Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby pensandpencils » Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:23 pm

I am of the mind that you should knock and ask the dog owners to bring the dogs inside when they start to bark until they can be trained to stop.. I don't think that there is any excuse for a pack of dogs barking away, especially if it is all day or at unsociable hours. If they are puppies they should be able to be trained and now is better than later in their lives when it will be much harder.

Sorry to be so direct it just drives me mad when dogs misbehave and owners allow it to carry on.
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Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

Postby Diovin1 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 4:19 pm

I can't sleep because of the neighbor's dogs yapping and I don't know how to solve this problem peacefully. To be honest, I don't want to fight with my neighbors. So if you can give me advice on how I can solve this problem, I will be grateful. Actually, I love dogs very much, I have 2 dogs and I understand that the neighbor's dogs bark because they guard their territory, but I would like them not to do this at night. And if we talk about dogs, then after a walk they have an unpleasant smell and I recently found a solution to this problem. And so, I found air purifiers that help get rid of unpleasant odors and pet hair. If you're interested, you can visit to find out more information about it.
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