Postby Clphm » Sun May 16, 2021 5:49 pm
Agree with a lot of the previous posts.
It is a school with so much going right - lots going on, real community, well organised, children love the fun side, amazing teachers, good site.
Sadly the academic side just isn't keeping up. It has a very creative, free curriculum which to be honest just doesn't cut it for 11+ and 13+. It isn't that hard to get into the boarding schools like Wellington anymore so Thomas's real academic level is hidden in its results with such a mix of destinations. But given the intake (selective right from 4+) and professional parent body, they really do not equip the children fully with the strong academic grounding and stretch many of them are capable of. I know many fellow ex-Thomas's children whose parents were shocked for them to go from top set Thomas's to near-bottom sets in their big name public schools afterwards. The rigour just is not there, previously in the Lower School but now all the way through. The support for 11+ and 13+ is nothing like other preps - all very relaxed, which has positives, but not necessarily aspiring and giving the pupils the step up you'd expect from such a well-regarded London day school.
I think it may quickly pick up on this and adapt though with the new head and with the Senior School as they will now have GCSE/A-Levels to (partly) worry about. I imagine many of their less able pupils will be the ones who go into the senior school at first, so they need to do better groundwork to get the academics more solid. They certainly have the quality of staff to do this, it is their curriculum, policies and general ethos on academics which needs to shift.