Postby glasshalffull » Mon Dec 02, 2024 2:09 pm
Maybe because of my strained relationship over the years with my MIL, this rings all sorts of alarm bells: The writer says: my grandmother asked if my girlfriend would be "okay" with the usual traditions. She framed it in a way that felt a bit loaded, saying something about how my girlfriend is known to be "strong-willed" (her words, not mine) and wondered if she might "cause a scene."
This reads to me like stirring things up quite frankly - either by the Grandmother or the mother (MIL to be) because of the language used, ie is Granny wanting to see who is still the most important by manipulating the situ to see which route is chosen, or is the MIL-to-be reporting it in a way that suggests the girlfriend is already at fault - bearing in mind at this point she hasn't actually been asked/confirmed if she will go, let alone abide by the Christmas 'tradition'.
Are they inferring she has 'caused a scene' about something else? It sounds like they think the girlfriend is bratty and prone to throwing tantrums, have there been other family situ's where things haven't been controlled in the way Grandma/MIL would like? If my mother said this to me about my son's girlfriend, I would definitely pull her up and say something along the lines of don't worry about it mum, they do things differently now and I am sure <girlfriend> will be happier going to the pub rather than hanging out with us old things - or something suitably gentle, rather than reporting or embellishing the tone back to the son and making it his, or worse, his girlfriend's responsibility.
The girlfriend is now in the awful situ of either having to bow out by not attending at all or forcing herself into a trip to the pub - and then the MIL and Granny resenting her. Or having to subject herself to a possibly very dull afternoon of waiting hand and foot on the men whilst they go off and do all the fun stuff. She cannot make a good decision in this situation as someone will be subjugated.
Having a husband who never dealt with his mother when, quite frankly, she was completely out of control and a monster to me for many years because 'it wasn't worth creating a scene' meant it caused a lot of resentment from me to my husband (if it had been my mother behaving like it I would have pulled her up on it straight away and not let it repeat) and huge amounts of stress for me around visiting or spending time with his parents for me as I never knew when she would strike. I have always resented him and her for it and envied friends who have great relationships with their MILs. I will never be able to have a full relationship with my MIL even though I am now stronger/older to push back and she has mellowed a bit (possibly because she knows that I just won't take her crap any more). The irony was she hated her MIL so you would have thought she might have been sympathetic. If I were the girlfriend I would be very wary of the whole situ on all sides and the boyfriend needs to stand up on her behalf definitely.
Unless of course I have this completely wrong, and, in fact, the female grandees get the boring men out of the way and kick back with shots and kitchen dancing the moment the men are out of the can but hope.