Miscarriage Clinic?

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Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby moops » Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:21 am


Unfortunately I have just had my 3rd miscarriage in a row and have been referred to the miscarriage clinic at St Georges Hospital in Tooting. Has anyone else been referred there? I have heard that St Mary's in Paddington has a really good reputation as well?
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby mumble » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:06 am

Hi moops
sorry to hear that.

There is one at George's it's fine the one at Mary's is also good, it promotes itself more than the George's one!

I have a friend who was seen in George's relatively quickly and had a baby after.

George's obstetric services are very consultant led which can be a benefit for this kind of thing.

The only advice I can offer is make a list of questions before you go so that you get the most out of your first visit.

good luck
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby moops » Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:42 pm

Thanks Mumble!
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby MrsAmanda » Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:31 pm

Really sorry to hear that, Moops.
Not quite the same, but I was referred to St G's infertility clinic and we found them to be pretty good. The consultant who told me I'd never conceive naturally was lacking in a bit of bedside manner, but apart from that, they were great, and we didn't have much in the way of waiting time between appts either.
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby moops » Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:59 pm

Thanks for that Mrs A, the problem is that we are moving to Switzerland at the end of June so it doesn't really give me much time to get anything done. I had some tests done after my second miscarriage and it all came back ok, so it could just be a case of really bad luck :(
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby MrsAmanda » Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:27 pm

Didn't realise you were going so soon.
My MiL lives in Geneva and can't praise the medical care highly enough, so even if you don't get any answers/results here, perhaps they can investigate more once you've moved.
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby Devi » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:00 pm

so sorry to hear this Moops--We will miss you on this forum unless you give us some updates about life in Switzerland.
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby moops » Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:57 pm

Thanks Devi

I will probably still drop by and see what you are all up to, if I'm allowed to that is! ;)
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby Caroline1972 » Tue May 04, 2010 1:00 pm

Sorry to hear your run of miscarriages. I miscarried with my first pregnancy at 12 weeks and was seen at St Georges for a D&C. They were very supportive and the main consultant I was seen by was very good, however they failed to take appropriate tissue samples so couldn't really tell us why it happened. The only bad experience was that the clinic area I was seen in was for all sorts of pregnancy issues so I ended up sitting in the waiting room for a very long time surrounded by pregnant women before going to their day release minor surgery unit for the D&C. That wasn't a very nice experience. But I went on to have a successful pregnancy soon after.

Hope you are well looked after and have a successful pregnancy next time.
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby moops » Tue May 04, 2010 1:26 pm

Hi Caroline

I had my Son at St Georges and have had my 3 miscarriages 'dealt' with there and I agree the system leaves a lot to be desired. It is really insensitive to be in the same area as all the pregnant women plus seeing everyones face when they come out of the scanning rooms can be traumatic as well.

Because this is my third I asked if they could do tissue testing and they refused! It was never offered to me with my first two miscarriages so I never brought it up. I read a book by Professor Regan from St Mary's Hospital who is a specialist in recurrent miscarriages and she highly recommended getting testing done and to just be told no was really frustrating. Similarly I was never offered any cremation service like other Hospitals offer, I probably wouldn't have done it but it would be nice to be given the option. Friends have also been offered counselling, the most sensitivity I received was being asked if I wanted to leave via the back door :shock:
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Re: Miscarriage Clinic?

Postby AnaLy » Tue May 04, 2010 2:06 pm

Hi Moops,
Am really sorry to hear about your miscarriages and the crap service at St Georges. I don't know how what each individual hospital trust offers in terms of testing, but they should be pretty similar and it is worth being slightly pushy to get them to explain why they would not do tissue typing for instance and would you be able to have it elsewhere if your GP referred you? Probably a bit late as you have already been and you are off to Switzerland soon, but here is a link to the Royal college of Obs and Gynae guideline (patient info) about what should be done/offered for recurrent miscarriages.
http://www.rcog.org.uk/womens-health/cl ... -means-you

There are a couple of charity helplines at the bottom that may be able to help. Maybe they could point you in the right direction.

Hear Switzerland is fab for pretty much everything, so good luck and enjoy the chocolate and cheese

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