Anyone own a thermomix

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Anyone own a thermomix

Postby SunnyDay » Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:07 pm


I am considering purchasing the Thermomix as I would like to cook better food for my family. Just wondering if anyone owns a Thermomix and find out whether they thought it was worth the money? Also interested to hear about any issues they experienced and if the company resolved them well.

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Re: Anyone own a thermomix

Postby SwNapster » Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:59 pm

We got one as a gift and love it. It makes soups, full meals, sauces, bread (which needs to be baked of course in the oven), ice cream, etc. We are still experimenting but so far quite impressed. Definitely recommend.

As far as value for money, it's a tough call. What is the price tag on time saved in prep and cooking... ?

Ours is relatively new so hasn't broken down yet (no idea of long term reliability).

Hope it helps.
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Re: Anyone own a thermomix

Postby ThermieLover » Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:11 pm

Hi Sunny Day,

I am a Thermomix advisor in SW11 (just off Northcote Road). If you would like to see it in action, which really is the best way to determine if it's the right thing for you or not, then please do let me know and I can either bring the Thermomix to you for a cooking workshop or you can come to mine.

I know I'm totally bias being an advisor and all, but I was a thermomix owner before becoming an advisor and I absolutely swear by it (which is why I became an advisor). The biggest impact for me has been the ability to multi task so much more because while my food is cooking, I can get on with other things like help my kids with homework, tidy up, make calls, send emails, play with my kids etc. I don't need to be standing over whatever it is I'm cooking all the time. I honestly can't put a value on the extra time it's given me. Not to mention it's opened up my repotoire of recipes. I finally got out of the rut of cooking the same dishes all the time because it's quick and easy.

We are also launching a new product which is compatible with all TM5 Thermomixes regardless of when they are purchased that will take it to a whole other level!! I can tell you all about that if you want to know and contact me.

I have loads of clients in the area and they all love their TM and don't regret their investment in this incredible mini kitchen!

As for issues and in full disclosure, I would say the most common (but not frequent) problem is the inbuilt weighing scales not working (also my most FAVOURITE feature). I have 150 clients in the area and I know of only 2 that have had an issue. We have a wonderful service centre (located in Ascot) and if you have any problems within the first two years of owning your TM, our service centre will arrange to have it collected, repaired and returned - all at no cost. That turn around time is usually very quick and they also offer a loan machine if it's likely to take longer to repair - again at no cost. I don't know of any other kitchen appliance/brand that offers that kind of after service.

I fully appreciate it's a big investment (it took me 3 months and a PowerPoint presentation to convince my husband to buy it, ha ha) but within a week of owning it, we both agreed it's one of the best purchases we've ever made.

We do offer a great finance option as well which is something to consider if you decide it's right for you and purchase.

I offer personal specials/TM gifts for my clients so if you do decide to purchase from me, I will look after you.

If you'd like to chat or have any questions, just give me a buzz on 07540995441 or email me at as I'd be more than happy to help. You can also follow me on Facebook or Instagram @jennlovesthermie

Big Thermie Cheer,
Jenn :)
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Re: Anyone own a thermomix

Postby kjn » Mon Jul 10, 2017 7:38 am

My mum wouldn't stop harping on about hers and how I should get one. In the end she bought me a second hand one off eBay and it's still going strong. I do fancy the new one but it is very expensive.
It's amazing for risotto, white sauce, pasta sauce (slices, cooks the onions, then you leave cooking and stirring) and dough - I no longer need to knead!
I love mine, not as much as my mum who is evangelical and I'm surprised she hasn't become a rep as she can't get through a dinner without trying to show how you can make mayonnaise, but still pretty impressed!
If you have the cash and it's not totally out of your comfort zone price wise, you'll LOVE it. Hope that helps.
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Re: Anyone own a thermomix

Postby jjjc » Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:58 am

I've had mine nearly two years now and I love it. I don't use it as much as I should do - a few times a week as opposed to several times a day - but that is because I eat a lot of salads when the kids get into bed! But it is really brilliant. It delivers what it promises - really well made and robust and will last for years and years. Pulverises sugar into icing sugar in seconds. Mixes cake batter in seconds. Grinds nuts to powder in, you guessed, seconds. Makes fabulous soup. Makes the best curry ever. Whips beautiful meringue. You don't have to stand and stir anything. It's great!
I had an issue with the scales on mine a couple of months after I bought it - they came and picked it up, sorted it out and returned it a couple of days later.
It was a stretch when I bought it but I'm really glad I did and really recommend it!
Plus I have a friend who is an advisor in Richmond who I'm happy to put you in touch with. She is absolutely evangelical about hers - which is why she then became an advisor.
Let us know your decision!
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