…to the fourth annual NappyValleyNet Design & Build Guide!
Our intention, as with all of our previous editions, has been to create an inspiring yet local guide, to enable you and your family to get the most from your Nappy Valley home.
On the following pages you will find homes to inspire you, interviews with architects and designers to empower you and suggestions from finance professionals and contractors to make those dreams a reality.
None of this would have been possible without the help and support of a whole host of local businesses and individuals whom have contributed, so thank you. Your input has been invaluable.
Finally, thank you to Marsh & Parsons, Rampton Baseley, Portico and John Thorogood, who regular followers will recognise as our preferred property partners. Their insight and local knowledge has shaped a great number of the following pages.
As ever, do please let us know how we can improve in 2020 and in the meantime, enjoy!
Warmest Wishes
Founder, The London Magazine Company Ltd.